Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Week in Review (December 22 - December 28)

Tuesday (15,836 steps) - Work in the office. I was done with my work early enough that I did a run around downtown before heading home. 
Quick stop at REI, then I participated in my first Teams meeting for staff while I was waiting to get my tires rotated. Wheee.
Wednesday (11,467 steps) - Work from home. NEW COUCH DAY!!!!!

This is also, apparently the only picture we got of the Christmas tree? We suck. 
Thursday (13,703 steps) - Thankfully, I had the day off! Ariel and I went for a run with Pika during lunch. Did some stuff around the house and later met Tyler at New Image for some Christmas Eve beers.
After getting home, Ben made dinner and I made pumpkin cheesecakes.
Friday (19,931 steps) - Got up around 8 for presents and merriment. I cannot believe that we did not take ANY pictures. None! Which is really a shame, because I wrapped all Ben's presents in banana paper, and it was hilarious. Anyway, much fun was had by all. We got a lot of pretty cool stuff, with A's big presents being her letter jacket and a new pair of snowshoes! Here is the one pic I took later in the morning of A in her Lemur onesie:
I drove down to Waterton Canyon to meet Maureen for a run/hike. It was a gorgeous morning and we saw the most sheep I think I have ever seen there. It was pretty neat!

We headed over to Green Mountain Brewery, where A, Ben and Pika later met us.
We didn't stay too long since we still had dinner to make! We had Tyler over for a few drinks around the fire pit.
We had a repeat of Thanksgiving - ham, stuffing and potatoes. We facetimed with Ben's parents for a bit. After dinner, watched some Disney Christmas cartoons. Pretty awesome Christmas :)
Saturday (16,989 steps) - A had track practice in Northglenn, so I brought Pika with me so we could do a run while she was practicing. It was far enough away that I didn't want to come home between. We ended up doing a completely random run of about 4.5 miles, getting back to the track early enough to watch A do some sprints and her cooldown.
LOTS of time on the couch in the afternoon, although I still took Pika for a walk.
Sunday (27,081 steps) - Met Jandy and Lisa for a run at South Table. I have only run there a few times, and most recently was still a few years ago. I knew I was going to feel icky and be slow, but luckily they are patient. It ended up being a gorgeous (and warm!) morning, complete with spotting a few large and well-fed coyotes.

Can you see the coyote?
When I got home I took Pika for a walk. Since Ben was working, Ariel and I spent a majority of the afternoon on the couch. 
Monday (10,137 steps) - Work from home. I know I had a long weekend, but it sure didn't feel like it. Took Pika for a snowy run at lunch, which actually wasn't too terrible. 
Ben had to work pretty late, so we made dinner and watched a bunch of TV. 

  • 115,144 steps
  • 30.1 miles run
  • No cross training :(

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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...