Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Week in Review (April 15 - April 21)

Tuesday - Treadmill during lunch. I attempted for REAL speed work for the first time in a billion years. This practically killed me. Did you know 8.2 mph actually feels like the speed of light?? 3.75 with overall pace around 11:00, which is awesome with walking intervals. Since I had skipped the gym on Monday, A begged to go. All I did was 30 minutes on the crossramp. Then, at home, was day two of the Fitness Blender challenge - Upper Body Superset. I have no notes on this one, but I'm assuming it was good. I like upper body workouts.
Wednesday - Day three of the Fitness Blender challenge was a HIIT video. I was NOT looking forward to it, as Heather said she almost died doing it. I did the video during lunch and for real thought I was going to have a heart attack. Not sure if HIIT is harder than speed work, but I'm tentatively saying YES. After work, EASY 7+ bike before BodyPump. Yes, I still went to BodyPump and I barely made it through.
Thursday - I tried to run during lunch. I made it one mile before I quit. Did you know my legs were BROKEN from all this cross/strength nonsense??? Ended up just walking another 1.5 walk with incline. After work, I went to "Ladies Night" - sponsored by my run club. Pearl Izumi was hosting and we got to see and try on clothing from the new summer lines. Some really nice stuff! We got goodie bags just for going, and I got a really nice pair of gloves (now that winter is mostly over). I got home and still had day 4 of the Fitness Blender challenge to go... there was an option for a cardio interval video or a stretching/yoga/pilates video. I chose the latter. I should incorporate this one into my cycle, it was a great video.
Friday - I got up early to do the final installment, day five of the Fitness Blender challenge. I was hoping I would have more time to recover for my double half marathon weekend. Total body toning & HIIT (OF COURSE). It was challenging, but not nearly as terrible as Wednesday's HIIT video.
Saturday - Beat the Heat half marathon. After the race we took the kids to the rec center for swimming. I went to bed at 8:00. Most exhausted I've ever felt.
Sunday - Westminster Trail half marathon.
Immediately after showering, we ran a few errands, and then A and I drove to Denver to meet up with friends for an Easter BBQ. The most fun EVER. Another extremely exhausting day - I was in bed around 8 again. LOL.

Monday - Even though I was DEAD, A didn't care and begged to go to the gym again. I suffered through 30 minutes on the elliptical (man, that is a horrid machine) and called it a night. I briefly thought about doing a video. Instead, I went to bed early. Again.

Weekly Miles Run - 30.95 (4.75 treadmill, 26.2 racing)
Weekly Cross Training - 7.2 miles on the bike, 1.5 miles walking, 30 minutes crossramp, 30 minutes elliptical
Minutes of Strength - 194

Weekly Gain - 0.8 pounds
  • Gotta say, this one actually surprises me. Usually I can really track where I went wrong. I was pretty careful this week, and only one meal (Easter lunch), did I really not watch what I had. Stupid body.
  • HOWEVER, I did go to Yogurtland three times? I guess I should cut back to one? (LAME).
  • As for cooking, I did make something new this week - stir fry!! As for a recipe, I didn't use one. I just had a packet of sauce (about 60 calories per serving - 2 per package), some lean pork (about 3/4 of a pound), a big red pepper, a few carrots, snap peas. About 15 minutes on the stove, and ta da!! It's pretty tasty, and not very expensive. Makes enough for about 3 days of lunch for me, and a dinner for both me and A.
Everything Else 
  • I was venting with the ex-SIL the other day about my lack of dating/social life. Her response - well, you're bitchy all the time. Oh. I mean, I feel like I have always been sort of bitchy? I have been trying to reach out on Facebook and Twitter to see if anyone wants to hang out on the weekends for a beer or something, and sadly, all I get is the sound of crickets. WTF. Anyway /rant - this is just my life for now?
  • Work is actually going fairly well. I have been REALLY busy, so it has actually been really tough to get on the Internet Machine and see what is going on in the rest of the world. Thankfully, Heather keeps me apprised of all the IMPORTANT things. For real, the days fly by as I have about three times the work that I used to, so I guess that is a good thing.
  • Related: MY COMMUTE SUCKS. Especially the drive home. I cannot seem to find a good "back way" to get out of the city where I'm not sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. The office is only one mile further from my old office, and yet that ONE MILE actually does add another 10 minutes to my drive. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. PMS? could that have been the weight gain? I think I get get workouts in until I read your recaps. Always so impressive. Have some thoughts on what your ex SIL said....things that helped me years ago...gonna email you...


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...