Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week in Review (January 17 - January 23)

Tuesday (16,302 steps) - Barre class with Laura during lunch. Another intense and challenging class, I was even a bit shaky when I headed back to work. I dropped A off at gymnastics and ran to the grocery store because she has another cold and we are out of Emergen-C and medicine. Made chimichangas for dinner. A went to bed early, I stayed up a bit too late watching Conviction.
Wednesday (19,478 steps) - 6 am barre class with Andrea. Whole class we used the rubber hoops and it was freaking hard. Picked A up at school and then after work we went down to Denver for run club. It had been so warm during that day that I only wore a short sleeve shirt and my Roost team jacket. It was freaking cold and the roads were SUPER icy.
Colfax had stepped on a cactus earlier in the week, so he didn't run with me. Instead, Ariel, Heather and Tony and I did the bigger Belcaro loop. Leftovers for dinner and A went to bed early again, and this time, so did I.
Thursday (16,026 steps) - Another 6 am barre class with Andrea. Instead of the rubber loop things, we used the ball the whole class. Just as freaking hard. Glad it is my last class until Sunday. Hit 15 classes for the month, only need 5 more for the challenge! Picked A up at school again and after work we drove over to Belmar for run club. Again, it had been warm during the day. Happy I was a non-believer and I wore warmer clothes. A opted to walk with Mo and Colfax, and I ran a small loop with Heather and Eric. We finally earned our club shirts, and went to Rocko's after.

Home a bit late, barely time for a half hour of Forensic Files before bed.
Friday (steps) - Sleeping in! Well, sad that 7 am is sleeping in, but it's a lot later than when I have to get up to go to barre. Work was super slow. Picked up A a bit earlier than usual so I could take her to a sleepover for Girl Scouts. Actually went to bed pretty early, even though I was home alone.
Saturday (steps) - Had to pick A up at the Scouts sleepover by 6:30 so that we could meet someone at one of the Runners Edge aid stations. We actually made really good time until the gps sent us on a weird wild goose chase. We were thankfully only a few minutes late. (If I didn't already say it, I will be manning an aid station for Runners Edge of the Rockies this year so I can train for free). We then drove over to Runners Roost Denver, where we would start our run. A and I ran with the 4:15 pace group (because of a lack of pacers, the 4:10 and 4:20 pace groups were combined) for a few miles until we had to slow the pace a bit. A and I ran EIGHT miles, which is A's longest training run ever and my longest run of the year.

We hung around the store for a bit before going to Nothing Bundt Cakes on our way out. Made a quick trip the grocery store and then we made the remainder of the medals and series awards for the FYCO race series before A's friend Rachelle arrived for a sleepover.
I took them to the rec center - they swam and I watched House of Cards. They got bored after about an hour so we went home - they showered and I made some pizza. The girls were goofing off in A's room and I was watching TV downstairs until about 10 when I went to bed.
Sunday (steps) - I was woken up around 4:45 in the morning because Rachelle wasn't feeling well. Feverish, headache and stomach ache. She called her mom, who told her to go back to sleep. What. I eventually went back to sleep as well, after situating Rachelle on the couch downstairs. I was woken up a second time around 8 because she was now puking. I texted her mom, but didn't hear back for over an hour. And another hour before she came to pick her up. After Rachelle left we did laundry and had breakfast. Around 1 I went for a run.

I was hoping that it had been cold enough to harden the dirt at the lake, but it was muddy. I ended up cutting that section short and looped through the neighborhoods for about 4 miles. The weather was pretty perfect and I didn't feel like crap. We went to Barnes & Noble to spend her gift card and then went to Jo-Ann to spend her OTHER gift card. I had a barre class at 4:15, homework, dinner, TV, bed.
Monday (steps) - Actually got up and went for a run before work for the first time in ages. I had hoped for 3 but felt pretty good so went for 4. Slowish, but no unplanned walk breaks, hurray!
A had Scouts, where we got the latest information on cookie sales and then we went to Target. Stocked up on all the staples (toilet paper, toothpaste), etc. Went home for dinner and TV. Also finally updated my calendars, I *will* get organized this year if it kills me.

