Monday, November 26, 2018

Week in Review (November 6 - November 12)

Tuesday (16,283 steps) - Went to the gym during lunch and did a random TRX/core workout. Met up with Mo & Colfax, Dulce, Zach and Paula for a loop around Sloans. We then went to Alamo Drafthouse to watch Bohemian Rhapsody for A's "birthday" movie. It was a lot of fun, and I'm happy that we had about 20 friends show up to join us!
Wednesday (10,215 steps) - Did something completely insane... signed up to run the Tahoe 200. Yes, I signed up to run a 200 mile race.
I went to the gym during lunch to use the stair climber. It was terrible. After work we went to the happy hour at BPCO, then walked over to the Oriental Theater for the Trail Running Film Festival.
Thursday (7,279 steps) - Left work early to pick up my wallet at the theater - and promptly got a flat tire on the drive home. YES ANOTHER FLAT TIRE.
Ben was nice enough to bring A and I Pho for dinner and call AAA to deal with my tire.
Friday (10,137 steps) - Nothing?
Saturday (16,959 steps) - Set up our aid station and then went over to the Denver Roost for the team/community scavenger hunt/run! A super fun time with Ted, Michael, Mo, Colfax & A. Stuck around a bit for food/snacks before going to pick up our stuff and heading home.

Second Saturday at Dulce's! An especially fun evening celebrating all the November birthdays.

Sunday (10,795 steps) - Nothing. It snowed a ton overnight. Stayed in bed insanely late. Only left the house to go to Torchy's for food.
Walked on the treadmill for a few miles just to get some sort of exercise.
Monday (12,917 steps) - Left work early to take A to Lakewood to audition for the county honors orchestra before heading over to New Terrain.
We barely missed the start of the run and decided to just run along the canal since it was dark and icy. Stuck around for the podcast recording with Courtney Dauwalter. They didn't even start until 7, so we had to leave at the halfway point. Fun night though!


  • 84,585 steps
  • 8.6 miles run (really?)
  • A few trips to the gym (stair climber & random core/TRX)

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...