Thursday, September 16, 2010

Not Happy to Be Back

Tuesday, September 15
Random Hill Program

... at the gym on the treadmill that is. I was completely spoiled in Hawaii getting to run outside in the sun and beautiful weather everyday. I did NOT miss the treadmill. Not one bit. But... back to regular life and regular schedule (sort of). J had gotten us concert tickets, so right after work I had planned on a run. Initially I had wanted to do a run between my work and house, but then I forgot my running shoes. Sigh. So I decided on the hill program that I should have done on Monday if I would have been home. Blah.

Other than a dull throbbing pain in my right ankle (nothing I couldn't work through, but troubling just the same), it wasn't bad. I had to stop and use the bathroom a little more than halfway in, and the stupid machine re-set. So, the second half of my program looked like this:

Finished just over a 10k in 5 minutes. Blah to the treadmill even though the run went ok, and my ankle felt... decent by the end. Decided to put the ankle sleeve on overnight to see if that would help.

1 comment:

I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

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