Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Week in Review (August 9 - August 16)

Tuesday (14,980 steps) -  Work in the office. Went for a walk at lunch and then after work I made a quick stop at Ulta. I haven't bought any real makeup in probably 3-4 years, thanks to Covid. I finally got a good foundation that has SPF in it, surprised at the number of them that do not have it! Then I went to Green Mountain to meet Mo for run club.
I love the Low Tide Rabbit tops! So fun, and they don't look like running clothes
The run was a bit tough, I am definitely still in recovery mode. It "helped" that it was a down week for Mo and that Colfax wasn't supposed to be running, so he was being pushed in his stroller. Opted to skip the beer and have a seltzer instead. 
Leftovers for dinner and TV, since A was working.
Wednesday (6,821 steps) - Peloton ride and full body strength training before going to work in the office.
Went for a walk at lunch. Pretty sure I had leftovers again for dinner, and must've watched something on TV, but I don't remember. Tyler stopped by briefly to pick up the battery he loaned me MANY months ago.
Thursday (22,753 steps) - Up early for... a track workout :( 
I have not missed doing speed work AT ALL. I needed to get in a warm up and 4x800 with 800 rest in between, and I didn't think I had enough time to go all the way to the nice track, so I ran from the house to the dirt track at the middle school. I don't even like speedwork when I'm feeling "ok" so I was dreading this. The warmup was pretty awful, but by the time I got to the intervals they were "not bad" and I actually managed to get faster with each one.

Pretty sunrise!

I fully recognize that those 800 paces used to be paces I could maintain during a half marathon, but I'm obviously not at that fitness level anymore. 
Had about an 80 minute counseling session online, then went to 4 Noses with Ben. Pizza for dinner.
Friday (9,129 steps) - FRIDAY. Wash Park and coffee with the gang. New latte flavor, which was exciting - plus, how can you go wrong with whipped cream?
Work was CRAZY busy. Finally at lunch I got enough nerve to talk to Nicole about my new desk assignments. She thankfully was really understanding and is not going to make me continue with it, so back to my regular peeps. Woo. Managed a cute (weird?) selfie with both kitties.
Saturday (32,357 steps) - Up early to meet up with Runners Edge! I had two hours on schedule, with the goal to remain in zones 1 and 2, with a few 3-5 minute long pickups. Well I wasn't sure how slow I would have to run to keep my heartrate that low, but I figured I'd just do 10.
The route was not one that I had done before and I was really appreciative of the amount of shade! There was, unfortunately, only one aid station (I must've misunderstood where the second one was?) - so from 2ish to 8ish miles I didn't have anything. I definitely had to run slower than I would have liked, but managed to stay in the lower HR zones for all but maybe 10 minutes, so success! Stayed at Panera to chat with Ted and Jim for a bit before heading home to shower.

Took Pika for a walk, then Ariel and I drove up to Silverthorne. Actually, A did her first "mountain" driving and drove to Georgetown, then I drove the rest of the way. We were able to check into our hotel a bit early, then we still had to get ready for Paula and Jon's wedding. We were out the door on time and found the venue without difficulty. Their wedding was really cute and they got married on the green - and luckily the weather held out. Plus, look how nice we looked!

I kept my phone in my purse most of the night, so really only took pictures of this one cupcake, and the picture below that I stole from one of the other people that took it, haha.

Ariel and I are the only ones that don't have the purple Selk bags!
Ruth, Erica, Ang, Annette, Paula, A, me, Mo and Lisa
We left the venue around 9:40 and A drove us back to our hotel. Watched some Law & Order SVU, but went to bed pretty soon after that.
Sunday (3,791 steps) - Unfortunately, we didn't have a do not disturb sign for our room and we got a few knocks on our door before 8 am. We finally dragged ourselves out of bed because we were hungry. We went to a cafe down the street - it was delicious.
Went to Dunkin for some coffee and then a stop at the Crocs store so A could show me the color she wants for her next pair. Then, up to Frisco for a stop at Outer Range!
We met Greg there and played the "how many countries of the world can you name" game. He is the smartest person I know and was able to get 166! (I got half that). We headed out at 12:30, but it was already too late. It took over 3 hours to get home (it's normally about 80 minutes). It also rained a lot of the drive, so I did the whole drive instead of switching out with Ariel.

Went with Ben to Costco to put gas in my car, then up to 4 Noses for a beer. Evening was spent watching TV and having burgers for dinner.
Monday (18,200 steps) - Work from home! Took Pika for a short walk, early, then up to Eldorado for a hike at lunch. I got partway there before I remembered that my parking pass is tied to my old car, not my new one, so I had to stop by A's work to switch cars. I had decided to go at lunch since it was supposed to rain in the afternoon.

I haven't done any trails since Fat Dog, and I was quickly tired and out of breath. I was watching the skies, I didn't want to get caught in weather (and neither did Blue-C).
The first few miles were WARM. A group of guys coming down warned me there was a rattlesnake off the trail, but I thankfully never saw it. It was really green on the trail, which surprised me with how warm it's been. Finally I was heading down and I had to start running a bit since the sky was getting mildly scary.
Started lightly raining on me with maybe 3/4 of a mile to go. I got out of there pretty quick, but it was raining pretty hard most of the drive. Switched cars with A, then finished out my day at home. I had A bring me a few tacos for a late lunch. We found a movie to watch, then had frozen pizza for dinner. I stayed up a bit watching Snapped, and A went to a friend's house for her last night of summer. I think I was in bed by 9, which was glorious. 

  • 108,031 steps
  • 25.16 miles run
  • 15 minutes of cardio
  • 25 minutes of strength

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