Friday, December 9, 2011

Five Things Friday - Short and Sweet

1. Unimpressive Customer Service - Runningskirts

My sister placed her Black Friday order two days after mine and had it last Saturday. It took TWO days of calling, emailing, posting on Twitter and Facebook to get a response from someone. I was informed my orders shipped (yesterday), even though I had confirmations that they shipped last week. Not impressed.

2. Impressive Customer Service - Athleta

I purchased some winter running gear on Black Friday. One of the items I received was sent in the wrong color. Even at 8 pm I was able to get someone on the phone who was able to help me out. After posting on Twitter I even received a personal message apologizing for the error and asking if I still needed help. Awesome.

3. Ultra Training - Success!

Monday - Speedwork (6.46 total miles, fastest 400 @ 1:42)
Wednesday - Easy-ish (4.4 miles)
Thursday - Easy-ish (10.02 miles)
Friday - Mostly easy-ish (24 miles)

Total running miles for the week - just under 45 miles!

In celebration of an awesome week, this is the shirt I'm wearing today
4. Three races registered for this week:

Austin Marathon (yes, the full)
Platte River Half Marathon (local race, did it this year too)
Pittsburgh Half Marathon (Will be excited to see the other B run her first FULL marathon!)

5. Plane tickets obtained to Peru for a STEAL - Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Marathon is definitely happening!!!


  1. Runningskirts...I had a bad experience with them and the worst part was that this was in person!

    Peru! Fantastic!

    I love that Nike t-shirt

  2. I love that tee shirt and I wish I was running the Austin marathon. Crush it for me!

  3. Yay for Austin! What size of that "Don't suck" sweatshirt do you want? I'll be at the Nike Outlet tomorrow...

  4. I haven't been impressed with Running Skirts' customer service either :(

    Great training success and perfect tee to commemorate! I'm thinking about the Pittsburg Half for one of my 12 in 2012.

  5. Yah!! Excited for Austin and Pittsburgh!! Keep up your hard work!! Peru sounds awesome!!

  6. I have the Platte River Half on my tentative race schedule...since you did it last year and signed up again this year I'm assuming its worth it?! I've run on those trails a few times and love them, I should probably throw down my monies!

  7. runningskirts' customer service is awful. Which is why, even though I LOVE their stuff, I haven't bought any in a really long time...

  8. I can't believe you are going to Peru! That's going to be so fun to read about!

    I've been up and down with Running Skirts. Nothing bad, but not too much spectacular either. Actually, my biggest beef with them is their sizing. I am never buying a shirt from them ever again. I have NO boobs, yet their XL tank doesn't fit over my non-existent chest.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...