Thursday, September 2, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. Outdoor Run - Arvada Loop - Thursday, September 2. Didn't have to get up TOO early because L was also planning on going in later to work. Essentially I got up the same time I used to when I had to be at work at 6:30. Wore my rad pink dot skirt and pink compression socks. Cool pic of the sun coming up over the golf course a few miles in:
Indian Tree Golf Course
Had some minor bathroom issues that thankfully were resolved about halfway through the run... with our late start there was an office building open... HURRAH!! 8.64 miles done before work in about 95 minutes (thanks to the bathroom shenanigans - and I never stop the Garmin from start to finish).

2. Todays run is my last run before we go to HAWAII!!! I'm taking tomorrow off (travel day) and then we will be doing only an "easy" 3-5 miler on Saturday with Dean Karnazes and Bart Yasso! Race day is bright and early on Sunday... Gotta say I feel about as prepared as I'm ever going to. I know it's goign to be hot, I know it's going to be humid, and I know it's going to be hilly. I also know that it's in Hawaii and therefore will be awesome no matter what.

3. Less than 60 days until the Athens Marathon in Greece. Where did the time go? I do not feel even CLOSE to being ready. And I'm sad my sister wasn't able to raise the money to join me. I'm not used to running by myself, certainly not all the way in Greece. Bummed.


  1. I'm so jealous! You get to run in Hawaii with Dean and Bart! Have fun!

  2. Have fun in Hawaii!! And, you will do great in Greese. Sorry your sister won't be able to make it but you will have a great time! One of my good friends is running it and I'm so jealous!

  3. Have so much fun, and good luck!! That pre-race run sounds awesome.

  4. Wowsers! Hawaii! Me = jealous! I'm sure you're going to have so much fun! You deserve this trip! Enjoy! :)

  5. Wow, we could have run together today, I did 8.66 in 90 minutes with (sadly) no bathroom shenanigans. Of course, I left at the respectable hour of 8:00 and was not wearing a cute running skirt.

  6. oh what an awesome opportunity to run with dean and bart!! can't wait to hear all about it! :D

  7. Such a frequent flier here in the next couple of mounts. Exciting!!
    (I'm very happy you found an open office building!)

  8. I'm only the tiniest bit jealous right now... No, I'm a LOT jealous! Have a wonderful time in Hawaii!!

  9. hawaii and greece in ~ two months time frame... sooo not fair :)

  10. Enjoy Hawaii, I hope you will adjust to the climate with no problems :)

  11. If you are interested in attending a bloggy meet up while you are in WA for You go Girl please email me.


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