Friday, November 10, 2023

Backcountry Wilderness Trail 1/2 Marathon (Race Recap)

Highlands Ranch, CO
Saturday, November 4
Half Marathon #193
Weather - Perfect!

I had signed up for this race a few months ago, back when running a half marathon a week after a 225 mile race sounded like a good idea. (Haha). Ben was able to pick up my packet a few days early at Living the Dream since it's literally right behind his office. It was nice that he did that because reading my previous race reports, this probably saved a TON of time. 

Following my coach's instructions, I hadn't run all week. I had grabbed brand new shoes and figured what's the worst that can happen?

Race Day

I had actually slept decent and got up on time and headed out the door right at 7:30, hoping to arrive and be parked by 8:15. I didn't even bother trying to get in the closer lot, and parked at the end of an aisle so I would be able to find my car easier. As I was walking towards the start I texted Jandy to let her know that I had arrived. I found her without any issues, and walked back to her car so she could drop off her swag bag. From there, we headed BACK to the start area and got in a bathroom line. By the time all that was done, there was only about 10 minutes to the start. We had found Janet as well, and for some reason I was the only one that had a corral listed on the back of my bib, so we all decided to start in my corral, 7.
I think it's great they do the corrals to break up the runners since there are seemingly a thousand people participating. In reality, when I checked results later, there were something around 670 finishers.

The race started at 9, but our wave was maybe 8-9 minutes after. Jandy and I had planned to run together, and I think I stuck with her for... 2/3 of a mile. That was fine with me, I definitely didn't want her slowing down for me. Pretty sure I made it at least a mile before I had to walk for the first time.
Photo: Sean McNeil
There was a long hill towards a road crossing where they had a port-o-potty (but not an aid station? I can't remember now). I settled in for what I expected to be a VERY long day. I didn't have to walk a "ton" in this section, but I definitely took some breaks as when we got to the single track there was somewhat of a conga line. 

Janet was running right behind me and we chatted a bit, but mostly I was concentrating on trying to take it easy and running as much as I could. I do remember telling Janet that the course was way more windy (like twisty) than I remembered and it was actually making me feel like I was getting motion sickness.

I know there were a two water stations, but I can't remember the mileage now. It was supposed to be a cup-free race, but they had little paper cups at them. Even though I had my pack I still took extra water.

Things were going seemingly really well until I hit about mile 7.5 That's when all the uphill I didn't remember started. I walked a lot more than I thought I would need to. But I also ran very short sections and did pass people. Especially somewhere right before maybe mile 9? There was some mud (because it was in the shade and it had snowed a week earlier) and people were being weirdly cautious about running through it.
Finally we got to the top, another aid station. This section is not single track, more of a dirt road and I ran a decent amount here. Crossed the road and then we had the long sweeping (gradual uphill) that most races in this area use. 
I passed a lot of people here too, just by running short sections. Finally, maybe around mile 11.5 there was a decently steep hill, but I knew once that was done it was basically all downhill from there. My big toes were burning (I'm sure some residual weirdo stuff from Katy) but I did not allow myself to walk and had my fastest mile of the day (just over 10 minutes, haha). 

There was a sneaky incline to get to the finish, and I was soooo glad to be done (and only a few minutes slower than Jandy). Lisa was volunteering and I got my medal from her, but had to immediately sit down because I felt sick. Jandy and I grabbed our free beers and then headed back to the finish line to watch everyone else come in. 

Photo: Sean McNeil

Official Time - 2:45:56
Official Pace - 12:31
Overall Place - 514/675
Gender Place - 64/103
Garmin Time - 2:44:01
Garmin Distance - 13.14 miles
Elevation Gain - 1,419'
Mile 1- 12:15
Mile 2 - 12:45
Mile 3 - 13:05
Mile 4 - 11:27
Mile 5 - 11:26
Mile 6 - 12:14
Mile 7 - 12:38
Mile 8 - 14:29
Mile 9 - 14:29
Mile 10 - 12:56
Mile 11 - 12:40
Mile 12 - 12:05
Mile 13 - 10:13
Mile 13.14 - 9:43

  • This was my 6th timing running (although I hadn't run since 2017) and I really DO like this race. It's not crazy expensive - I paid $60 a few months out. Swag includes a nice medal, long sleeve shirt, plus we got a soft flask with race logo on it. Finish line has Flappin' Flapjacks (which I LOVE but I wasn't feel up to eating this time) and beer from Living the Dream. 
  • This is a challenging trail race with over 1400' of gain, but it's difficulty is the "big" hills being at the end after you have burned out your legs running some of the flats and downs - it is nice with a downhill finish though.
  • Race is early November, and the weather is actually usually pretty good. Only the first year I ran (2012) was it snowy and really cold.
  • Of note - I wore my new Javelina sun shirt, and I really like fabric - it's different than my other shirts and it kept me nice and cool while protecting my tattoo!
  • I was glad to have my pack on me since the aid stations are not especially frequent OR close together.
  • Would I recommend and/or run again? Yes and yes.

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