Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Week in Review (November 24 - November 30)

Tuesday (10,258 steps) - Work from home. Since it snowed, Pika was the happiest dog ever.

Definitely one of the perks of working from home is that when we DO get these surprise big storms (we were only supposed to get a dusting) I don't have to drive anywhere.
Wednesday (11,981 steps) - Work from home. It was cold and gross all day. Walked Pika a bunch, but it was icy and not fun.
Thursday (17,078 steps) - Thanksgiving! Ariel and I left the house just after 10 to go to Mt. Galbraith - one of the few local trails I've actually never been to. We met Maureen and Colfax for a hike/trail run. It was actually mostly snow-packed and not that icy, so we were able to run a lot more than I thought we might. Super fun time!

We headed home around 1:30 and Ben had already put the ham in the oven. Lots of relaxing until it was time to make the rest of the food. Yum!!

Friday (12,376 steps) - Yay for not working! Initially I had plans to possibly run, but then Josephine came over to pick up the treadmill and I lost all motivation. Ben and I went to New Image for happy hour.
Apparently, that's all we did.
Saturday (20,049 steps) - Slept in a bit, then went for a run. I had plans to run "5 or 6." I really didn't feel great on this run, it's been a while since I've done a run this long on pavement, but I actually got over a 10K done. Wheeee.

I did, however, come to the conclusion that I really need to make some dietary and sleep changes. Things have gotten out of control, and while I'm pretty sure I have gained weight (scale has been packed away for a while), it's more of how I'm feeling every day. Just feeling overall gross. So... cutting back on beer (sadness) and snacking for a while to see how things go. Blah. Pika walk!
Sunday (13,346 steps) - Ben made mountain breakfast, which was delicious. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. We started tackling some of the more "dreaded" packing - ie; taking down all my medals. WTF. I thought it was bad the last time... then I remember that I ran an additional 5 years and earned a LOT more. Of course 2019 and 2020 were pretty sparse, but prior to that... oy vey.
I guess that's all we did. 
Monday (15,935 steps) - Work from home. Walked Pika. Went for a quick run right after I got off work before it got too dark. And by quick, it was under 30 minutes. I'm just impressed I did that at all. That run didn't feel too great either, but after not drinking for a few days I did already feel better. So there's that.

  • 101,023 steps
  • 13 miles run
  • A whole 11 minutes of cross training!

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