Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Week in Review (May 24 - May 30)

Tuesday - Work in the office. Went for a walk at lunch. I had switched my hill day so headed to Green Mountain after work for some repeats. I definitely felt tired during these, but got it done. 

We had heard form Jeramiah earlier that he had tested positive for Covid, so we opted to take a test since he had been over for my birthday. Ben and I both tested positive, although Ariel did not. Well, guess it makes sense why I've felt so sick the last few days.
Wednesday - Peloton ride before work at home. My work told me to stay home for five days, so yay. Went for a walk at lunch with Ben and Pika and then did a core video.
Owls are back!
It was A's last day of school! 10th grade is in the rearview mirror.
Since A has no symptoms and tested negative, she was able to go to work for her orientation. (Yes, she has a job now!) We were SUPPOSED to go to Margo's graduation party, but with the positive test, we of course needed to stay home. Stupid stupid Covid :(
Thursday - Woke up early to do my run, only to discover that my battery had completely drained overnight, even though it was fully charged when I went to bed. GRRRR. I logged on to work early so that I could take a long lunch to get my run in after my watch charged up. Ben spent some time on the phone with Garmin to see if we could figure out what the issue is THIS time. Once again I was told to delete watch faces, then to do a hard reset. Thankfully, that seems to have helped, but it is really annoying when things don't work. I had 9 miles on schedule (woof), and after Monday's "mostly ok" run I thought it would be ok. Well I tried to take it really easy, but I couldn't seem to regulate my heart rate or body temperature. Looking at my Garmin info after - makes sense. Even with walking to calm down, my heart rate was in zones 4 and 5 most of the run - and that was "easy."

Glad to have that done. Went for a walk at lunch, then after work had to do cross training - arms/shoulders, chest/back and core. 
Friday - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Nothing else.
Saturday - I kept hoping that Greg would adjust my training plan. But nope, I still had a LONG run on schedule for the day. Didn't set an alarm, but woke up fairly early. I had mapped out what I figured would get me close to the mileage I needed and managed to head out before 7:30. Thankfully, it was overcast and not that warm. After using the bathroom I was feeling REALLY good. I ran on the canal trail for the first time (since last summer) and I think I ran 7-8 miles without walking?!

About the time I got to Lake Arbor was when the run started to fall apart for me, maybe 10-11 miles in. My breathing started to get very labored for the effort, so I set up intervals. Interestingly, the pace actually was similar to when I was running the whole time, but I digress.
It definitely started to feel really warm and I was glad that I had thrown an extra bottle in my pack, as I ended up having to pull it out and use it. By the time I got to 16-17 miles in I was basically dead. BUT, I got my 18 miles in. Wooo me. Ben and A went to get me a soda from the gas station (I literally NEVER drink soda anymore unless it's in a race or in the summer after a long run). After a shower I went on a walk with Ben and Pika. The remainder of the day was spent on the couch, with the exception of taking A to and from work.
Sunday - THANKFULLY IT WAS A REST DAY. I was sooo exhausted. "Slept in" and spent most of the day on the couch. Headed out to walk Pika and it looked super stormy out. Pika has zero sense of urgency, so we did get a little wet when we were almost home.
Spent a lot of time on the couch catching up on "This is Us" and Ben and I watched a movie while A was at work.
Monday - Woke up to the sound of the wind howling, so needless to say, I was NOT looking forward to my run. I put it off for a few hours, and finally headed out around 10:45. I had 10 miles on schedule. It was actually relatively cool when I started out - which was nice! I didn't have any water because my bottle had a leak (this is seriously at least 3 bottles I've had to trash in the last few months?)

I felt REALLY good until I was maybe 8 miles in - then I just all of a sudden felt really hot and tired, and started walking a lot. (I know I've said it before, but I really like this new Garmin graph that shows when I'm running vs walking vs stopped). 
Heart rate still a bit high, but at least not in zone 5 as much, although really should be in zone 3 for most of these efforts, if not zone 2. (But to be fair, I feel like I've always had a more elevated heart rate, so I can't be too worried about this).

Couch time, and then a drink on the patio since it was actually quite pleasant out. Bonus that Ben decided it would be fun to clean the windows, haha.
Watched a movie, then Ben went to pick up A - she had to close, so it was after my bedtime before she was even off work!

  • 43.99 miles run (haha)
  • 40 minutes of cardio
  • 50 minutes of cross training

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