Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Week in Review (October 12 - October 18)

Tuesday (7,088 steps) - Work in the office. 45 minute Peloton ride and I guess nothing else.
Wednesday (13,677 steps) - Work in the office. I had an easy three miles on schedule, so I went to run club in Denver! It was fun to see people I don't normally see. Ran with Mo and Colfax and felt pretty good. Stuck around after and talked with Lisa about all her exciting upcoming trips!
Thursday (20,896 steps) - Work from home. Had my last "shake out" run to do, so I did an "easy" three at the lake - and it WAS actually not bad! Super rare for that to happen. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Headed down to south Lakewood for the League XC meet that A had qualified for! It was supposed to be cold and stormy and we weren't optimistic about good racing conditions when it was snowing on the drive down! By the time they raced it cleared up a bit, thankfully, although it was still cold.
Emma leading the way - she'd maintain this lead the whole race

A was super pumped to find out that her time (which was a new PR, by the way) was enough for her to qualify to run Regionals. Woo hoo!! She wanted to ride the bus home with her teammates, so Ben and I stopped at a "new to us" brewery on the way home.
Friday (9,019 steps) - Up at an obscene hour to rush out the door to the airport. We hadn't been able to book our normal offsite parking because it was sold out, so we planned to just park in the economy lot. This turned out to also be a terrible idea, as that was almost completely full as well! We ended up in row Z, which is literally the last one. We had a ton of crap and had to basically run to the airport. We Came in at the wrong side and had to do the up/down escalator thing because of all the construction. The line to check bags was insane, although not as bad as the lines for security. I was REALLY sure that we were going to miss our flight even though we had gotten to the airport two hours early. Finally got the bag checked and jumped into the security line, hoping that our bags wouldn't get to Kentucky without us. Made it through security and got to the gate with 16 minutes to spare, only to have an announcement that our flight was delayed 30 minutes. Who cares at this point, at least we made it there. Flight was uneventful, and I continued with my Schitt's Creek episodes. We had booked a Turo for the first time instead of a traditional rental car, so we had to take a Lyft to get to the location since they didn't deliver. Everything worked out well with that experience, so I'd recommend using them if you can find a good deal - even with the Lyft both ways we still saved a few hundred bucks. By now we were both starving, but we also wanted to get on the road. It was POURING and we had a foreshadowing of what the rest of the weekend would look like. We had hoped to find a brewery on the way, but the options were really limited. We found a "brewery" named Goodwood about an hour away. The beer was meh, but the food was REALLY good and hit the spot.
There really wasn't a direct route to get to where we were going, and we ended up on quite a few country two-lane roads. It was really pretty, however, and I did enjoy the drive. Finally, we made it to Virginia!
By the time we got to where we were going it was about 6 pm. We had made plans to meet up with Dave at the pizza place next to the Expo Center, so I texted him as soon as I got service so we could eat ASAP. We picked up our packets first, then met Dave. Even though we were at a pizza place, I opted to order lasagna instead - it ended up being really good! We had a very pleasant dinner, then planned to run to Walmart to get our last minute groceries so we could get everything ready for the morning. The day flew by!
Saturday (110,640 steps) - Cloudsplitter 100
Sunday (124,461 steps) - Cloudsplitter 100.
Monday (6,041 steps) - I had apparently slept like the dead. I don't recall how early I got up, but I know we didn't set an alarm and we woke up sometime after the sun came up. I was really sore and throat was pretty scratchy. Ben went into town and got us coffee and scones. We had to pack and get out of the hotel and still had a pretty long drive to get back to Louisville. We stopped at a really cute brewery in Lexington that had great food and beer! Unfortunately we couldn't stay long as we still had another hour to drive.
Steph still wanted me to do a 20 minute walk, so we found a brewery near-ish the airport that had what looked like a park nearby where we could walk. Turns out, it was a cemetery. Ironically, one of the tombstones had this:
Drove the car back to where we had picked it up and then got a Lyft back to the airport. We had plans on getting dinner or a snack, but EVERYTHING was closed. ARG!! Schitt's Creek on the flight home. We actually landed early and getting our bags wasn't a problem, but we still had the LONG walk back to the truck. Not fun. Then, because of construction, it took forever to get out of the airport because they had everyone merging into one lane! I-70 also had ALL lanes closed, we had to drive in the break down lane, plus our exit was closed. Needless to say, it took a LONG time to get home, then we still had to have a snack when we got home because we were starving. Probably 2 am before I got to bed.

  • 291,822 steps
  • 107.07 miles run
  • 45 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...