Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dear Santa,

A is always wondering why I never have a Christmas list. Well, partly because Christmas isn't really a big deal around here. This will be the 4th Christmas since I got divorced (wow, time FLIES), and A spends the Christmas break with her Dad in Texas. Really all I do is sleep late while she is gone. But this year, sure, I'll make a list. You know, if any of my bloggy friends really feel like they want to get me something this year :D

1. Remember my awesome medal displays? They are full. Which means I am in the market for new ones... All my running buddies rave about the Allied Medal Displays. I think they FREAKING ROCK. I mean, check this out:
Obviously they also have a Half Fanatic one that is more appropriate since I don't run that many full marathons. Although. Hey. Did you know that I already have more than 4 that I plan on running in 2012? It's gonna be an epic year.

2. I want this. A lot. But it is SO much money. I'll probably never own it. But it looks like even someone as camera-dumb as me could take awesome pictures with it.

Also will accept Amazon gift cards in lieu of the super expensive camera... I have been saving them for a while and I'm sure they sell the camera.

3. Totally impractical. I work for a roofing company and wear jeans and a hoodie to work everyday. However, I am currently in school going for my BA in Criminal Justice and would like to think that I will eventually have a job again that requires some degree of professionalism. I think these are the cutest ever.
4. This sweatshirt. If anyone comes across it EVER, in a small or medium, BUY IT FOR ME. Please. I will pay you back. I found it, bought it, then got the message it was out of stock and for over 6 weeks I have been searching and searching and cannot find it anywhere. Le sigh.

5. I heart this skirt from Team Sparkle. I was hoping to get one in time to run the New Year's Double half marathon on December 31, but I'm short on cash. Size XS, Fuchsia, please :D
6. A Lululemon skirt. I will never shell out the cash for them since I've never personally worn one, but they are adorable and I have seen lots of them during races.

See? I'm not that hard to shop for.

Happy Holidays!!!


  1. Great shopping list! I'll keep my eyes open for the Nike shirt!

  2. So you need that sweatshirt for work, then? You'd think if it could be found anywhere it would be in Oregon. I'll keep an eye out too.

  3. Oh,and, Dear Santa, I want B's Christmas list, but in size large where applicable.

  4. love your list. I believe that is the same camera my brother has, and you're right, it pricey. For cameras you can always look on as well- generally cheaper (but still pricey)

    I'm starting an Amazon list bc thats why my bro and sis in law did- it makes it so much easier, PLUS you can add as you remember. (and yes it comes in handy with the gift cards as well)

  5. Great list! The J1 is on my list as well . . . and having played around with it I can attest to its amazing-ness.

  6. My Christmas list is long this year and nobody has been surprised that it's mostly running/fitness related stuff! Love Lulumon skirs!!

  7. I love that sweat shirt! haha I will keep my eyes out for you.

  8. Great list!! Love the shoes and Nike Sweat shop!!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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