Thursday, June 23, 2011
I didn’t bother setting an alarm. I had to leave for the
airport by 8:00, but having a puppy guaranteed I’d be awake before 7:00. Sure
enough, I was up even earlier, closer to 6:00. I didn’t have that much to do,
but I have learned my lesson about how much stress is caused by rushing. I got
ready, packed my last remaining items and then made a quick trip to get coffee.
I had about a half hour until I needed to leave, so I spent
that time watching the morning news with J. At 7:45 R rode with me to the
airport. We didn’t encounter much traffic, although it was slower than usual.
Arrived at the airport around 8:30, just over two hours before my flight was
scheduled to leave.
My itinerary stated the first leg was a flight operated by
US Airways. I had stopped at the other end of the building, walked all the way
to the other side and tried to check in. The automated machine told me to speak
with an agent who said my flight was really a United flight. Sigh. Walked all
the way back across the airport. Since I wasn’t checking a bag, I tried to
check in through the machine. No problems scanning my passport this time, but
for some reason my Russian Visa wasn’t processing. The entire thing is in
Russian and I apparently kept typing in the wrong number. An agent finally
comes to my aid, skips me to a short line and I check in at the counter. Phew.
Virtually no lines at security, so I am in the Concourse
with over an hour to kill. I used the time to catch up on my Facebook and
email. Fifteen minutes before we are supposed to board I stop and buy a Chef
salad for lunch. Yeah, I know that means eating at 11:00, but I certainly can’t
starve myself until I get to Dulles. Boarding is uneventful, I had been given a
window seat and the center seat was empty so I had plenty of room. Not that I
needed it, I travel light.
Flight time of about three hours, start with a book “The
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” while I have to have electronics off, then I
finish watching “Patriot Games” and start “The Sum of All Fears” – which
ironically takes place in Russia. We landed a few minutes early. In the true
spirit of Dulles being one of the worst airports in the country, I was told
that I could just go to the gate to get my boarding pass. Only I wasn’t flying the
same airline so my flight was not listed on any of the departure boards.
Thanks, Dulles. Luckily I found an airport employee that was willing to help
me, and directed me to the super crowded “shuttle” I would have to take across
the runway to get to gate A15.
Awesome shuttle at Dulles |
The gate is deserted, but I decide to charge all
my electronics while I can actually find an outlet. Guess what… phone charger
broken. I know it’s not the outlet because I switched out with my laptop and
that worked fine. $40 later (!!!!) I have a new charger and am just waiting for
To kill time I read a bit, listen to my iPod, and do my two
minutes of planks. Yep, I have no shame. I don’t mind doing them on the dirty
airport floor…
So after my phone and computer are charged, I decide to get
a quick something to eat before getting on the plane. I ended up getting a
grilled chicken sandwich from Fuddruckers. I planned on eating it after I went
to the gate to get my boarding pass since I was now about an hour before
departure I figured someone might be there. As I sit down at the gate, I hear
the announcement that the gate has been moved. Sigh. Pick everything up and
walk back by where I just came from. Gate happened to be across from an eating
area so I ate real quick and then went to the podium.
It’s never a good sign when instead of getting a boarding
pass, the agent gets on the phone. There is a “problem” and agent wants me to
come back in a few minutes. Great. There is only about 45 minutes until
departure. No need to panic. I go back up about five minutes later. And just
stand there. And stand there. And stand there. People are starting to board the
plane. 40 minutes until departure. 35. There is something wrong with their
“system” and they don’t think they can print boarding passes. OOOOOOOMG.
Finally at 29 minutes before we are supposed to be IN THE AIR, I finally get my
boarding pass.
I'm travelling after all! |
No sooner do I get in line, then the lady in front of me
literally falls backwards almost knocking me over. Maybe she was drunk. She
seemed totally out of it. I get on the plane and it is a totally packed flight.
I am relatively close to the front but with the catastrophe of my boarding pass
I am one of the last people on the plane. And there are NO overhead bins for my
suitcase. And 15 rows back when I finally find a space, the door won’t close.
Aaaaaaah! Find a flight attendant that can speak English and he stores my
suitcase with first class.
At first I think the seat next to me is empty. Then a very
large woman sits by me. She can barely buckle her belt and seems chatty. A few
minutes later a very large sweaty MAN says she is in the wrong seat. Turns out
big sweaty guy will be next to me for the next ten or so hours. We were
supposed to depart at 7:40, and with an on-time departure I would have a little
less than two hours for my connection to St. Petersburg. Only… we left an HOUR
late. AN HOUR. I would still have to go through “passport control,” not to
mention trying to figure out WHERE to go and go to the bathroom, etc. So I was
already stressed before we even got off the ground.
Sweaty Guy |
Long way to go |
Friday, June 24
I was spoiled when we went to China. Individual tvs so that
I could watch whatever I wanted. Only main cabin tvs on this flight. One movie
was in Russian with English subtitles but it looked “classic” so I skipped it.
The next one was “Marly and Me” but it was in Russian with NO subtitles, so I
skipped it. The last movie had Russell Crowe in it but he looked weird, so I
skipped it. The end of the flight was some SUPER weird cartoons.
