Thursday, September 29, 2011

Three Things Thursday

You know how after a race you kind of get in a funk? Well. Here is apparently what I do. (Keep in mind, I've run 1/4 mile since my 50 miler).

1. Spinx Runfest Half Marathon - October 29

2. Big Hit Half Marathon - October 30

3. New Years Double - December 31 & January 1

I plan on doing my own "Goofy" - I'm registered to run the 1/2 on New Years Eve and the full on New Years Day.

4. (Bonus) - I am seriously SERIOUSLY considering signing up for a 100 miler in Moab. Someone stop me. Please. I'm going off the deep end :)


  1. Oh my gosh you are doing the New Years Double and basically doing the same thing this month?? Goodluck w/it all! I am pretty sure I'll be signing up for New Years Double too!!


  2. you my dear, may have lost your mind on that 50 miler :):) jk! if you can do the 50, you can do the double. the 100-no thank you.

  3. You're running spinx!!?! I was going to, but I'm out of shape. I've run it before, on the old course. Anywho, we should meet up bc it's a local race for me!!!

  4. You are crazy. You do know that 100 miles is twice as long as that 50 miler, right?

  5. Wow, a 100? You were my hero for doing the Bear 50...You'll be double my hero for the 100 in Moab. If you need a crew member or pacer...holler :).

  6. Estas loca, chica! Um...I look forward to reading about it. You are unstoppable?!

  7. Hahahahaha! A 100 miler: girl, you're drinking the kool aid. ;) I'd say...train for it, then go for it! :)

  8. Damn girl! Every time I read your newest post, I find myself in awe again and again. What an October and New Year's you have planned. And an 100 miler? Well that is a whole different animal, can't even think about that and in Moab?? I am just hoping to do ONE destination half next spring. I sadly just do not have the time (50+ hours/week job and busy teenagers) nor financial resourcess. Do it while you can!! Damn I am jealous!!
    Will anxiosuly be waiting for your recaps and the BLING pics of course!!

  9. You have lost your mind! You studied so hard for school that you left it in some exam room and have gone off the deep end!

    ONE HUNDRED MILES??? Are you kidding me?? However, if there is anyone that I know that would pull it off, it would be you!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...