Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Where I'm Racing (So Far) in 2012...

Did you hear I'll have ran over 50 races in 2011? Mind boggling.

Here is what is on schedule (so far) for 2012 - some dates are just a guess since most people don't plan as far ahead as I do:

January 1 – NYD Allen, TX (full) Registered
January 15 – RnR Arizona (half) Registered
January 29 – Tinker Bell* (half) Registered
February 12 - Ralston Creek, CO (half)
February 19 – Austin (full) Registered
March 4 – RnR New Orleans, LA (State #44) Registered
March 24/25 – 100 miler in Moab Registered
April 15 – Platte River, CO (half) Registered
April 20/21 – Ragnar, SoCal* (Relay) Registered
April 28 – RnR Country Music, TN (State #45) Registered
May 5 – Indianapolis, IN (State #46) Registered
May 6 – Pittsburgh, PA (State #47) Registered
May 15 – Superheroes Half, NJ (State #48)
May 27 – Edinburgh, Scotland (full) Registered (Might have to skip for money reasons)
June 2/9 – Incan Trail Marathon, Peru (full) Registered
June 23 – RnR Seattle, WA* (full) Registered
June 24 – Vancouver, BC (half)
June 30 – Leadville Trail, CO (full)
July 15 - Silver Mine 50, Leadville... contemplating
July 29 – San Francisco (full)* Registered
August 3 – Legacy Midnight Run, UT (half)
August 18/19 – Pikes Peak (full?) Obviously can only do if it's not same weekend as WV
August 18/19 – Parkersburg, WV (State #49)
September 9 – Maple Leaf, VT (STATE #50!!!) - Might do a different one on July 8 in VT, the "Mad Half"
September 23 – RnR Montreal, CN (half? full?) MAYBE
September 29? – Disney Wine n Dine* (half)
October 29 – Marine Corps, DC (full)
November 6 – NYC (full)
December – CIM (full)

If schedules work out, I'd do RnR Denver again and also The Bear Chase (although probably the 50K, not the 50 miler...)


  1. Do the Mad Half in Vermont. I did it last year, the first year, It is so beautiful, it's tough and hilly but soooo beautiful. I'm doing it again this year!!!

  2. You are AMAZING! Bummed that the one race you are doing in CA (SFM), I wont be around for. I'll have to virtually cheer for you. Excited about Leadville if you decide to do it... Keep running strong and congrats on a stellar 2011

  3. let me know when you figure out the whole border situation with canada, might be worth tagging along for :)

  4. Pikes Peak is definitely the 19th. My favorite race! I recommend it if you haven't done it before, or the Double for extra fun!

    I'll be doubling Pikes, doing the Leadville Trail Marsthon and NYCM as well :-)

  5. Wow I am impressed. I can't afford to do that many races. I have to be picky about what I choose. What great experiences you have. I'm jealous

  6. RnR New Orleans is screaming my name! We opted out of Seattle this year though, because I'm getting my whole office to run the San Diego RnR! Good luck in all of these races, especially finishing out the 50 states!

  7. The Legacy Midnight Run in Utah is right by my house! I did the 10k this year. I liked it, but the course is really narrow so it gets really congested when the half marathoners hit the 10k turnaround, as well as when the 10k and the marathoners hit the 5k turnaround. I'm hoping they time it a bit better this year! Still a fun race though.

  8. Wooohoo!! Go you! See you a bunch next year!! If you need a place to stay in Nashville let me know!!

  9. Wow! You never cease to inspire!

    I'm registered for the Seattle RnR full too, so maybe I'll see you there!

  10. WHOA. i would recommend avoiding a "cost of running 2012" ;) lol. that's a LOT of racing! i don't think i could do it.

  11. Looking at your schedule my mind is waffling between awesome and crazy :)

    My race calendar is finally planned except for a marathon and my first ultra. 2012 is going to be fabulous!

  12. Damn, really color me impressed!

  13. Oh. My! That's is a some serious sh*t! Crazy schedule, but it looks like so much fun! :) And that 100-miler: triple yay!

  14. What do the asterisks indicate? Maybe you said it and I'm just not seeing it because I'm on my phone.

    I'll "see" you at Tinkerbell and Ragnar. Wine and Dine is now November 10 because they are doing a Tower of Terror 10 miler the weekend it used to be (September 29).

    I'd love to do that one to get the Coast to Coast but with 3 other destination races next year my credit cards might not allow it.

  15. I'm so late commenting ... but now I guess Wine & Dine has to be altered a bit? Think you'll still do that? Or will you do Tower of Terror instead?

  16. I'm registered for the RnR Seattle Half, and I was impressed with that.



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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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