Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Week in Review (October 21 - October 27)

Trying to catch up on blogging... I'm sure I'll forget something.

Tuesday - Still working on the Fitness Blender Challenge. This was Day 2 - which didn't feel overly hard... weird. Also ran a few miles at the gym at a fairly speedy pace.
Wednesday - My parents are out of town and the kids had a half day so I took the whole day off so I could pick them up after school. I did the Day 3 video before I took the kids to school. After dropping them off I went for a run on Table Mesa, where I ALMOST GOT BIT BY A RATTLESNAKE. Even writing this 2 weeks later, the terror is still there!!
Showered, picked up the kids and had a quick lunch before heading to Anderson Farms in Erie. I had never done a corn maze before. It was a lot of fun and Ariel is a great navigator.

Dropped Hannah off with my sister and then Ariel and I went to run club. Ariel squeezed in a 2 mile "training run" for her upcoming 10K. What a busy day!

Thursday - Did the Day 4 video during lunch, with an easy 5 mile run at the gym after work.
Friday - The final installment, Day 5. So. Much. Jumping. 1.5 miles on the treadmill - just enough for an extra slice of pizza!
Saturday - 6 easy miles on the treadmill. Dropped Ariel off for a Girl Scout field trip. When she was done, it was time to go to a Halloween party! The hosts had tons of food, games and prizes. Only got one picture, but A was dressed as a pirate and I #ateallthethings

Sunday - Kooky Spooky 10K!

Sad, sad, SAD attempt at baking some zombie cookies. For whatever reason the batter was so sticky. We were unable to get any good ones.

Spent most of the afternoon on the couch in preparation for the Beer Mile. It sounded like a good idea at the time - well, until I actually had to do it. It is NOT as easy as it sounds...

Ariel is cleverly dressed as Batman Sour

We went out for a quick dinner with some friends before heading home. A made a new best friend:

Monday - Nothing. Did this day even happen?

Weekly Miles Run - 31.29
Minutes of Cross Training - 113
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - 0

Weekly Gain - 2.4 (120.8)
  • And with this gain (over 5 pounds in the course of about 10 days), I'm done. I don't even know how this is possible. HOW can a person even gain that much?
  • I didn't go totally berserk, and YET... (but then I looked at my collage and maybe I did go a little crazy)
Everything Else
  • Monday night rolled around and I realized... at some point I should PACK for NYC. It has been so long since I have traveled. This turned out to be a ridiculous 5 or so hour adventure. When will I learn???


  1. I love how much running and fitness is a part of your life. And A's too.

    I haven't done any beer runs but my dental hygienist is always (always as in 2x a year when I see her) trying to get me to join her Hash Hound Harriers group. No thanks....unless they switch their drink of choice to Cosmos or vodka martinis.

  2. If I:

    a) wasn't living in Utah where beer is pretty much taboo
    b) wasn't allergic to barley / malt

    I'd love to give a beer mile a shot. I'd probably get as sick as a dog from it though. Your pictures of the event are priceless though.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  3. beer miles are HARD. I definitely puked after mine. funny, i wore my superhero costume, too!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...