Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Week in Review (March 7 - March 13)

Tuesday (10,472 steps) - Work in the office. I did my cross training at lunch. Rushed home to take Olive for a quick walk before heading over to the school for A's orchestra concert. I *think* her last concert ever, since they are not offering an advanced class next year, so she isn't taking music :(
Wednesday (19,969 steps) - Work in the office. Walked on the treadmill at lunch while reading. Runners Roost Louisville after work for more hill repeats. And thankfully, Kristin joined me again! It was another gloomy day, but we missed actually being snowed on. (And by missed, we just didn't get snow, we were not sad about it).

The hill repeats actually went REALLY well. 60 seconds does seem a lot longer than 45 though. And the flat 2 minute ones we did were sub 8 pace! Did a couple deliveries on my way home.
Thursday (31,362 steps) - Work from home. Logged in early because I had yet another long run to do at lunch. It was windy, and my heartrate was a bit high, but overall the run was fine. Took Olive for a walk at lunch - and at least it's sunny!
Took Olive to Belmar for run club. There were a LOT of dogs! Olive did puke in the car on the drive home, which was not wonderful. A wasn't home for dinner, so I had a frozen pizza and watched Nip/Tuck.
Friday (14,912 steps) - Wash Park and coffee. Work in the office. Dog walker messaged to let me know that Olive had pooped a few times in her crate - one solid and one diarrhea. She cleaned it up the best she could, but Olive was upset and wouldn't let her take her harness off. By the time I got home she had had diarrhea AGAIN, and this time it went onto the carpet. So that meant carpet cleaning, lots of laundry, etc.  Ugh. I was able to schedule an appointment with the vet, but not until Monday. Between the vomit and diarrhea, figure I need to make sure she is ok.
Saturday (24,146 steps) - I had maybe planned on trying to go to Runners Roost Lakewood's dog run with Ruffwear, but with Olive being sick I decided to skip. And good thing, because Ariel texted that the 3200 was now the first event of the meet, at 8:30 (not 9, like the website said, and not one of the last events like usual). I had to rush out the door to get there, and BARELY made it in time to watch her run. I sat with Gracie's mom and wow, both girls ran soooo strong! New PR (by a LOT) for A, with a 13:48!

She also was running the 4x800, which wasn't even that long after the 3200. She was the anchor and said she didn't run fast, but she looked great and pretty sure she made up time.
I didn't stick around after that because I still had a run to get in, and I knew I needed to get home to Olive. I headed over to Bear Creek and had a REALLY good run! The weather was perfect, even a little warm.

Fake spring
Finished up, did a couple deliveries on my way home, then took Olive for a walk. Did more driving since A was working. Productive night, biggest money-making evening yet!
Sunday (46,199 steps) - Dumb, dumb, dumb daylight savings. Somehow I slept late, and I still had a 4 hour long run to do. I had a quick breakfast and headed up to Dirty Biz for a loop (with the addition of Dowdy Draw). It was cold, windy, cloudy. Even got snowed on a bit about halfway through. And 99% of the trail was in good condition - just a little snow/mud on the Boulder side. The run actually went REALLY well. Like REALLY well. 

This is the second time I have seen bald eagles in this area

Less than 3 minutes of walking for an 18 mile trail run?!?! And the idles time was one bathroom stop and one light I had to wait at
Home to take Olive for a walk and shower. Did a few deliveries and then met Ben for a couple beers at Westminster Brewing.
Monday (23,460 steps) - Work from home. Had to take Olive to the vet - but she actually did really well!
I'm glad I talked to my coach about shortening my runs during the week a bit. It's so hard to get in a few hours of running during the day, especially with my day job and the part time job I also have. Anyway, I had a quite lovely run at the lake (first one in a while since it's been muddy). Fake spring is back for a few days!

After work I did a couple deliveries and took Olive for a walk. Then, it was off to Petco for puppy training graduation!

Ariel had dinner plans, so I took Olive home, fed the zoo, and went out for a few deliveries. I missed my window to get pizza at Costco because I didn't realize they close at 8:30, so I had to pick up a Little Caesars. And all they had was cheese. That'll teach me. Long day.

  • 170,520 steps
  • 46.72 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 50 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...