Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Week in Review (March 15 - March 21)

Tuesday (11,526 steps) - Back home and back to reality. Work in the office. Weather was nice for once, so I went for a long walk at lunch.
Wednesday (6,228 steps) - Work in the office, although I worked through lunch and left early so that I could go to A's first track meet of the season. 
The forecast was abysmal, with rain and snow. Ben actually got out of work early and met me there with my laptop so I could finish out my work day. A ran the 1600 before any of the rain started and got a new PR of 6:30!! 
There was some on and off rain for a bit, and it got REALLY cold. She also ran the 800, in about 3 minutes flat. She is really getting fast! She was going to be getting a ride home, so we headed out since we are old and were dying of cold. We picked up pho for dinner.
This picture cracked me up. These two never sit together but Pika took Batman's spot on the couch and he slinked up next to her in a moment of defiance.
Thursday (9,005 steps) - A decent amount of snow fell overnight and it was still snowing reasonably hard when I woke up, so I was VERY glad it was a work from home day. 
Took Pika for walk at lunch, and thought that the lake would be mostly frozen. I was wrong. It was muddy and slushy. Sigh.

A had a rough day between some stuff going on with track, PLUS, she found out that the music program at school is being slashed and the Chamber Orchestra class is not going to exist next year - not to mention, the orchestra/band teacher is being cut and will be taught by the choir teacher. Took A to Dairy Queen for a blizzard.
Pika got a treat too!
Friday (12,171 steps) - Wash Park group was small, it was just me and Pete. 
Got coffee before heading into the office. Ben came down at lunch so we could have an "REI date." As he was taking me back to work we got a ring notification that the UPS guy wasn't leaving my iPhone because it was signature required. Grrr! They don't normally come that early. Ben ended up grabbing the delivery notice the driver left and drove all over the neighborhood until he found the guy and my phone! Wheee! Spent the evening transferring all my stuff over to my new phone.
Saturday (23,815 steps) - Set an alarm but I woke up before it went off. I knew all the close trails would be a muddy mess, but I heard a rumor that Evergreen would be fine, so off I went for Elk Meadow and Bergen Peak. There were a few people walking dogs on the lower trails, but at 8:45 am it was the least crowded I have ever seen. And as I climbed, I figured out why... the lower trails had been packed pretty nice and I was moving well. 

About 2 miles in, it got crazy. The snow was up to my thighs in places! It was a LOT of work and slow going. I ended up not even attempting to summit because it was so ridiculous out. 

Of course by the time I was almost done a lot of the lower trails were wet and muddy. Good day though! Went home to shower and then met Ben at the new New Image location in Wheat Ridge. 
It's nice, but the parking is really not any better than Olde Town. Since A was still out with friends, we went to Salsas for dinner. 
Sunday (6,919 steps) - A rare day off for everyone! Slept "in" and Ben made breakfast. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Went to New Terrain, Costco, and then home for dinner. 
Monday (18,524 steps) - Work from home. It snowed. Again. I'm really tired of the snow. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. After work I had my first real run on schedule since before Antelope. Coach is giving me some "speed" and this one had me apprehensive. Like usual, I stressed out about it way more than I needed to, it was fine. Dinner and Ozark.

  • 88,188 steps
  • 14.47 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 20 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...