Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Week in Review (October 5 - October 11)

Tuesday (7,233 steps) - Work in the office. Rushed home after work to get my 45 minute Peloton ride in before I had to pick A up from practice. Crazy, I was in the middle of my cool down when she said she was ready. Perfect timing!
Wednesday (13,333 steps) - I had a weird run/workout this morning, so I got up to do it before work. 3 miles, but I was supposed to stop and do a squats, lunges and planks every quarter of a mile. I didn't want to do this on the bike path because of all the weird looks I expected I would get, so I did this at the lake. It was relatively warm, but I was glad that I had brought gloves with me so my hands didn't get beat up. Overall, it wasn't bad.
Work in the office.
Thursday (14,820 steps) - Work from home. A didn't have school today but still had XC practice late morning. 
I opted to log in a bit early so I could do my run after taking her to practice before it got too hot. Run was actually really good! 

Took Pika for a walk at lunch. After work we had plans to finally go to the new Berkeley Park store. On our way out the door we figured out why the cats were acting so weird. MOUSE IN THE HOUSE!
Drove down to the store, saw some friends and chatted until they all left for their run around 6:20. Dropped A off at the football game and headed home. Ben and I watched a movie.
Friday (14,973 steps) - Walk at Wash Park before working in the office. 
Pretty busy day, although I had to leave early to go to A's XC meet up north. There was no parking in the main lot, but I was able to find street parking not too far away. Ariel had an awesome race! She ran a new personal best!

Ben and I went to 4 Noses for happy hour after.
Saturday (35,442 steps) - Surprise! Robin (we are assuming it was her) left us a present!
Headed up to Mayhem Gulch trail head to run the Walker Ranch loop for my last big "effort" before my race. It rained most of the drive and I was concerned I wasn't going to be warm enough. Luckily, the weather ended up being perfect and I kept my thin long sleeve on for the first 5 or 6 miles. Miraculously, the trails were even dry! Finished the route under my estimate and had enough time to shower before picking A up.

Ben had an early day, so we headed up to Erie. First stop was a new to us brewery. Not great beer, sadly, before going to Anderson Farms for the corn maze. A is an amazing navigator and we sped through the entire maze in record time! A lot of fun and definitely warmer than the last time we did one.

Sunday (20,246 steps) - Slept in (well, until after 7 anyway). I had a short hill workout on my schedule, so I went out to Green Mountain for a couple repeats up the fire road. Saw Michelle in the parking lot on my way up, which was a fun surprise. The run was actually really good! 

Stopped at Sprouts to pick up some dried fruit, but they discontinued the mix I like :( :( :( 
Took Pika for a walk - and I almost stepped on another snake!
Monday (15,195 steps) - Up early for what should have been an easy hour-ish run. It was not easy, it felt awful the whole time. Never a good feeling when you feel so out of shape on what should be "easy" effort. 
How is it long sleeve weather already?? :(
Anyway, got done just in time to start work from home. Work from home days are the absolute BEST:
Took a long lunch for my sports massage - it didn't hurt as bad as it has in the past, so that was good. Spent a lot of time researching alternate flight options due to Southwest's cancellations the last few days. We now have to cut our trip short by a day, but at least a bit more confident about actually arriving before the start.

  • 121,242 steps
  • 27.4 miles run
  • 45 minutes of cardio
  • 25ish minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...