Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Week in Review (December 22 - December 28)

Tuesday (15,836 steps) - Work in the office. I was done with my work early enough that I did a run around downtown before heading home. 
Quick stop at REI, then I participated in my first Teams meeting for staff while I was waiting to get my tires rotated. Wheee.
Wednesday (11,467 steps) - Work from home. NEW COUCH DAY!!!!!

This is also, apparently the only picture we got of the Christmas tree? We suck. 
Thursday (13,703 steps) - Thankfully, I had the day off! Ariel and I went for a run with Pika during lunch. Did some stuff around the house and later met Tyler at New Image for some Christmas Eve beers.
After getting home, Ben made dinner and I made pumpkin cheesecakes.
Friday (19,931 steps) - Got up around 8 for presents and merriment. I cannot believe that we did not take ANY pictures. None! Which is really a shame, because I wrapped all Ben's presents in banana paper, and it was hilarious. Anyway, much fun was had by all. We got a lot of pretty cool stuff, with A's big presents being her letter jacket and a new pair of snowshoes! Here is the one pic I took later in the morning of A in her Lemur onesie:
I drove down to Waterton Canyon to meet Maureen for a run/hike. It was a gorgeous morning and we saw the most sheep I think I have ever seen there. It was pretty neat!

We headed over to Green Mountain Brewery, where A, Ben and Pika later met us.
We didn't stay too long since we still had dinner to make! We had Tyler over for a few drinks around the fire pit.
We had a repeat of Thanksgiving - ham, stuffing and potatoes. We facetimed with Ben's parents for a bit. After dinner, watched some Disney Christmas cartoons. Pretty awesome Christmas :)
Saturday (16,989 steps) - A had track practice in Northglenn, so I brought Pika with me so we could do a run while she was practicing. It was far enough away that I didn't want to come home between. We ended up doing a completely random run of about 4.5 miles, getting back to the track early enough to watch A do some sprints and her cooldown.
LOTS of time on the couch in the afternoon, although I still took Pika for a walk.
Sunday (27,081 steps) - Met Jandy and Lisa for a run at South Table. I have only run there a few times, and most recently was still a few years ago. I knew I was going to feel icky and be slow, but luckily they are patient. It ended up being a gorgeous (and warm!) morning, complete with spotting a few large and well-fed coyotes.

Can you see the coyote?
When I got home I took Pika for a walk. Since Ben was working, Ariel and I spent a majority of the afternoon on the couch. 
Monday (10,137 steps) - Work from home. I know I had a long weekend, but it sure didn't feel like it. Took Pika for a snowy run at lunch, which actually wasn't too terrible. 
Ben had to work pretty late, so we made dinner and watched a bunch of TV. 

  • 115,144 steps
  • 30.1 miles run
  • No cross training :(

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Week in Review (December 15 - December 21)

Tuesday (13,543 steps) - Work from home. Went for a run with Pika during lunch. 
The biggest excitement was when we discovered that the cats had killed a mouse in the basement!
Wednesday (17,818 steps) - Worked a bit in the office in the morning. 
In the evening we headed down to Denver for the Unofficial Runners Edge Holiday Light Run (that I actually set up!) We met at Milk Market for a slightly modified course of what we have done in years past. It was actually fairly warm and not nearly as windy as it had been up north. 

Was looking forward to a bit more outdoor socializing afterwards, but people were annoyed with there only being one bartender, so a lot of folks headed out early. 
Thursday (11,308 steps) - Work from home. Pika walk at lunch.
Friday (15,001 steps) - Work from home. My WTF notebook/planner finally showed up!!
Took Pika for another snowy run at lunch. Longest lunch run with her in a while, we actually ran on the south side of the lake, and it was pretty snow-packed. We only saw two people while we were out. 
Big excitement for tonight was that Ben invited Tyler, Jeramiah and Stephanie, Doug and Kristin, and Greg over to enjoy the firepit! It was a chilly evening, but it was so nice to have people over socializing, in a safe way. 
Saturday (23,474 steps) - Slept in, kinda. Tyler, Kristin and I made plans to run late morning. We set a time, and then in my head I promptly thought it was a half hour later. Ugh. I had to rush out of the house to be not quite as late, and I forgot my hat. Since I'd looked out earlier the clouds had rolled in and the wind picked up. I was not really dressed warm enough, but thank goodness for the accountability of friends that got me through a really tough 10 miler! 

