Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What are YOU doing for New Years?

I'm doing the Texas equivalent of the "Goofy Challenge" at the New Years Double.

That's right. I'm running a half marathon on Saturday, New Years Eve. I'm running a full marathon on New Years Day. That means NO alcohol (well, maybe one beer) this year. I'm ok with that. Last year I had a bit too much.

So, if you have plans on being in Allen, TX - feel free to say hi! Depending on the race, I'll either be wearing my Half Fanatic tank or my Marathon Maniac tee.


  1. What a fantastic (and very scary) challenge! I'll be setting up and setting off fireworks (but mostly waiting around in the cold)...

  2. Wowza!! We have a party with friends, but the drinking will be minimal for me, I am doing a first run 5k in the morning.

  3. how fun! luke and I wanted to go back to Texas for this! Sadly it just didn't work out :( i hear the race director is PRETTY AWESOME!!! :D have a blast!

  4. Wow fun! I had no idea those races existed.

  5. What a great challenge! I wish you the best and I can't wait to hear about the races!

  6. Good luck! I can't wait to hear all about it! First off it's crazy, but second, sounds fun!

  7. Have a wonderful time! Say Hello to Lesley for me!

  8. Awesome challenge. My husband and I run a new year's eve run as close to midnight as I can stay up and I always run a Jan 1 run.

    Kind of like your run I want to run the Air Force 5k on Fri night and Air Force half on Sat a.m. Can't resist the challenge!

    Good luck with your double. I'm sure you will rock it!

  9. Good luck. This is something that I might consider next year. I did the Goofy Challenge 2 years ago and just decided to have fun both races. I ran from character to character. I did not care at all about my time.


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