Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Week in Review (February 28 - March 6)

Tuesday (10,224 steps) - A very beautiful sunrise this morning!
Work in the office. Had a great workout in the building gym (I love love love LOVE the remodel and new equipment). Got in legs, upper body, core and yoga. Also, the professional Black Canyon 100k pictures are finally ready! I bought 4 pictures, including this one:
Photo Cred: Jesse Ellis
Took Olive for a walk after work.
Wednesday (18,951 steps) - Work in the office. Walked a few miles on the treadmill at lunch while reading. After work I headed to Runners Roost in Louisville to meet up with Kristin - who offered to join me for my workout. Literally the first snowflake fell when I got out of my car. Curse of "wacky weather Wednesday. " The route I mapped was ALLLL uphill for the 20 minute warm up. We did our 2 minute repeats on the mesa - and I was shocked that they were both at an 8:17 pace. That's fast (for me).
The snow really started coming down like crazy for our 10x45 second repeats. The sidewalk also got really ice, really fast. Glad that's done.

Super fast repeats
The drive home was not fun. When will winter be over? I want to start complaining about being hot.
Thursday (28,517 steps) - Work from home. Ariel and I were really excited to go to Dunkin in the morning - me, because of the carrot cake muffins! Unfortunately, we placed our order in the app and all the doors were closed when we got there, so we had to wait in the drive thru line, which took FOREVER (over 15 minutes for sure). And then, when I looked in the bag, my muffin didn't have frosting, so I asked that guy if it was even what I ordered. He disappeared for another few minutes and brought me back this:
Oh. And it had raisins in it. Sad. I had a 90 minute run on schedule, which I did at lunch, and it wasn't bad.
Took Olive for a walk after the run. And THEN, after work, we headed down to Belmar. Thankfully, Paula and Maya were back, although the C25K program is basically all just running now, and very little walking, which is sad. I miss walking.
Friday (14,050 steps) - Wash Park and coffee with the gang. I ended up having to go to Runner's Roost on my lunch hour to get A her track spikes, since they were sold out in her size in the color the whole team is getting. It's apparently all the rage right now:
Took Olive for a walk when I got home. Ariel had plans all evening, so I stayed at home, ordered nachos from Emilio's and watched a few episodes of Nip/Tuck.
Saturday (29,508 steps) - A *very* foggy morning:
Olive and I headed to the school at 8:45 to watch Ariel's Panther-a-thon fundraiser of running around the track for an hour. (I was one of only a couple parents that watched).

A got in 7 full miles in the time limit. What a badass. After that, I took Olive home, had a quick breakfast, and headed up to Rock Creek for my run. It was MUCH chillier than I expected and I kept my layers on the entire time. Not a bad run.
Kristin invited me and Tyler to join her and Doug for a special screening at the Alamo, and I thought it would be fun (plus I had a coupon for a free pizza...)
Somewhat late evening.
Sunday (20,042 steps) - Initially, I had planned to run in Boulder, but after checking OSMP, it appeared that the trails were closed for mud. So, I opted to go back to Rock Creek. I thought it might be good/fun to take Olive. Spoiler. Not really fun for me. There were one million prairie dogs out and she is NOT trained enough to not want to chase them, so it was very frustrating for me. Her longest activity yet, though, and just under 6 miles.
Headed to Resolute, where I met up with Tyler and Kristin for a beer.

Home to shower and watch more Nip/Tuck. Took Olive for another walk. A had plans to babysit with a friend, so I went to Westminster Brewing with Olive. (She is really a hit, everyone just thinks she is soooo cute).
Monday (28,633 steps) - Work from home. Logged in early because I had another longer run to do at lunch. It was colder than I expected and I ended up leaving my jacket on the entire time. AND, I saw Ariel driving back to school after lunch, so that was fun. Took Olive for a walk. Also, got a job doing Uber Eats. After one day, I think it is a LOT better than when I was delivering for Jimmy John's. I like the app, and I like that it shows me upfront what the delivery is and how far it is, and what the expected pay is. I had one guy tip me over $17, so I'm going to keep at it.
First time inside a McDonalds in probably a decade
Took Olive for a quick walk before dog training. After dinner, I went out and did a few more deliveries. Excited to hopefully make some good money and get some debt paid off.

  • 149,925 steps
  • 39.83 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 75 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...