Friday, September 17, 2010

Last Friday of Summer????

Friday, September 17
Big Dry Creek Trail

It was "only" about 83 when I headed out for my run. I wasn't sure how the ankle was going to feel so I went the opposite way I normally do - with the intention of turning around at about a mile. It felt a little tender, but I wouldn't exactly describe it as "pain." I still turned around at just over a mile and then figured if I was still feeling ok when I passed the car I could head up the other direction on the path. I still felt fine, so I kept going. Pretty hot outside, but I was feeling ok and hydrated. Turned around after another 1.5 or so and made it back to the car with a round trip total of 5.06 miles in 55 minutes. Not too bad - and tomorrow will be another rest day in preparation for my next half marathon on Sunday.

As an aside. I was thinking along my run today how I was happy it was Friday. Friday doesn't mean the same thing to me now as it did 10 years ago. In my early twenties, Friday meant PARTY!! Now, it means getting in a good run, out to dinner with my family, and a (mostly) quiet night at home. And you know what? I like that.


  1. Glad the ankle felt somewhat OK! :) And your outfit is cute, as ever! ;)

    In case you were wondering. We're down to the mid 60's already. Yep, yep, yep, Fall has arrived!

  2. Im glad you got in a longer run than you expected! Keep taking care of that ankle!! Good luck in your half marathon on Sunday!! :D

  3. Good luck on your next half, can't wait to hear all about it!


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