Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week in Review (January 13 - January 19)

Tuesday - HILLS. I think I was a stronger runner when I ran the hill programs on the treadmill. I wasn't very fast, but I knocked out a 5K on a program that maxed out at something ridiculous like 7.5%.

Wednesday - I go to 24 Hour Fitness. They recently absorbed the Bally's Fitness Centers in my area. I decided to check out the one sort of near me that has an indoor track. Apparently, our current membership will not allow us to use that location without paying substantially more a month. However, I know the manager there and he let me try it out for the night. Did you know that you have to do 13 LAPS FOR A MILE?

Thursday - Just about an hour on the treadmill. I don't remember much about it so it must have been fine. Me and A are back to "cooking" and finding new recipes. We found a super simple recipe for mini meatloaves. Unfortunately, by the time we got everything made we ended up not eating dinner until almost 9:00. They were DELICIOUS (and we had leftovers for two more meals).

Friday - SUPER busy day at work. Finished packing for the big office move. I spent a bulk of the afternoon helping to pack up the supply/copy room. #pizzafriday and a quick run around the neighborhood. It was WARM out.
Saturday - Frosty's Frozen Five mile race with A! Afternoon was spent watching TV.
Sunday - In the morning, L and I ran the "Arctic" Prairie Dog Half Marathon.

In the afternoon, I made more bark. (Photo in the food montage). This time, it was milk and white chocolate swirled with Heath toffee bits and topped with caramel filled morsels. And surprise - #pizzasaturday !!!
Monday - I was supposed to have the day off for "Civil Rights Day" (did you know this is what MLK day is called now?) Unfortunately, because of the office move, I had to work and unpack. Good news is that since it was a holiday for everyone else, I got a lot done. 5K on the treadmill after work.

Miles Run - 34.6
Minutes of Cross Training - ZERO
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - ZILCH

Weekly Gain/Loss - 0 pounds (121.8) 

  • So not having a gain was a big surprise. I really didn't eat that great this week. As you can see in the above picture... there was carrot cake, Yogurtland, bark, German chocolate cake. Plus, the new job has snacks - hence the chips...
  • I do, however, think the lack of stress has contributed to less stress gain (and less drinking, so...)
Everything Else
  • What else is there to say about the new job? It is a substantially busier (in a good way) desk than my last job - with a TON more variety. We moved this week and I'm pretty happy to be located right near the break room. Maybe people won't notice how many times I get up for water and snacks.
  • Um.

1 comment:

  1. are those the meatloaves from cooking light??? they are my FAVORITE (and rich's too). i was a member at ballys for a VERY short period of time pre-blog and they had an indoor track. I remember wanting to lose my mind on those tiny laps.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...