Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Week in Review (October 24 - October 30)

Tuesday (115,264 steps) - Katy 225
Wednesday (120,902 steps) - Katy 225
Thursday (109,057 steps) - Katy 225
Friday (39,070 steps) - Katy 225.
Once we finished, we literally had no plans. Paul and his family had plans to go to a hotel to rest and shower, so we grabbed our gear and then sat at the Bike Stop. They opened at 6, which is about when we finished, and they were nice enough to serve us beer. After having two, I realized I had not had any amount of sleep in many days and we needed a plan. We were able to reserve a Hilton nearby for the morning so we could shower and nap (plus, Ben was supposed to be working remote). They were still serving breakfast, so we ate first, then showered. I don't even really remember napping, but next thing I knew, it was 12:30 pm... we realized we definitely needed to get everything packed and check out of the hotel so we would have time to get everything done. No new breweries were close enough to where we were staying (or the airport), so we just headed to the airport. We found out upon arrival that since Ben and I were flying two different airlines that we weren't even in the same terminal. His flight left after mine though, so we had a beer and some pizza before I boarded.
I think I watched "You've Got Mail" and I was surprised to not fall asleep. We landed on time. By the time we got off the plane my left food was hurting pretty badly where I had the blister. I had plenty of time to walk to baggage claim while I was waiting for Ben. Bag came quickly and I was lying on the floor with my feet elevated to alleviate the swelling. 
Even though it was late (and a dumb idea) we went to 4 Noses for a beer before heading home.
Saturday (23,144 steps) - Seriously, WHO HAD THE BRILLIANT IDEA TO HAVE A 5:30 AM FLIGHT OUT OF DENVER??! We had a wakeup call of 2:00 am (after not getting to bed until 9:30?) and neither of us had packed for Arizona. We did manage to get out of the house as planned, and the only snafu was there not being any parking available at the lot we normally use. Since we were going to be gone for less than 48 hours, we just did onsite parking (which we knew would be a bazillion dollars). We landed on time (early) and Terri came to pick us up. We briefly stopped by the BnB before going to a place named Flapjacks down the street for breakfast. French toast and a bloody Mary!
The BeReal actually featured Ben and Terri (usually just me at work) when we were leaving breakfast.
We stopped back by the BnB to get stuff to take to the tent at the start. I had to take a picture of one of the "Swiftie" banners for Ariel.
The downfall of not writing things up right away is I can't remember a lot of things. We left the start/finish area to grab a beer at a local dive bar down the street. Lucky for us, they had some extra pizza they shared with us too! We realized that Ben was going to be pacing Larry on loop 3 (maybe not loop 4 like we thought). 
So we shipped them out on their loop. Terri and I decided we should find some dinner. We ended up going to the Mexican restaurant next door to where we had breakfast earlier, Maskadores. It was pretty good (and fast).
Terri decided a nap would be good, and I certainly was NOT going to complain. I swear I only closed my eyes for a minute before I heard Terri saying that it was time to go because it was going to be time to pace Larry soon. We did end up having a bit of time, but not a ton. I was definitely out of it from sheer exhaustion.
Sunday (15,170 steps) - Terri was going to be pacing Larry for two loops. Initially I had thought that maybe I could help out and pace one, but there was no way. I was way too tired. Ben and I went back to the tent and I basically passed out. I kept waking up because I was cold - who knew I was going to be COLD after how warm it had been. I had set an alarm for when I estimated it would be time to meet up with them before they headed out for their last loop - and it was the middle of the night (like 4 am?) We made it to the aid station with just a bit of time to spare before we saw them coming in. Larry still looked really good! After we sent them out, we went back to the tent. Sleep was tough with how cold it was, for sure. Once again, I had alarms set to make sure we didn't miss Larry coming in. He didn't look as great this time around - he had developed the leans, but he crossed the finish line in something like 28:13 - second oldest finisher - what a stud!!
We got Larry back to the tent and he sat in a chair and promptly dozed off. Ben and I were going to wander around near the finish line and found that Honest Bob ended up having an opening for tattoos! Since I had run Javelina before, I felt fine about getting one - isn't it cute? And free! 
Crazily, Ben decided to get one too. (Fun fact, Javelina in 2018 was the first race we did "together" - seems like a lifetime ago). 
We tipped Honest Bob and headed back to the tent to finish packing everything up. Ben and I agreed to be the ones to get the car since it was over a mile away and there was no way we wanted Larry walking that far. We got everything loaded up and went back to the BnB so everyone could get cleaned up and packed. We wanted to have a celebratory dinner before heading to the airport, and we went to the same restaurant that we had gone to last year after Javelina, Salt & Lime. Margaritas for everyone!

We then had to head to the airport. On the way, we got a notification that our already VERY late flight was going to be delayed 90 minutes, with us not arriving until nearly 2 am!! I said we should just go to the Southwest counter and find out if we could get on the earlier flight. Thankfully - we could! We lost our boarding positions but we were able to get out an hour EARLIER than we were originally going to be leaving, so I was fine with that. I managed to get in the third row, but Ben was in the back of the plane. Neither of us had checked a bag, so once Ben got off the plane it was pretty fast getting out of the airport. We had apparently parked in a really stupid part of the parking lot that was nearly impossible to access, we had to keep going up/down levels but finally found the car. What a loooong day. Got home just after midnight.
Monday (11,895 steps) - THANKFULLY a work from home day. The normal issues with digging out after being off for a week. Ugh. Took Olive for a walk at lunch on the "mud route" because I figured the trails would be icy from the snow. Second walk after I got off work and then went to Costco to pick up food for dinner since we had nothing after being out of town for so long.

  • 464,502 steps
  • 171.18 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

Tuesday  (13,394 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch - StairMaster and strength training.  As a...