Monday, June 6, 2011

Speedwork Can Kiss My Yasso...

I hate my HTC cell phone. It takes the worst pictures in the WORLD. But anyway, that is me in the cheetah skirt and blue tank. I figured a cheetah is fast, and since I was planning on doing my first real speed workout in... well, at least 6 months (for shame), I thought it would be a fun optimistic outfit.

Have I mentioned that my gym doesn't believe in air conditioning? And that there are no windows in my gym? And that the treadmills are pretty much as FAR away from the entrance as possible?  And that only thing FARTHER from the door is the pool/sauna/steam room? That means that it is hotter than hot in the gym. And it was 91 degrees when we got there, which means it was even HOTTER than you could imagine. Bleh.

Never mind the fact that I just ran a half marathon yesterday. I am determined to figure out WHY my speed has taken a major turn for the worse, and change up my running to more of the schedule that I was on last fall. So. Yasso 800s.

What I did:

  • 4 sets - 4 min @ 3.5 mph & 4 min @ 7.5 mph
  • 3 min cool down @ 3.6 mph
  • "Easy" jog for 30 min (about a 10:30 pace)
This workout KICKED MY ASS. Ugh. The first two sets were... bearable. The second two? I was pretty certain that I was either going to faint or throw up or crap my pants or die. Luckily none of the above happened. But it was awful. And that "easy" jog at the end? I don't even know how my legs were functioning. Because now, 2.5 hours later, they aren't. Guess that's good? I haven't been sore after the gym in ages.

Curse you Bart Yasso. (Joking, he is one of my running idols. But seriously, this workout was a beast).


  1. Cheetah = Fast .... exactly why I wore Cheetah in my last half marathon!

    Nice job on the speed work. I know I'd still be in a post-race coma if I were you!

  2. Speed work is so hard but so nice when it's done. I thought my HTC phone sucked too until I figured out that I had never taken the clear protective sticker thing off my lens after it arrived. HA! Sorry yours isn't working. Maybe it needs a tune-up?

  3. 91 degrees in the gym? Yuck! Get yourself to a track where you at least have a breeze!

  4. Cheetah's are totally fast. Genius.

    And, you look miniature sized on that treadmill :D

  5. Yassos kicked my butt tonight! Must be the weather. Normally I'm fine, but tonight. Blah!


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