So what did I do for the 10 hours of flight? Well, I
listened to my iPod until I had to turn it off. Then I read. I did NOT even use
my laptop. Even though the battery was fully charged. I actually think I dozed
off for a bit. I also went to the bathroom four times and had two meals. It
actually wasn’t as bad as going to China, but it certainly didn’t feel as
comfortable since I was trapped in a window seat.
Dinner, Meal #1 |
Breakfast, Meal #2 |
Anyway, we had left Dulles late and I was getting anxious
and checking my watch every few minutes trying to figure out if I was even going
to have time to make my connecting flight. We land and I have about 50 minutes
from the time we hit the ground to be in the air on the next plane. Takes 5-10
minutes to get off the plane, and I am practically running but staying behind
the lead person so I know where to go.
Turns out that the ticket counter was pretty easy to find,
and the Passport control was super fast since I was one of the first people off
the plane. Again, the agent gets on the phone rather than give me a boarding
pass. I think it’s because it’s too close to when we depart, but in reality,
even having booked ten months ago, the flight was overbooked and I got bumped.
Luckily there was another flight leaving 55 minutes later, so I got re-booked
on that one and didn’t have to worry about rushing so much.
Of course then I can’t even figure out where to go.
Everything had been marked really well upon exiting the plane, but then once I
got my boarding pass I didn’t know what to do. A good Samaritan pointed to the
escalator. That helped me get to the right place, but then I couldn’t figure
out how to get to my gate. There were all these signs for declaring goods and
different terminals. My ticket didn’t even HAVE a terminal on it. I ask someone
and she points me in the opposite direction I had been going.
Wait in a security line, then get to the gate. Hadn’t seen
anywhere to change my money so I wasn’t able to get anything to drink. Found
out there was free WiFi, so I played on Facebook for a few, then got in line to
board… at which point I look at my ticket. Am I really in row 2?
Every airport should have these
Up for 24 hours... |
Get on the plane and row 2 is… FIRST CLASS!!! I have never
flown First Class. It was pretty exciting. There was a lot more room, and I
could have had complimentary alcohol at takeoff. I got confused and turned it down
because I really don’t drink. But I should drink when it’s free…
Foot Rest!! |
We leave a few minutes late but I don’t care, it’s my last
flight. Being in first class also meant a free meal, even though the flight was
only a little over an hour. I tried some caviar, and drank Coca Cola Light. Out of a REAL
glass. Yes, I am easily impressed.
Coca Cola Light. IN A GLASS! |
View of St. Petersburg #1 |
View of St. Petersburg #2 |
Depart the plane OUTSIDE the airport, then have to take a
little bus. What IS it with these airports and these stupid shuttles???
St. Petersburg Airport |
I need
to change my money before I can go anywhere, but I can’t seem to find WHERE.
Finally I see these little green machines that are supposed to do it, but both
ones I try are not working. After probably twenty minutes of wandering around
the airport, I find someone that speaks English and is able to direct me to yet
another machine. This one works and I have my Rubles. Exit the airport and get
a taxi.
Two Machines. Really? |
It’s a longer drive than I think to get to the hotel. At
about 20km, I wasn’t really expecting it to take 45 minutes. Or for it to cost
me $100. Yes, 100 American dollars (with 300 Rubles in change). Flabbergasted.
Between the taxi fare and the stupid phone charger I had to buy I’m almost out
of money already. We arrive at the hotel and I swear he took me to the wrong
place. It looks like we are in an abandoned neighborhood. The driver calls the
number on my reservation, and it turns out we are in the right place….
Looks Rough |
Checking in only takes a minute, and I ride a terrifying
elevator to the fourth floor. Set my bags down and pretty much turn right
around to go wander the streets for a bit. I’m exhausted but afraid that if I
sit down I won’t get back up. It’s still early and I don’t want to waste a few
hours just because I’ve been up for… over 30 hours.
Lobby |
Bathroom |
Main Room |
Scary scary scary elevator |
Even though the hotel is a little scary and ghetto, it is
SUPER close to a lot of landmarks, and hopefully close to the race start. I don’t
know for sure what I was looking at, I didn’t bring a map with me, but I saw some neat stuff.
Lady offered to take my picture - Less creepy shot of me, too bad she didn't get all the building in |
Neat archway |
Love the ! bumper sticker |
Some fancy bank |
This is like a Where's Waldo Picture. I'm right there. |
I made sure to get my souvenirs on the way back to the
hotel, just in case I don’t have time later. I won’t screw up like I did in
China and end up with nothing! Stopped
at a little café and got some chicken, potatoes, salad and bread before heading
back to the hotel.
Dinner. Souvenirs are in the pink bag. |
My parents had these when I was a kid and they fascinated me. I know A will love it! |
Took a quick shower, unpacked, then did a blog entry. Nice
that I have WiFi and can do this daily so I don’t have so much to do when I get
back! Ended up staying up way later than I planned, but this way hopefully the time change doesn't affect me as much. Almost midnight and it is STILL light outside. Crazy!!
Holy WowJ Long post. Glad you made it! Eep the photos coming.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you made it there ok, despite all the chaotic flight stuff. Can't wait to hear more :)
ReplyDeleteI've never flown overseas - didn't look like your experience did anything to make me jump on the next flight to Prague. Looking forward to more!
ReplyDeleteYou are soooo brave! I mean I probably would never think of going to Russia because I don't know the language ... but then to even go alone?? That's awesome! And way to score on first class!! I guess you deserve first class after big, sweaty man!