Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Week in Review (June 7 - June 13)

Tuesday - Peloton stack to start the day:
Work in the office. Went for a walk at lunch. After work I headed to my second job. Home in time to eat and go to bed...
Wednesday - Out the door early for what was supposed to be an easy 4 mile run. It FELT easy, but my heart rate was pretty high. Ugh - I don't know why that is. Either way, I was able to do the ENTIRE run without a walk break, and only a brief stop at a light. Woo!!
30 minute Peloton ride before heading to work. Another walk at lunch, and then back to job number two... 
Thursday - Short(ish) tempo run before work. The only reason I got up as early as I did was because I had to take A to practice. After how well running has been going for me lately, I told Greg I was ready to incorporate some speed work back in. The last time I tried to do this tempo run I majorly blew up and I swore of speed work again. Anyway, it was HARD, but manageable, especially since I did end up walking part of the recovery.

W/U, 5 easy, 10 tempo, 5 easy, 10 tempo, C/D
I'm fully aware that this isn't fast, by any stretch of the imagination, but just being able to run 10 minutes straight at a faster clip is a huge win for me. With the way I have the rest of the year laid out, I hope to get those tempo paces into the 9's! 

Work from home, took Pika for a walk at lunch. After work, on to the second job. It was a pretty busy night, and time flew by!
Friday - Wash Park and coffee with the gang. Work in the office. After work I headed home for a quick dinner of Qdoba - then it was back downtown for the NKOTB concert!!! Hard to believe it's been three years since we last saw them. Once again, parked at my office (just about a mile away) because I'm too cheap to spend $30 on parking. I was really pleased with the seats I picked, and we had a GREAT time.
Left - 2009 and now - same shirt!

I've said it before - I absolutely LOVE how they format the mixtape shows. It was three hours of nonstop music. NKOTB still puts on an awesome show. Salt n' Pepa and En Vogue were good, and Rick Astley was a treat! We didn't get out of there until 11 pm, and then still had to walk back to the car. A still needed some night driving, so I had her drive home - she wasn't overly impressed with downtown on a Friday night.
Saturday - I didn't have a ton of miles on schedule, and since it was a free day with Runner's Edge, I decided to get up (on just a few hours of sleep) and head downtown (again) to REI for the run. Now that Alex has taken over, he was able to secure REI as a sponsor!!
It had seemed like the route was mostly going to be flat, but there was definitely a climb heading out to Sloan's Lake. I ended up doing most of the run by myself, as I was seemingly between other people's paces. I did run with Kristin and Lisa for a bit towards the time I was getting ready to turn around. We would find out later that someone stole the entire aid station we were all expecting around 4 miles in. I ended up having to go over an hour without water, which isn't my favorite thing, especially when it's hot outside. At least the last mile or so was a nice downhill. Got my 8 miles in and felt great! 
At 9 REI opened up one of the upstairs event rooms for us. They provided Nuun, coffee and Santiago's breakfast burritos! I didn't win the raffle (sniff sniff), but spent some time chatting with Alison, Sheila, Kevin and Susan - people I don't get to see much anymore. Headed home for a quick shower before A and I headed out to see the new Jurassic World movie. It had a bit of a slow start, but we enjoyed it. Turned our phones on to an alert that our AC wasn't cooling the house and it was 86 in there! Rushed h home to find out we had left windows open (oops). Took A to work and I took Pika with me to the Roost team party in Golden.
Had some food and chatted (mostly with Jandy, Christine and Maureen). There wasn't a big turnout, but it was a lot of fun. Once everything started to wind down, Maureen, Jandy and I walked Colfax and Pika to the creek to cool down. We hit 100 degrees today - and Pika really appreciated getting her belly wet.
It was after 8 before I got home. Ugh.
Sunday - Even though I really only had a 4 mile easy run on schedule, I agreed to get up early and go meet friends at Waterton Canyon. I haven't been running with people much at all, so I was pretty apprehensive about this - even though things have been going better for me lately. About a half mile in we saw a hot air balloon - REALLY close to us!!
I was running with Jandy, Lisa and Maureen, and we had decided on 6 easy (and slow) miles. It wasn't as slow as I probably would have gone. For the most part, I held my own, but it was not as "easy" as I would have hoped. Didn't see any sheep, but we did see a half dozen deer, which was fun.
Me,  Nikki, Maureen, Jandy, Lisa & Christine
Mo's emergency jell-o shots "just in case"
We stayed in the parking lot for a bit chatting - I've missed seeing people!! Got home in time to take A to work. Did some laundry and had lunch. Met up with Ben at Westminster Brewing before going to pick up A from work.
We got pizza for dinner and watched some of the older Jurassic World movies. Where did the weekend go?
Monday - FINALLY, after more than a week, I didn't have to get out of bed crazy early, although I of course was still up before 7. Work from home. Took Pika for her walk earlier than normal since it was supposed to be close to 100 degrees again.
Right after the walk I got on the Peloton for a 30 minute ride. Finished job one and headed to job two. This ended up being a busy and fun shift and I got off work about 45 minutes earlier than I usually do, so that was nice. I actually had time to relax a bit after dinner. As much as I thought I would hate having this job, it's actually not bad, and I'm enjoying the extra money.

  • 21.82 miles run
  • 80 minutes of cardio
  • 40 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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