  • 135,816 steps
  • 21.9 miles run
  • 4 barre classes, some walking
  • Current weight - 125. Almost a pound down from where I was, but still about 5 pounds from my normal "comfortable" weight. Boo, hiss.
Everything Else:

  • Found out that about a third of our firm is leaving to go to another law firm on the other side of the city. Supposedly it will not have an impact on our current firm, yet there have been a LOT of closed doors and meetings.
  • I hate being fat, I hate not feeling like I can eat what I want. 
  • Finally seem to be out of my "slump" and I actually ran a fairly solid (although low mileage) week. Need to get back into "training" if I want to have a strong season. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Week in Review (January 10 - January 16)

Tuesday (13,233 steps) - Slept AWESOME. Went to Laura's barre class during lunch. It was sold out, very hot in the studio, and like always - super challenging. Construction downtown made my normal commute home impossible, but luckily I left a tad early to go a different way. Managed to get A to gymnastics with just a few minutes to spare. Reheated leftovers, both of us had showers, one episode of Law & Order, bed.
Wednesday (21,719 steps) - 6 am barre class with Nicole. Hate, hate, HATE the pretzel glut exercises. HATE. My body just cannot do them, and I feel like trying it is a wasted exercise. Went to the Denver store for run club.
It was a bit colder than I expected and I WAY overdressed for our run. Starting the new year off right and ran 3 miles with Lisa, Jandy, A, Colfax, Alison (and a new girl, I can't remember her name). Of course we stayed longer than we expected.
Stopped at the grocery store on the way home so we could make thin mint mini cheesecakes.
Thursday (21,559 steps) - 6 am barre class with Andrea... my 100th class!!! I got some new bracelets and will get a special tank when they finally come in. Pretty exciting! After work we went to the Lakewood store for the Belmar run.
It was cold and snowy. A decided to walk with Mo, so it was just me and Colfax. It is pretty well lit in the park, so I didn't even wear my headlamp. We ran on random trails until we hit just over 3 miles.
Went to Rocko's after.
Friday (11,873 steps) - Got to "sleep in" and yet I still felt incredibly tired. I guess that is from taking three 6 am barre classes this week. Picked up A from school and went up to Heather's house for a Friday the 13th gathering. Had some delicious BBQ and as always, it was great to see everyone. Very surprised to get surprise souvenirs from Heather's recent trip to Florida. Gathered up all our gear for snowshoeing!
Saturday (19,938 steps) - Up crazy early for our drive up to Snow Mountain Ranch. Lisa arrived just after 6 am, and we started the drive. Traffic was a fucking nightmare once we hit I-70. We stupidly thought that allowing an extra 45 minutes would be plenty of time, but... Traffic was awful. We spent most of the drive on 70 on the frontage road, cruising at under 10 mph. Once we were finally able to exit towards Empire, the traffic thinned out. We had been worried all week about driving through Berthoud Pass, but it was fine. Roads were pretty dry. We arrived at the Nordic Center with maybe 10 minutes for Lisa to rent equipment. Apparently, we also needed trail passes, which they seemed to want to charge us for, even though the whole event was supposed to be free. THEN, we still had to drive to get to the start of our activity. Luckily, we were only a minute or so late and we were the only ones heading out to the waterfall. We had a blast. A struggled a bit with some of the climbing, and there were sections where there were some deep holes in the trail, and we were disappointed that the trail going to the actual waterfall was closed, but OVERALL, fun. The best part was breaking trail for maybe a mile on the way down.

On the way out of town, we stopped at a brewery in Fraser (beer was great) and then went to Beau Jo's in Idaho Springs for pizza and more beer. We also walked down the street to one more brewery (hey, why not), and we were VERY disappointed in the beer at that place. Hey, 2 out of 3 isn't bad? By the time we got home it was already pretty late. Jessa texted me around 7:45, and dang it, we had to go see her. She made us dinner and we sat around talking for a few hours. It was probably 11 pm before we left.
Sunday (10,643 steps) - Thankfully, I went to the later barre class at 9:30. Headed home for a little bit of rest before driving down to Runners' Roost for the Leadville lottery announcements. It had started snowing, so I was relieved that I didn't know about the run before the event. We just hung out and talked with people and I grabbed one of the good beers before it all started. Sadly, we didn't win any of the drawings.
But of course, A made friends with Ken - local legend!
Left around 5 pm to take A up to Rachelle's and then drove back down to Lisa's to pick her up for some bar hopping. We went to the Our Mutual Friend brewing company and had a delicious beer before walking over to 10 Barrel for more delicious beer (and hummus and sweet potato fries). Out pretty late for a Sunday!
Monday (15,946 steps) - I had planned on getting up to run in the morning, but it had snowed all night and everything looked like a mess. So I shoveled, ate breakfast and then went to barre at noon. Picked up A from her friend's house, went to Panera for lunch and then went grocery shopping. Drove down to Belmar for ice skating, which may be our new MLK day tradition.
Quick stop at Runner's Roost to pick up a Hydro Flask for Mo (and me),  before going to Mo's house. We sat around for a bit, then decided to go to Yard House for a late dinner. Probably 9 pm before we got home. Shortest weekend ever.

