Hurricane, UT
Saturday, December 14
Half Marathon #98
Baker's Dozen Half #2
Weather - Chilly
After failing to be crowned 2012's "Sugar Slayer," I knew I would have to return this year to run the
Baker's Dozen Half Marathon and vie for the title.
L had to work the night before, so my dad dropped me off near her work so we would only have to take one car to the airport. We were not on the same outbound flights, as I had cashed in miles on Frontier and she was flying on Southwest. I was supposed to leave first, arriving about 20 minutes before her. My flight was delayed, then had a gate change, etc. By the time L was already in the air, I had not even boarded yet. Le sigh. The flight itself was uneventful. We were not able to meet up with each other at the airport as we somehow landed in two different terminals. The solution was to take the shuttle and meet up at the rental car place. Everything there, also went smoothly.
We had planned on replicating our eating schedule from last year, so as soon as we got the car, our first stop was In N' Out.
Apparently, if you eat lunch around 11:30, they are not that busy. We actually got a place to sit and didn't have to wait long. Our next plan was to head to Dunkin' Donuts, you know, for a coffee and snack. We both got the Red Velvet Lattes, and were disappointed that they were pretty gross :(
L was tired from being up all night, so I did the drive to Hurricane. We arrived around 4 and checked into the hotel so L could take a nap. We got up at 6 so we could pick up our packets and get dinner. On the way out we asked if we could have a noon check out and were told no. (NOTE TO SELF: Do NOT book at the Days Inn next year). Packet pick-up was a breeze and we did NOT get into the wrong car in the parking lot. Same dinner as last year - Italian sausage bread bowl. Delicious. I watched about three hours of Law & Order before going to bed around 9:45.
Race Day
Got up around 6:40. Headed downstairs, and like last year, the food selection was blah. I had a piece of toast and coffee anyway. We planned to be out the door around 7:20 to head to the start. Found the start with no problems this year. Scoped out the start area, used the bathroom, and negotiated leaving our Diet Pepsi under the Sugar Shack table so we wouldn't have to run with them this year (good thinking, L!)
All professional pictures used with permission of Santiago Photography |
Cory had asked early on if people would prefer he pay for official timing or have bigger/better medals. The overwhelming responses was BETTER MEDALS! What I didn't realize is that this event was not going to be timed... at all. Oh wells.
Shortly after 8, we were off! L and I had discussed at great lengths our strategy for being the Sugar Slayers this year. Last year, we didn't eat enough the first loop. By the time we came in for subsequent loops, everything was frosted. Frosting=No Bueno.
Loop 1 - Temperature is 32 degrees, which is warmer than was forecasted. I remembered the first part was a gradual uphill. The short trail section was reminiscent of last weekends race, snow-packed and icy. I jogged some of this, but it hurt my ankles, so I walked parts of it.
L met me at the aid station with... a cup of hot cocoa! What a brilliant idea (I said THEN). Yum. I downed my cup and then grabbed a cup of water to wash it down. Delicious. The back section of the course is through a neighborhood and is a gradual downhill. MY FAVORITE. There were sections of the road that were pretty icy, so we had to use caution, although I still had to be ridiculous when I saw the photographer:
When I could see the start area, I started to get anxious. I yelled to L, "IT'S TIME TO DIG DEEP." We were NOT messing around this year.
Sugar Shack |
We arrived at the Sugar Shack and immediately started downing the non-frosted cookies. There were gingerbread, sugar, snicker doodles, etc. The volunteers at the aid station remembered us from last year, as did some of the runners, "Oh, are you the girls from Colorado? Are you in it to win it this year?" Yes. Yes, we were. We did NOT disappoint, with an impressive 17 sugary treats consumed the first loop.
Loop 2 - 36 degrees. I feel mostly ok. Maybe this was The Best Strategy Ever. Like the previous loop, I walked some of the snowy section, then stopped and used the bathroom at the aid station. Have you ever seen a portapotty like this?? It was like using a cat box!
No hot cocoa this time. I was starting to feel the effects of the sugar. We headed into the back section, still feeling mostly ok and running a decent pace. A man on a bike paced alongside us. He also remembered us from last year. He asked all sorts of questions about our eating, traveling for races, etc. Made that loop pass quickly.
