Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Week in Review (February 2 - February 8)

Tuesday (17,030 steps) - Work from home. I had to switch days because Ben wasn't able to get the day off and we were FINALLY having our appliances delivered. They arrived within their window, but that was basically the highlight of the delivery. First off, what a shock that the change I had made weeks ago adding the haul away was not on their work order, and I was told only "they would see what they could do" about getting the old appliances taken. OF COURSE. To keep the story short, they were not able to install ANY of the appliances. The outlet for the fridge wasn't working, they thought because the new fridge had too much "output." So we had to have an extension cord and drag it across the entire kitchen for it to work. The hardwire for he dishwasher was too short (or alternatively, needed an electrician to add a dedicated outlet), and the cable for the stove wasn't long enough to reach the closest outlet, but they used an extension cord for that as well to test to make sure there wasn't a gas leak. What a freaking hassle that all was. 

Took Pika for a walk, then went on my run. Coach finally has me doing some speed work, and I'll admit I was feeling apprehensive about this run because my legs were pretty tired. Turns out, the run went VERY well, with the exception of getting about 80 texts during the run, plus phone calls. That was annoying. Bathroom is almost done!! 
Also, we managed to coerce an electrician to come over, and he was able to fix the wiring for the fridge outlet, installed the plug for the dishwasher, AND dropped the cable for the stove through the wall, which was actually even better. So happy we have so many good contractors to help us!

Torchy's for dinner, which was delicious.
Wednesday (11,272 steps) - Work in the office. Someone stole my lunch out of the freezer, so I had to run down the street to buy food. WAS NOT HAPPY. Ben also called while I was at work to alert me to "pouring water" under the kitchen sink. Apparently, Home Depot never capped off the water line when they did not install the dishwasher, so we had water running under the sink/cabinets/floor for 24 hours in. We have an insurance claim in with them now. (I can't make up all the stuff that is going wrong!) Ariel went with me to take Pika for a short walk when I got home because I hadn't done anything all day. 
Thursday (10,615 steps) - Work from home. Ben finally got the last of the cosmetic stuff done in the bathroom, meaning, I actually could brush my teeth and use my own toilet! It was SO windy that I skipped my run again. I did take Pika for a walk, did Bodypump, and rowed for a bit. Finally, FINALLY the guys were done with the bathroom. Finally!!! (Well, except for the glass. We have to wait about three weeks for that. But since we still have our rod and shower curtain, the bathroom is fully functional).

Friday (10,193 steps) - First shower in the new bathroom, and it was awesome. Water much hotter than it was before, and the water pressure is much better, thanks to our cool shower head. Work in the office (boo, hiss). Did my run with hill repeats after work. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be, although I didn't quite time the hill correctly, and pausing my watch somehow messed up the timing of the intervals in the program I had put in my watch. 
Ah well, I know I did them all! And with this run, I managed to nail all my runs all week, without walking during any of them. Woo hoo!
Saturday (34,168 steps) - Met up with the group to run Dirty Biz. I hate running on Fridays before a long run because I just seem to start out tired, and this was no exception. Tyler and Joe took off, and I felt bad that Kristin kept stopping to wait for me, I know she is so much faster and better trained than I am right now. For the first few miles I thought I was a bit overdressed, but then the wind picked up and it was FREEZING. Really happy to be done with this.

Went to 4 Noses for a beer, then home for a quick shower before picking up more cookies and then driving around for hours delivering. 
Ariel and I did stop and pick up Mac n' Cheezy, which we haven't had in ages. 

I met up with Kim for a beer at Rails End. 
Sunday (12,321 steps) - Drove to Runners Roost Boulder for the first run club in 11 months. We still started from the trail head, but luckily the fast people didn't catch us until we hit the top trail, so I was at least able to keep up on the descents. 
Delivered cookies to Carrie and Ben, then met Greg and Tyler at New Image for pre-Super Bowl beers.
We watched part of the Super Bowl, but weren't really into it. Fell asleep on the couch.
Monday (17,452 steps) - Work from home. Walked Pika, and then went for my run. It was easily my worst run in at least a month. I had to walk at least 6 separate times and my calves were sooo tight even during my warm-up that I thought they might burst. I'm really sick of this issue and wish I could find some relief. I at least hit all my faster tempo paces. Did another Bodypump video before picking up A at practice. Heather came over to pick up her cookies and look at the house.

  • 113, 051 steps
  • 29 miles run
  • 12 minutes rowing
  • 52 minutes cross training

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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...