Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Week in Review (July 21 - July 27)

Tuesday (27,214 steps) - Work in the office with a walk around downtown at lunch. Met up with Tyler for another run at Apex. He was tired, so I was *almost* able to keep up with him for most of the run. We also saw a ton of wildlife, including a black squirrel, lizard, turkeys and deer!

Wednesday (37,850 steps) - Work from home. On our lunch walk break we saw "Alice" the owl super close to the trail. What a cutie!
Met up with Tyler in Boulder. We have been going counter-clockwise for months, so we finally decided to do the gradual sludge up Bear FIRST. I actually felt relatively decent on this run, and Tyler wasn't that far ahead of me. We got to our turnaround on Fern and it started to rain - and proceeded to continue for the remainder of our run. It was nice to not be on fire like usual.


Thursday (17,805 steps) - Work in the office, wander around on lunch. Decided to have an extra rest day, and we ended up having a porch happy hour with Tyler.
Friday (28,808 steps) - Work in the office. Went with Ben to New Image for "real" happy hour. They came out with some amazing beers this week!
Picked up pizza for dinner, then took Pika for a walk. We got a picture of one of the owls eyeballing a kitty on the side of the trail. As much as we love the owls, we hope the kitty didn't get eaten!
Saturday (30,552 steps) - Took A to meet her team for a trail run, then drove up to Boulder to meet Kristin. We planned on running 6 miles, ended up run/walking about 8 instead. Beautiful day, and luckily there was cloud cover for most of the day.

Ben, Ariel and I went to Hobby Lobby and got ideas for what we want to do for the centerpieces for our wedding. We even made a prototype - and it looks pretty dang amazing. (No spoilers, you'll have to wait for the actual wedding to see those pics!)
Sunday (13,410 steps) - Basically the first "real" mostly rest day since probably April. Only "exercise" was taking Pika for a few walks. We slept in, watched Birbox (Ben had never seen it) and did basically nothing.

Of note, my super tiny mileage for the day was still enough for me to officially hit the 1,000 mile mark in the #GVRAT.

Monday (12,955 steps) - Work from home. Lots of exciting packages in the mail! Most I can't share, but they include the custom cake topper we ordered and stuff to finalize our centerpieces. I did, however, also finally get some of my new face masks.
After work I actually ran near the house instead of going to a trail. Biggest reason is that I knew the goats would be out. Aren't they adorable?

I haven't done anything other than fairly technical and steep trail runs, so a flatter run with more... running, was a bit tough.

  • 168,594 steps
  • 27 miles run

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Week in Review (July 14 - July 20)

Tuesday (18,926 steps) - Work in the office. First volunteering gig in almost a year! Headed to Zorro trail after work to do some trail maintenance. Made it about 45 minutes in before it started to lightning & thunder. Laurie suggested we get off the mountain and wait it out - turned out to be a big storm, glad I was waiting in the car when it started pouring.
Wednesday (39,176 steps) - Work from home, walked Pika at lunch. Boulder after work with Tyler. We opted to do a different route. Fern was pretty intense, I'm not sure I've ever gone up it, but I think I have come down it before. Eeep. 

Interestingly, I had my fastest mile coming down Bear. (Not EVER, just the fastest since I got this watch, which was after Tahoe). 
Thursday (27,182 steps) - Work in the office. Stopped into Berkeley Park to pick up the Hokas that Ben and I had ordered before meeting Ben at Apex for a run! I let Ben pick our route and he chose to go all the way up Enchanted before come down Argos. Unfortunately for US, it was a bike "down" day, and it was NOT fun going up. We did speak with a ranger on our way down, and he indicated that starting in September it was going to be split usage. That'll help a lot.

Friday (24,767 steps) - Work from home, walked Pika during lunch.

Got off work a bit early and went to happy hour at New Image. 
Grocery shopping and pizza, since we were too lazy to cook. Late night porch happy hour with Mike.
Saturday (12,958 steps) - Woke up not feeling great, so skipped a run and stayed in bed. Apparently took no pictures except for this funny one of Batman and Pika eyeing each other on the stairs. 
Went to Berkeley Park to celebrate their 3rd anniversary. It was a bit more crowded than we felt comfortable with, so we didn't stay that long.
Sunday (37,744 steps) - Up STUPID early so that we could meet Tyler and Jeramiah for a run at a new to all of us trail. With a name like BEN TYLER, how could we not?? Our friends who had done this trail before told us the lot was small and fills up early, so we were parked by 6 am (and it was an hour drive to get there).  

There was no running for us on the way up, which was nice. A decent amount of climbing, close to 3300' in less than six miles. The best part was not seeing a SINGLE person until we got to the summit.  

Tyler getting a picture of Ben taking a selfie :) 
The day took long enough that the local brewery was actually open when we finished, so we stopped in for a beer before heading home.
Porch beer with Tyler, then a nap before having dinner. Where do the weekends go??
Monday (34.175 steps) - Work from home. Saw a juvenile hawk just hanging out on the fence on our afternoon walk with Pika.
And then we finally saw one of the owls again on our evening walk. 

  • 160,753 steps
  • 26 miles run

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...