Headed into the Sugar Shack and we were relieved/horrified to see that there were still plenty of cookies. They were not going down as easily this time around. Too much time was wasted on chewing. I was starting to feel a bit "off" but I knew that if we wanted to win we were going to have to shove as much as we could in our mouths. Cookies no longer tasting delicious. Every bite was like eating one of those terrible "bit o honey" candies that used to fill up Halloween bags in the 80's. The Diet Pepsi tasted a little less delicious this loop. 10 more sugary treats consumed for a total of 27.
Loop 3 - 48 degrees. Getting hot and having food sweats. Questioning our strategy. I have to walk some up the hill as with every step I'm afraid I'm going to barf. This is not good. Much slower heading into the aid station this time. Again, water only. Man on the bike finds us again and asks our count. When he pulls away, I'm trying to describe how I'm feeling. The sugar was warping my brain and while I was searching for a descriptor like "dizzy" or "vertigo," all I could come up with was "Gepetto." I'm clearly not doing well.
The last mile comes and all I can think about is that I do not want to eat even one more tiny bit of sugar. I'm having the gag reflex that usually only happens when I get too close to smelling whisky.
Curses. I do NOT care. I ask if we are in the lead, and it appears that we are, but no numbers are thrown out. I am ready to throw up all over the place, and knowing I still have an entire loop to go, I eat only one item. I'm done. I cannot consume anything else without risking it all! As we are leaving the Sugar Shack, the reigning men's Sugar Slayer comes in. He is at 22 but still had a loop to go. Not sure what his final count was, but we weren't concerned as Cory crowns both male and female winners.
Loop 4 - Still 48 degrees. This is terrible. I'm sweaty. Feel faint. Stomach hurts. I want to curl up on the side of the road and die. More walking this loop. Feel very sick and suspicious. Water only at the aid station. The glorious downhill? Not so much by the last loop. Every step has things sloshing around in my stomach. Cannot run the entire last mile. Walking is barely better. SO HAPPY TO SEE THE FINISH LINE.
We crossed the line, got our AWESOME medals:
Did we do it??? Were we the 2013 Queen Sugar Slayers??? We looked around for Cory to find out, and YES!!! WE WERE VICTORIOUS. I could not WAIT to see our prize.
Holy crap. AN EIGHT POUND BAG OF TAFFY. lol. So the win? Bittersweet. I never want to eat another piece of candy again. And the bag is SO heavy.
L, Fast Cory, Me |
This bag of candy is as big as my head!! ("The human head weighs 8 pounds" - Jerry MacGuire, and so does this bag of candy) |
We came to Utah and we CONQUERED. We even killed our other goal of beating last year's time. Not an easy feat since we were trying to not explode.
Garmin Time - 2:48:57
Moving Time - 2:22:41 (so, 26 minutes at the Sugar Shack and/or bathroom)
Mile 1- 11:10
Mile 2 - 12:31
Mile 3 - 9:30
Mile 4 - 18:26
Mile 5 - 14:13
Mile 6 - 9:47
Mile 7 - 21:28
Mile 8 - 14:58
Mile 9 - 10:10
Mile 10 - 12:56
Mile 11 - 13:51
Mile 12 - 10:15
Mile 13 - 11:05
Drive back to Vegas uneventful. We stopped and got pizza again. Walked through the outlet malls in Vegas for an hour, buying nothing. Got to the airport with HOURS until departure. Gambled my $4, ate a burger (seriously, something is wrong with me). Flight left a few minutes late but we got to Denver a few minutes early. VERY smooth trip, again.
- I love this race! People are surprised that I travel for this. I will come back next year.
- Related: I will relinquish my Sugar Slayer status to some other unsuspecting victim. I'm fairly sure the taffy will still be here in a year. DID I MENTION WE HAVE EIGHT POUNDS OF IT??
- The medal this year is fantastic! The gingerbread man is so cute!!
- I should have a picture, but the shirt this year is great. Women's AND men's shirts in a fun neon yellow. I'll wear that bad boy to the gym for sure!
- Cory puts on an amazing event. Well organized and FUN.
(PS - Never fear, I have recovered from the sugar funk and have already had 3 donuts since completing the race)