Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Week in Review (September 28 - October 4)

Tuesday (18,223 steps) - Work in the office. I had a 6 mile trail run scheduled, so after work I headed over to Bear Creek for a run that I had mapped out. 
Unfortunately for me, a few things happened. First, less than a mile into my run, I managed to end up in a conga line of bikes. No kidding that there must've been at least 50 of them. 
Once that drama was done, most of the run was pretty enjoyable, except for the fact that apparently over the years there have been some permanent trail closures that still come up on Strava as active? I had to reroute a few different areas, and by the time I got back to the car I was definitely closer to 7 miles. Overall, it was good. 

After I was done, I headed over to Green Mountain for a quick beer before heading home. I found out that I won a t-shirt for completing some Strava mileage challenge, so that was fun.
Wednesday (5,302 steps) - Work in the office. Ben drove down and met me for lunch! We went to a Colorado Campfire a few miles from my office. I had a beer and the most delicious bowl of gourmet mac & cheese with ham. Tasty!!

Did an hour long Peloton ride after work. I definitely think Cody is my new favorite instructor. He is just so sassy and has the best music. Pretty good workout.
Thursday (15,114 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. After work I had a 45 minute power hike session planned, so I went to the south side of the lake. I've gotten SOOOO much faster at hiking - sub 14 minute miles! (Now if only I could take that much time off my actual run pace, haha).

Friday (9,969 steps) - Wash Park! 
Beautiful morning and not as cold as I feared, although I did wear my puffy coat. Not ready for winter. Work in the office. Nothing else?
Saturday (34,956 steps) - Up early for a long run around Boulder before A's cross country meet. I had planned out a route from the high school and I was pleasantly surprised at how well this went (outside of my heart rate being REALLY high, even though I felt like I was taking it easy). The first five or so miles I hardly saw anyone, but by the end everyone in the world seemed to be out. Cool temperatures and changing leaves - does it get better than this? I even left my long sleeve on the whole time. Crazy.

Finished with plenty of time to find Ariel and watch the start of her race. She looked really strong at the start, but looked upset by the time she came through the finish. Came to find out afterward that she had rolled her ankle and the last mile was pretty painful for her :( 
Can you see the girls running along the lake? What a gorgeous day!

Headed home, took Pika for a walk and picked up Torchy's for lunch. Then we watched three episodes of Squid Game before taking Gracie home. Made chimmis for dinner, then I took A to a friend's house. 
I met Tyler and Ben at Luki. It was Oktoberfest there - music and all - so it was LOUD. Headed home and went to bed early.
Fun fact, Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" sounds basically the same on an accordion. 
Sunday (17,285 steps) - Slept in. Had a shorter run on schedule, needed a 45 minute hike up and easy run down. I opted to go up the canyon to Mayhem Gulch for a change of scenery. Had hoped to see some changing leaves, but there weren't many trees on the route. Everything went really well on this! 

Picked up coffee on the way home and then took Pika for a walk. Afternoon was spent watching more Squid Game.
Monday (10,133 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk at lunch, then took her for another one after work before picking A up from practice.

  • 110,982 steps
  • 25.54 miles run
  • 60 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...