Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Week in Review (September 26 - October 2)

Tuesday (10,812 steps) - Bonus day off from work! I did not sleep as late as I would have liked. Was not motivated at all, and by the time I finally decided to do my cross training, it was too late to find a live class for my 200th ride :(
Took Olive for a walk at lunch, and we saw an owl again, yay!
Bonus evening walk for Olive as well!
Wednesday (21,551 steps) - Work in the office. Went for walk at lunch. After work I had a pretty terrible workout to do - 16x80 sprints. It was hot AF, and I really doubted my ability to get this done. After just 4 repeats I thought I was going to pass out. (And yes, I realize I should NOT have worn a black shirt on a million degree day).
I felt better after using the bathroom after the 4th (failed) repeat, and the last 12 actually went WAY better than I ever could have imagined. It helped that the end of the run was somewhat in the shade and the sun started to go down.

Pizza for dinner, hurray!
Thursday (21,834 steps) - Work from home. I just had an easy run on schedule, any terrain, so I did the loop I like.
Took Olive for a walk. Ben and I decided to go to Torchy's again for dinner. Yum. Then it was on to Costco for some late night grocery shopping. Wooo.
Friday (12,548 steps) - Wash Park and coffee before going to work, which was uneventful. Took Olive for a walk when I got home. The evening is a blank.
Saturday (36,688 steps) - Up early for a run around Dirty Biz. Met up at Coalton to run with Terri,  Larry and Tyler. It was blissfully cloudy when we started - this run is a nightmare if it's hot. All in all, it wasn't nearly as horrible as I feared it would be - and was my longest run since Oregon!

I should note that they are doing planned cow grazing/mitigation and there were zillions of cows in areas we have never seen them before!

Stopped to get a protein shake from Ziggi's on the way home and took Olive for a walk. Went to 4 Noses after picking up Ben's truck from getting some work done.
Sunday (20,057 steps) - Took Olive for a short walk before heading to Boulder for an easy recovery run. I had picked an out and back on South Boulder trail. I always forget that it is slightly downhill on the way out and the way back always feels harder than it should.
Stopped at Torchy's for some queso and a taco before going to Home Depot. Literally no idea what else happened. 
Monday (21,087 steps) - Work from home. Had a run that was supposed to be "faster" paces and some strides. Now that it's October I plan on wearing SOMETHING Halloween themed every day. This is a throwback to one of my old INB Zombie tees.
Definitely the fastest I have run in a while. (I no longer feel "sad" at my slow ass paces. I definitely am a stronger runner than I used to be and I no longer have HR in the 170s - although at my age that would probably mean I was dying anyway).
And it's always exciting to get a segment PR on something that I have run nearly 100 times!!!
Took Olive for a walk and saw another owl. This one actually looked at me when I "hooted" at him. Yay!
The afternoon was spent at the tire place (YES, AGAIN) because at some point I hit another flat and the sidewall of my tire is splitting. The guy gave me a nice discount because "I'm starting to feel really bad for you." (Even *I* am not counting anymore at how many times Ariel and I have been there this year - but I think it's double digits). Took Olive for another walk. 

  • 144,577 steps
  • 39.02 miles run
  • 25 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (February 25 - March 3)

Tuesday  (15,764 steps) - Peloton and walked Olive before going to work in the office. StairMaster and a strength training at lunch. Took Ol...