Thursday, June 30, 2011

Three Things Thursday - Race Wishlist

This is my top three marathon list for the US... International list coming soon...

1. For some inexplicable reason, I want to run the Chevron Houston Marathon. Of course it is sold out, and the only way in is through the "Hero" or charity option. I would totally donate to the ALS Association of Greater Houston. My Father-in-Law died of Lou Gehrig's the first year I was married. With the $350 minimum donation plus race entry fee (and of course travel), I don't think this one will work. I *am* considering asking my family to help with the donation part though.

2. There are so many awesome races in California. I am absolutely dying to run the San Francisco Marathon... The race itself is a bit pricey. Airfare is actually doable. However... the logistics of how I would get around and finding somewhere to stay? Sigh.

3. NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC... I'm still upset I didn't get in through the lottery. I know charity entry is an option... however, without having a credit card, I actually can't go that route either. Maybe next year. Sob.


  1. My new plan is to just pick races based on your prior reports! Hawaii is SCREAMING at me! I can't do that for a while probably because of finances, darn it. But seriously, you have hit so many cool ones!

  2. As far as San Fran goes, depending how you feel with asking others, you can always stay with a blogger- after all, not sure if L shared with you, but as of now I'm bunking with you 2 for RI in Oct- obvi splitting the costs (get excited)

    if it make you feel better, you've run in some countries most of us will NEVER have an oppty to do, so kudos!

  3. I'm sorry about New York. I tried the lotto for the Nike Women's and when I didn't get in, I was crushed.

    I don't know if I can handle these lotto based races! Ha!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...