Saturday, January 3, 2015

Week(s) in Review (December 16 - December 29)

So. In case you hadn't noticed, I am SUPER behind in blogging. I almost thought about just skipping all this, or just not blogging at all, but then I remembered that I blog for ME, and I like going back and reading stuff. I'll try to remember what happened in these lost weeks.

Tuesday (December 16) - No workout during lunch because I had a job interview! After work, a 3.2 mile run on the treadmill.
Wednesday (December 17) - Nothing during lunch (again) but A joined me for the last run club of the year. It was snowy, but not as cold as it looks. Heather got me a Roost beanie for the second year in a row! She is The Best.

Thursday (December 18) - Upper Body Tabata video during lunch. 2.5 speedy miles on the treadmill after work. A gave me my Christmas present that she made at school. So adorable!!

Friday (December 19) - The weather has been unseasonably warm, so I went for a run during lunch. I was confused as to how far away the parks were, so I only made it as far as East High School (with their AWESOME track) before I had to turn around and head back. A fairly fast 3.2 mile run.

After work I had to drive home, pick up A and head immediately to the airport so she could make her flight. My dad met me at my house to save me a few minutes and alerted me that my water pump was leaking pretty bad and I would need to get it replaced before my drive to Texas. NEAT.

Saturday (December 20) - I had managed to secure an "almost" guarantee that I would be able to get my car worked on at the dealership, as long as I made it there by 8 am. I had grand plans for a nice long run in Waterton Canyon, but it was too cold and windy, and I am a wimp.
Sunday (December 21) - 6.5 mile treadmill run at the gym. After my run, I met up with Lisa for brunch at a cool place near her house. Delicious food, mimosas, and great conversation.

After THAT, I came home, got on my super fancy clothes to head to my last party of the year. This time, not actually a holiday party, just a party with friends where it was requested we look our very best. I tried.

What IS this face? lol.

Monday (December 22) - I GOT THE BEST NEWS RIGHT BEFORE LUNCH!!! The place I interviewed contacted me. I GO THE JOB I GOT THE JOB I GOT THE JOOOOOOOB!!! I managed to eek out a Butt and Thigh video during lunch, and a quick mile on the treadmill after dinner after a celebratory dinner with L.
Tuesday (December 23) - All my stress has MELTED AWAY!! Work flew by pretty quick, as I found out that with my upcoming "vacation" to pick up A over New Years, my last day of work would be Christmas Eve! That escalated quickly :) I went to Happy Hour with Lisa, and then went to the gym where I ran a pretty great 4.2 miles.
Wednesday (December 24) - My last day of work! I ended up going to lunch with the Office Manager (turns out, she is somewhat bearable outside the office). I had plans to go to the gym but they closed early, so I ran a quick loop around the neighborhood before heading to Jessa's house for Christmas Eve dinner.
Thursday (December 25) - I went to Washington Park in Denver to run with Runners Roost run club host, Phil, who was fundraising for a friend. The park is a 2.5 mile loop. I was only planning on running one loop with my late start, but got suckered into running two. I am so glad I came out. Weather was perfect and I got to see a lot of friends out there.

Phil, me, Sean
I rushed home, took a shower, PACKED, dropped Batman Sour off at my parent's house and then headed to the airport. 

All I brought with me for four days in California!
Heather and her daughter picked me up at the airport, fed me, and then it was LATE to bed.
Friday (December 26) - Heather and I went for a hike/run in Bommer Canyon up to Turtle Ridge. Did you know it was the most clear day EVER and you could see forever? It was such a nice day and I really enjoyed being on the trails.
I have zero recollection of what we did the rest of the day, but I am assuming it involved TV. Was that the Doomsday Preppers marathon? It all runs together on vacation.
Saturday (December 27) - Quick run in the morning and then an early lunch at Lazy Dog with Julie (one of our awesome Ragnar team members). It is so great to catch up with people I haven't seen in forever.

Around 3:30, Heather and I drove down to San Diego. We had dinner with my L, H and my parents at their timeshare at Lawrence Welk before heading to our hotel.
Sunday (December 28) - Holiday Half Marathon! (Blog post coming, eventually).

We had lunch before heading back to Irvine. L joined us, because she was flying home out of OC with me. Afternoon was spent eating pumpkin bread and watching more high quality TV. Dinner at Chili's (with some ridiculously terrible service and not great food, but with great company). Heather dropped us off at our hotel near the airport. DID THIS TRIP EVEN HAPPEN???
Monday (December 29) - Immediately upon getting to the airport, for our 7 am flights (?!), we discovered L's flight was delayed due to poor weather in Denver. AWESOME. By the time we got back, it was already lunch time, so we stopped at Beau Jo's for a pizza buffet. Diet starts on Monday, right?

The weather was already super sketchy and the last thing I wanted to do was get stuck in bad weather on the back country roads in Eastern Colorado or North Texas. We picked up Batman Sour, went home and I WHIRLWIND packed. Like less than an hour later, I was out the door heading to Texas. I was hoping to get as many miles done as possible.

The roads were terrible. Just getting out of the city took way longer than it should have. I gripped the steering wheel, drove under the speed limit and got passed by semi trucks going 70 miles an hour on two lane roads. HOURS later, I had only driven 200 miles and stopped in Lamar, Colorado for the night. I was restless after being trapped traveling all day, and did a quick run on the treadmill at the gym.

Miles Run (W/E December 22) - 22.46
Minutes of Cross Training - NADA
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - 57
Miles Run (W/E December 29) - 31.63
Minutes of Cross Training - NADA
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - NADA

Weekly Gain/Loss - Weighed in 12/23, with a gain of 1.4 (122.2), no weigh in the week after, totally spaced it with all the travel nonsense. Ate all the things over these two weeks, who knows how it will all play out after all is said and done.

Everything Else
  • As you can see, the best part of these two weeks was ME GETTING A NEW JOB. Seriously, a huge weight has been lifted, and I am SUPER excited to start! The only tiny storm cloud is that the job is literally right across the street from my old job (and on the SAME FLOOR??) - but I should be able to avoid people just fine.
  • Had a great time hanging out in California with Heather, like always. I never want to leave, I just love it there so much (sorry, B, for taking over your TV for three days).
  • I honestly did not even have TIME to miss A after dropping her off to go to Texas for the holidays. These two weeks were pretty crammed with stuff.
  • Nothing else, but isn't ALL OF THAT enough?


  1. Hurray for the new job! Congratulations! I know you've been wanting this forever!

  2. Fantastic news!!! Congratulations!!!

  3. Congratulations on your new job! Best of luck in 2015!

  4. Congrats on the new job. I know what a relief that is when you are in a job that you don't like. I've been "rescued" several times in my life -- always a load off of one's stress levels. Looking forward to reading your race recaps. Denver to Lamar -- wow, slow going... Happy New Year.

  5. What a way to end the year!! Congrats on the new J-O-B! Loooove the red beanie...I desperately need a good running hat with our temps here in LA dipping into the low 40's (lol).

  6. Very excited about your new job, I hope it turns out to be everything you hoped for and more!

  7. i was sooooo happy for you when i saw the job post! can't wait to hear what you will be doing. what a perfect way to start the new year. when i finally started this job, it changed my attitude so much- i had no idea how much it affected me until i was actually happy. SO FUN that you got to see heather over the holiday and race. fabulous ending to the year.

  8. Congrats on the new job! As always I love your pictures. I am seriously digging that sock monkey ornament.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...