Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week in Review (May 13 - May 19)

Tuesday - Six pack burn out video and upper body tabata video. The upper body video takes a LONG time, but I think it is my favorite out of all the ones I have tried.
Wednesday - I had moved my speed work this week so that I would NOT be running right after eating, but due to a dinner reschedule, I had tempo run on a full stomach. Goal - 1 easy, 5 at tempo (10:05), 1 easy. I was pressed for time since I had to get home to watch Hannah, and my stomach hurt a bit. This, shockingly, did not go well. Actual - 11:28, 10:25, 10:33, 10:17 and .75 @ 9:57 for only 4.75 miles total. I hate hate hate hate hate tempo runs SO MUCH.
Thursday - I took the day off from work since it was FIELD DAY!! I took a billion pictures (because it lasted 3.5 hours).

After the kids were done, L and I had a kids-free "early birthday" lunch at Chili's and shared some mini cheesecakes. After dinner, did one of my favorite leg videos - drop it like a squat. Got the kids to join in for the first half or so, that was fun.

Friday - NADA. The other B was in town, so I met her after work at a brewery in Cap Hill for a few beers. No picture, because I suck.
Saturday - Redline Erie half marathon. (According to my plan, I should have been running 8 miles @ 10:37 and official results have my 13.1 @ 10:47, so I guess not too terrible). Met up with Jessa and her son for lunch at Old Chicago, then we took the kids to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman, which was cute.
Sunday - Took an extra rest day... because it was my BIRTHDAY. I had sort of thought about running Colfax marathon, but INSTEAD, I met up with some friends from work and L at Waffle Brothers (the most delicious waffle place EVER) which was ON the marathon course at mile 24. I've never really watched a marathon, but wow, people don't look happy that late in the game. It was a hot day and I think I wouldn't have had a great time. So, instead, eating. The rest of the day was spent shopping (I got a cute dress at LOFT for $9.88) and more eating. Low-key and boring birthday.

My dad actually ordered me an ice cream cake. So cute.
Monday - After dinner A and I went for our first evening bike ride of the year and then 10 minute abs and an upper body workout. I have done the upper body one before and I just don't like it as much as the one that is only 10 minutes longer. I'll have to remember that for next time.

Weekly Miles Run - 17.85 (4.75 treadmill, 13.1 race)
Weekly Cross - I did lots of walking I didn't log, 2 mile bike ride with A
Minutes of Strength - 166

Weekly Loss - Negligible.
  • So my game plan for my birthday was to have all my favorite foods, just in moderation. I had a very slight loss from last week and got to eat everything I wanted, so I guess that is a win.
  • For REAL, I am going to  make a better effort to #noteatallthethings. I just love food so much :(
Everything Else 
  • Mostly nothing. 
  • My BIA finally came. Bet you never thought you would see the day. Me neither. Review will come in a few weeks, after I have had a chance to use it.

  • I ordered a new hydration system for training this summer. My vest is "OK" - it is comfortable and all, but cleaning it is a giant pain in the ass. So, I picked up the double hydra quiver pack from Orange Mud - review on this will also come in a few weeks. I have a link at the top of my blog if you want to check them out!
  • I did, however, set up my online dating stuff again. It's now been a year, so maybe I'm ready? The creepers are still out of course, and I'm appalled at the things men say in a first contact message. No dates lined up yet, but I'm talking to a couple of people.
  • Work is the same, we are FINALLY having a "work flow" meeting today to go over what everyone is supposed to be doing since the communication here is so poor. Can't wait. 


  1. Innnnnnteresting, because I don't care for that tabata video, but I really like the other one.

    A is the cutest. I love field day.

  2. 1. Happy Belated Birthday!!
    2. I love deals at Loft- just discovered them this year (crazy right?!?!)
    3. Interested to hear what you think of that hydration vest if the bottles bounce around!

  3. A is the cutest. Your bday cake and food pics make me want to eat all the things. Hoping the sites work for you- they just weren't for me but not sure I was open minded enough for them. OMG, can't wait to see what you think about that POS, i mean that BIA.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...