Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week in Review (November 11 - November 17)

Tuesday - Suffered through 3.5 very slow and awful miles during lunch. I went to the gym after work to see if it was any better. NOPE. SURE WASN'T. Did the stretching video I like to see if that would make me feel any better or loosen up anything.
Wednesday - So the Polar Vortex brought a crapton of cold weather, snow and ice. The snow, thankfully, didn't really stick too much for it to be a blizzard or anything though. My morning commute that already seems to take forever at 45 minutes took me more than double that. I honestly could have run there faster (on a good day). My firm does not allow for "snow time," so I had to use PTO to make up for how late I was and had to skip trying a run during lunch.

My evening commute wasn't much better, about 80 minutes. I barely made it to BodyPump, but thankfully L had set my my bar for me.
Thursday - Tried a run during lunch. Super slow, still hard. Not actually painful, just... BAD. Made it about 2.5 miles before I called it quits. Another attempt at a run at the gym after work. A tad faster and less awful than any run I've had on the treadmill in weeks, but I stopped after just over a mile when it started to feel NOT GREAT.
Friday - A IS NINE YEARS OLD!!!!
I made this collage of random moments over the last nine years
I left work early so I could pick her up from school. We went to a movie ("The Book of Life") and then had pizza Friday and chocolate cake. Stayed up late watching Muppets Most Wanted.

Saturday - A had a field trip with the Girl Scouts and L and I ran the Pumpkin Pie 5K and 10K. A's request every year for her birthday dinner is Country Buffet. Even though I wasn't starving, I gutted out a pretty decent buffet sampling.
Sunday - We all went to breakfast at IHOP for yet another "A's choice" for her birthday weekend. I had some fantastic pumpkin cheesecake pancakes. We then risked a trip to the mall (right when it opened). I finally picked up snow boots (the sidewalks and roads are NOT maintained to the level they were at my old building) and scored a kids' pair for only $54! It pays to have tiny feet. The afternoon was a blur. A's birthday party at Skate City started at 4:00, so I took H and A at 3:45 to set up.

Two hours of roller skating, cake and presents, and then dinner with the family. It was apparently too much for A, she was in bed just after 8:30. I then realized that... the Big One is coming up this weekend! I spent the next three hours drinking beer, writing a packing list, packing gear, and connecting with a potential pacer.

Monday - Didn't even want to attempt a run during lunch so I did the butt and thigh video. Figured it would be a bad idea to do any leg work later in the week so it was good to get it out of the way. Was going to attempt an easy run after work. Not easy. Stopped after just over a mile. Womp.

Weekly Miles Run - 19.04 miles
Minutes of Cross Training - 0
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - 103 minutes

Weekly Gain - I am not surprised, but I don't want to talk about it.
  • It wasn't REALLY a lost weekend, but the scale disagrees!
This was just what I sampled at the buffet. Weight gain = Surprise
Everything Else
  • I created a new album on Facebook. I am going to take and post one random picture of my cat every day. Because, that's all I have. This one is cute, but taken before the "365 Days of Batman Sour"
  • Job hunting and resume updating has commenced. Lots of things happening at work that I don't agree with but don't want to get too into detail about. No longer just looking for a dream job, just something that doesn't make me feel nauseous.


  1. Happy birthday, A!
    And good luck on your job hunt. We all need a job that doesn't leave us nauseated.

  2. Happy bday A! i can’t believe she’s 9. I feel like i’ve watched her “grow up” on the blog since i first found you and that was 4 years ago i think? good luck on the job hunt...


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...