Since Ben was working, Ariel and I vegged on the couch in the afternoon.
Sunday (10,372 steps) - Very busy day around the house. Ben made four trips to the storage unit and we finally have everything out!! Big step in our (seemingly continuous) moving. Ben and I went to New Image for happy hour.
Monday (13,921 steps) - Work from home. It was actually a really warm day, so I took Pika for another run at lunch.

Although it was fairly warm it was another crazy windy run. I'm over it already. 

  • 105,437 steps
  • 25.6 miles run
  • A few minutes of cross training, but nothing to write home about

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Week in Review (December 8 - December 14)

Tuesday (10,746 steps) - Work in the office. I had only planned on being there until lunch, but it was crazy busy, so I ended up being there much longer than I had planned.
Wednesday (19,256 steps) - Work from home. More moving & unpacking. Robin seems to have found a temporary sleeping spot.
A signed up for winter training for track, and I picked her up from practice. I hope she appreciated the sunset she got to see while she was suffering...
Thursday (12,136 steps) - Work in the office in the morning. Have I mentioned that I really love my new house and windows? Pretty sunrise.
More moving, unpacking, cleaning.
Friday (12,361 steps) - Work from home. It had snowed overnight, so it was a cold and snowy walk with Pika.
More moving and unpacking. Robin is seriously having a blast with the house in disarray.
Saturday (35,276 steps) - Ben is finally back to work after his surgery, so I drove down to Chatfield to run the Plum Creek "half marathon." I put that in quotes because it was closer to 13.5 miles, but we ended up running 14 miles because it was another half mile to get back to the car. Maureen and I planned to run together, and honestly, if we hadn't made plans, I may have bailed. 
The forecast all week just gradually got colder, and when I was driving to the race it was 17 degrees. Even though it was cloudy, I of course got hot once we were running and my jacket went into my pack within the first 10 minutes. I guess I assumed that since we were running in the state park and had to pay to enter, that people were "working" at the park and the path would have been plowed. I was wrong. So, we ran 14 miles in snow and ice. It was not the best run ever, in fact, it really sucked. But it was pretty and Maureen is great company.

The race was free, and put on by the same guy that puts on the Hildebrand (Two Branches) trail race I've run a few times. We were "so slow" that he pulled up the last markings and so we aren't really sure on our official time. It was slow, and the longest I have run since Moab.
Garmin distance - 14.03 miles
Garmin time - 3:09:55
Garmin pace - 13:32 (oof)
Mile 1 - 13:01
Mile 2 - 12:48
Mile 3 - 13:43
Mile 4 - 13:31
Mile 5 - 15:47 (bathroom)
Mile 6 - 12:44
Mile 7 - 13:40
Mile 8 - 13:07
Mile 9 - 12:10
Mile 10 - 12:26
Mile 11 - 14:03
Mile 12 - 13:55
Mile 13 - 13:36
Mile 14 - 14:58 (didn't pause while we were talking to RD after finishing)

Meh. I am really just... out of shape. Plus, with moving and everything else that has been going on for the last few months, I'm just tired. After we finished we went to Living the Dream with Greg, Lisa, Paula and John for a beer. As much as I miss friends, I was really cold, so I headed out first.
Ariel and I went over to the old house to pack up the last of the stuff and do some pre-cleaning before the cleaning company (I don't want other people to see a dirty toilet!)
Sunday (16,555 steps) - Ben had to work again, and I somehow slept until 9:30. 9:30!! Ariel shoveled and then we did a few more trips to the old house to do laundry and clean a bit more. 
I took Pika for a walk and A had a friend over. It's super weird having to wear a mask in your own house, but I really think the few hours she had company really helped. Ben and I had a very, very last trip to the house to touch up paint over the few places we had bigger holes from medal racks and pictures. Bye, house!
Monday (12,079 steps) - Work from home. I walked to meet the cleaning company at lunch, then took Pika for a snowy, cold walk.

Since Ben was working I took Ariel to practice and then picked her up again when I was off. I headed over to Field to do the walk through with the new owners! I was there a few minutes early to check on the the work the cleaners did - look how clean they got the oven! Anyway, they were really nice, and we chatted for a few minutes before I handed them the keys. Kinda nostalgic saying goodbye to the house A and I lived in for over 5 years. (Also, did not feel like it was that long at all).
Watched a cheesy movie with A, had dinner, then more TV before bed. Long day!

  • 118,409 steps
  • 18.1 miles run
  • 22 minutes of cross training

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...