Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week in Review (May 20 - May 26)

Tuesday - Repeats. Goal - 1 easy, 2 x 1600 @ 9:15, 2 x 800 @ 9:05, 1 easy. Actual - 10:47, 9:17, 9:22, 4:34 (9:08), 4:29 (8:58), 1.15 @ 12:25.
Wednesday - 2ish mile bike ride with A. Abs and stretching/yoga.
Thursday - Got up early to do my tempo run since every attempt at night has been a failure because of time and eating. Goal - 1 mile easy, 5 miles at 10:05, 1 mile easy. So.... not a tempo, but faster than usual and this time I at least got all miles covered. Actual - 11:18, 10:34, 10:34, 10:33, 10:31, 10:16, 1.15 @ 10:51. I'd call that a success. Unrelated to running, we had a tornado warning and the most rain EVER, which made for the worst COMMUTE ever:
Friday - Nada. My boss actually let us leave work early, so I had time to grab a beer with Colleen before going home for the night AND minutes before the down pour started:
Saturday - Long run... So, the goal was 13 miles at 10:47 pace. I was happy with my tank and skirt, but I tried the Orange Mud pack and it was not very comfortable and I spent the entire run messing with us. Also, I had a bit of a hangover and my stomach was pretty unhappy most of the run. But, it was a pretty day and I managed to get 10 miles at a snails pace done (about 12:30 pace, womp).
Sunday - Nothing. Took the kids swimming.
Monday - Had intervals on schedule, and the gym daycare was closed, so I got up early to go running. Goal - 1 mile easy, 4 x 1200 @ 9:10, 1 mile easy. Actual - 10:40, 7:06 (9:27), 6:58 (9:17), 6:54 (9:12), 6:45 (9:00), 1.1 in 11:35 (10:32). So, I would call that a success... The weather was supposed to hold up for the early part of the afternoon, so we took the kids on a 3.5ish mile hike at Lair O' the Bear. PERFECT weather, but super crowded because of the holiday and sunshine.

Weekly Miles Run - 27.40 (10 outside, 17.4 treadmill)
Weekly Cross - Hiking and Biking (1.5+ hours)
Minutes of Strength - 44 (ouch)

Weekly Gain - Sigh.
  • Mostly ok.
  • Had a fun "potassium" challenge because according to My Fitness Pal, I usually only hit about 50% of my daily recommended potassium levels. Beer, pizza, and cookie butter. Maybe next week.

  • Also, I discovered a now yogurt, and it is the best EVER. If you haven't tried it yet, you should.

Everything Else

  • Online dating is just as horrid as I remembered. For every guy that claims that women are needy, I swear, these men are ridiculous. Accusations and rude comments for not answering messages fast enough. Insults for certain likes/dislikes in my profile. For real, I don't think I am cut out for this.
  • Work is the same, insanely busy. I've been assigned MORE work, which has finally pushed my workload to the point that I cannot comfortably complete it in a day. I tried to approach my boss about it and they all seem to think the work is an anomaly and that it's no big deal. Uh, ok.
  • The ex still has not committed to the dates that A will be in Texas this summer. Last time we spoke I told him if he didn't let me know soon, he would have to come here to visit. Summer camps and activities are filling up and I don't want her sitting around doing nothing all summer.


  1. What makes the yogurt the best? I am a big fan of yogurt, so I want to eat this if it really is the best!

  2. Isht, I just bought a giant tub of Chobani last night because I forgot ALL ABOUT the Noosa. Dang it.

    That flooding looks remarkably familiar. Like we ran a marathon in it once.

  3. I'm afraid of online dating for that very reason. People get in front of their screens and have no sense that another person will read what they're writing. I'm really tire of people telling me I should do it.

  4. Glad to know I'm not alone in struggling to get back to my former pace. The fact that we're out there even trying is awesome (at least, that's what I tell myself when I take a break from beating myself up about it). Hang in there!

  5. Oh yeah, and I meant to comment on your earlier post where you mentioned the Bia. My friend finally got hers, and discovered an embarrassing bug about the SOS alert, so watch out for that. Her family was worried sick. The good news is that the Bia people got right on it, so maybe it's already fixed.

  6. Good to know you weren't in love with the Orange Mud pack - I saw it and was thinking it looked like it would be awesome - if it was comfortable. I hate cleaning the bladder in my current pack and want something with just bottles...of course I didn't really have a spare $100 to spend on a new pack anyways, so now I won't be as tempted!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...