Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Week in Review (July 7 - July 13)

Tuesday (54,604 steps) - Work from home, Pika walk during lunch.
Met Ben at Lowe's after work to pick up additional shelving for the basement. The end.
Wednesday (60,419 steps) - Work from home, Pika walk during lunch.
Boulder run with Mike and Tyler. It was too hot to bring Pika, so we were able to do a section of trails we don't do often because dogs aren't allowed. It was hot and NOT easy. Ugh.

Thursday (27,470 steps) - Work in the office, wander around during lunch. While I was working, Ariel and Ben picked up (and installed) the new storm door!

I met Tyler at Apex for a hike/run. Both of us were pretty tired, so thankfully we hiked most of the uphills. This time we didn't get lost and went all the way to the road.

We saw probably 30 deer up in the hills, but the pictures didn't really come out that well. We definitely heard them before we saw them! Went with Ben to pick up dinner after I got home.
Friday (39,761 steps) - Work from home, walk with Pika during lunch. Apparently, that's all that I did all day.
Saturday (32,787 steps) -  Barely slept. Just one of those nights. Met Kristin and Tyler at Windy Saddle park for a "run" at Beaver Brook. Kristin and I had never been to this trail and Tyler had led us to believe that it was pretty runnable, with just a few climbs. The first section was definitely tough to run because it was very rocky with lots of large boulders.
No running through here...
There were areas that we were able to run, however. The best part of the trail was that there was NO ONE out there. We saw only a half dozen people in the first half. Although we saw more towards the end, it helps that the parking lot is very small, because numbers were small. Probably also helps that the first mile is pretty technical, so many folks may just turn around.

Tyler promised us the view from the overlook was worth it... (it was)

Really glad we started early, it was pretty warm when we finished. Met Ben at New Terrain for a beer, then we headed home, where I probably took a nap that unintentionally lasted almost 4 hours. Oops.
Sunday (33,485 steps) - Up before stupid o'clock for our daily adventure! Drove up to the mountains to hike two 14ers, Grays and Torreys! The drive up to the actual trail head was a nightmare! We had to go soooo slow, and it was super sketchy. The only other time I have done this, we parked at the lot by the highway. We met Mike, Tyler and their friend Cameron, and started just after 6 am.
Immediately, I was wondering how I could feel so out of shape. Again! 14ers always are an ass-kicker. I was definitely the slow poke of the group, but it was an absolutely GORGEOUS day. 

We were really lucky to see numerous mountain goats! I don't see them often, but interestingly, the last time I hiked Grays and Torreys, I also saw one. 

Selfie with a baby mountain goat!
First summit of the day - Ariel's 6th 14er!

So we were nearing the summit when we realized that we didn't have Pika's leash. We had apparently left it on the summit of Grays, and we were not really ready to climb back up the peak to get it.
On the way down, a guy saw Pika and said "I remember you from a little while ago." I then asked if he happened to bring her leash down. He said that he did see a leash where the trails split - exciting news for us!

We stopped and asked a few more people about the leash - a group of guys said that it was actually a few cairns up, so Ben and I hiked up while A stayed with Pika. We did get the leash back, and we will definitely keep a closer eye on it in the future. eesh. The cutest part of the day was watching a mountain goat walk along the trail.

Pika was definitely dragging the last few miles - except for when we saw an actual pika - she was interested in using up the rest of her energy to chase it.
It took us just under 7 hours to do the hike, which includes the time we spent on both summits. Not too bad! We stopped at Cabin Creek in Georgetown for food and a beer before heading home. Ariel and I both fell asleep in the car - sorry, Ben! Porch beers with Tyler.
Monday (28,960 steps) - Work from home, walk with Pika during lunch. Rest day after another big weekend, so we watched a few episodes of Criminal Minds, took Pika for another walk (in the rain) and made dinner.

  • 251,386 steps
  • 33.6 miles run

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Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...