Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Week in Review (February 9 - February 15)

Tuesday (12,930 steps) - Work in the office. 
I had plans to meet up with friends at Milk Market for a run after work and to drop off cookies, but they had to bump the run to 5:30 so I ran solo when I was off. It wasn't terrible.
Wednesday( 17,594 steps) - Work from home. Walked Pika at lunch. After work, Ben and I headed up to meet Kristin, Jeramiah and Tyler in Boulder for a run. It was a really pretty evening, and I actually had a pretty solid run. Starting as early as we did, we were able to do the entire run without headlamps!!

We stopped and picked up pho for dinner on the way home. Cold front coming in!
Thursday (10,243 steps) - Work from home. Went on a long walk during lunch. After work did the Fitness Blender barre video (omg, how is this so hard) and rowed for a bit. 
Friday (10,216 steps) - Work in the office until early afternoon when I got an email that A had a positive exposure at school and had to quarantine. I let everyone in the office know and headed home to finish out my shift. Took Pika for a below freezing walk with A after I got off work. 
Saturday (10,022 steps) - Slept in and decided to not run, or do much of anything. Temps were still around 0, so we just took Pika for a short walk. Big excitement of the day was our furnace not working, and it being FREEZING in the house. Thankfully, I have my Selk bag to keep me warm.
Sunday (10,151 steps) - Thankfully, Ben got the furnace working in the morning - temperatures were nearly 10 below when we got up! I did a BodyPump video, which wasn't too bad. Then we had a nice breakfast and Ben gave me a really beautiful flower arrangement.

I took Pika for a walk alone because Ben was too wimpy for the "hovering around 0" temperatures. Didn't do much of anything for the rest of the day.
Monday (15,806 steps) - Work from home. Finally a break in the awful cold temperatures, and since A is quarantined and was at home (also a holiday for her), we went for a run together. It wasn't terrible, thankfully. Took Pika for a walk after that. After I was off work I did the FB barre video again, while A rowed. Then we did some random exercises and stretching. It was fun!

  • 86,962 steps
  • 12.78 miles run
  • 17 minutes rowing
  • 74 minutes cross training

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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...