Friday, November 10, 2023

Week in Review (October 31 - November 6)

Tuesday (12,750 steps) - Work in the office. Somehow, I slept through my alarm and woke up SIX MINUTES before I needed to be at work. I guess that's what true exhaustion does. I can't even remember the last time that happened. Walked on the treadmill at lunch and read my book. After work I took Olive for a walk and then met up with Ben at 4 Noses with Olive (since she was in costume). On the way home we stopped to see Kristin and Doug. Sadly no trick or shot this year, but they still fed us. Awkwardly, Obi and Olive were wearing the same costume.

Wednesday (13,695 steps) - Work in the office. Walked to Target to buy lotion for our tattoos, and then another walk at lunch on the treadmill and read. After work I met up with Ben at Parry's. Since we were solo for dinner, we got food. Yum!
Thursday (11,194 steps) - Work from home. Ariel took me to get coffee. Yum for holiday flavors!! (I don't care that these are barely "coffee," they are delicious.
Took Olive for a walk at lunch. I worked "from bed" in the afternoon and watched a stupid movie and took a nap. Took Olive for another walk after work. Zero recollection of the evening.
Friday (17,116 steps) - Wash Park with the gang. A beautiful sunrise, but just getting into the really chilly days. 

Coffee at Stella's before going into the office. Walked on the treadmill at lunch and read my book. After work headed to Ariel's XC banquet at the school. She got the Heart of the Panther award and was recognized for being a team captain. I had multiple parents come up to me and tell me how appreciated Ariel is and how much of a help she has been to her teammates. 

Ben and I went to Parry's for a beer. Never again on a Friday night - it was SO crowded and loud.
Saturday (36,412 steps) - Up semi early for the Backcountry Wilderness half (recap to follow).
Headed home to take a shower and I had hoped to take a nap, but that didn't work out. Ben and I went to Torchy's for lunch before heading to pick up Tyler for our adventure! First we stopped at Over Yonder for a beer. Their beer is uninteresting, but it was close to our final destination...
Headed up to Red Rocks for the Deadmau5 tickets Tyler got us for Ben's birthday. Tyler was pretty fun in his onesie and a string of lights. (Ben and I were NOT fun), haha.
So I have never been to an EDM concert. There was SO much pot smoke and it was SO loud (but thanks to Ben, I had ear plugs). The openers were fine, but by the time Deadmau5 came on I really wasn't feeling that well. Maybe it was a combination of running long in the morning, the noise, the smoke, and beer, but I felt pretty sick. 

Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I told Ben I needed to leave, so unfortunately we all headed back to the car. I was dizzy and ended up throwing up in the parking lot. There is NO way that I had too much beer, so maybe I was just coming down with something. Sad way to end the night.
Sunday (13,722 steps) - Thankfully I had woken up in the middle of the night and taken ibuprofen, I felt "ok" when I got up. Ben and I went to Dunkin for coffee and breakfast. Did a quick Peloton ride to keep my streak alive and then Ben and I took Olive for a long walk to the library so I could drop off my ballot. We were finally both hungry, so we went to BJ's for lunch.

On the way home we stopped at Costco for groceries - ugh. Then I took Olive for another walk. Daylight savings seems like a nightmare this year. Ben and I watched a few episodes of Homeland but went to bed pretty early because it got dark so early it just seemed late. 
Monday (10,335 steps) - Work from home. Ariel and I went to Dutch Bros. for coffee before she went to school. Picked up my grocery order from King Soopers. Ariel and I went to Costco to get pizza for lunch and she thought it was really funny that I was freezing in my puffy coat and joggers and she was wearing a tank top.
Took Olive for a walk at lunch. Work was really busy all day since I was covering for Nicole and her desk is always insane. Took Olive for another walk after I got off work. Another early night.

  • 115,224 steps
  • 13.14 miles run
  • 5 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

Tuesday  (13,394 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch - StairMaster and strength training.  As a...