  • 114,911 steps
  • 6.2 miles run
  • 4 barre classes, 5 miles snowshoe, walking
  • Current weight - don't care.
Everything Else:
  • Ugh, struggling with a lot this week. Finances suck, tired of worrying about money ALL THE TIME.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Week in Review (January 3 - January 9)

Tuesday (12,303 steps) - With the new January barre challenge, I headed to barre at 6 am since Laura is on vacation this week. My ankles were bothering me a bit so I wasn't able to stay on my toes as much as usual. I worked a billion hours as a result of being at the office by 7:45. After work I met up with Lisa at REI so that we could attend the Snowshoe Basics clinic. It was actually really informative and we are both pumped for our first time out, which we hope will be in a week! After the clinic was over Lisa shopped for showshoes for a bit and then we met up at Amato's for beers and some food. Time somehow got away from us and it was after 10 before we left. Goodness!
Wednesday (16,269 steps) - Barre at 7:15 with Nicole. I haven't taken a class from her in a long time and I was surprised with how challenging it felt! I had to drop out of quite a few moves, which was really frustrating. Blame it on my long run this weekend and barre classes three days in a row? It started snowing pretty early on in the day, and as the day went on it got worse and worse... By 4:45, Troy made the executive decision that we were having a snow day. YAY! I went down to the gym to change into my running clothes, hoping to go to run club. Turns out, traffic/road conditions did not agree with me. Ended up bailing and went home - it took me an hour and forty minutes! Although, I will say, when I don't need to pick up A, I don't get nearly so stressed out in traffic. Walked for an hour on the treadmill and watched Bates Motel.
Thursday (19,085 steps) - SNOW DAY! I did, however, still have to get up early to go to my 8 am dentist appointment. It's only a few miles from my house, but it took me 45 minutes to drive there. Went home, canceled my lunch barre class and walked on the treadmill and watched Bates Motel. Went to the 4:15 barre class and then headed over to Belmar for a super cold run club.

I walked with Mo and Colfax, and went to Rocko's after for a beer and nachos.
Friday (10,627 steps) - Bah humbug to going back to work. The day went by pretty quick, with a catered lunch from Maggiano's for the receptionist's retirement party. I actually was "fullish" after that, which is hard to do. And I don't even really feel like I overate! After work I headed over to Heather's house for an "adult game night." I hadn't felt in the mood for it, but once I was there it was a blast. We had party food (chips, cheese, dip) and played Cards Against Humanity.
I didn't get out of there until 10 pm! Stayed up another hour and watched more Bates Motel.
Saturday (26,654 steps) - Up early to drive to Runners Roost in Aurora for a the last run of the winter training session with Runners Edge.
The course was a big loop in hilly Parker, and the course was super snowy/icy. I opted to just do the big 7 mile loop. Legs felt ok, other than there being a lot of climbing.

Stayed and had pancakes from Flippin' Flapjacks, chatting with Pete, Alison, Kristin and of course, David. Went home to have lunch, then had to go to the grocery store. Threw some chili in the crock pot and went to pick up A from the airport - quickest trip EVER. From the time I parked to the time I was on the train to the gate? TWELVE MINUTES. I arrived super early, but her plane did land on time and the kids were the first ones off.
Got home, some unpacking, laundry, dinner, in bed early.
Sunday (23,638 steps) - RMRR trophy series 10K.
After breakfast with Maureen, we went home to shower before Stacy came over to help make the medals for the Freeze Your Cookies off races. It was a lot of fun, but REALLY messy.
Finished with just enough time to get to 4:15 barre class. I was STARVING by the time I got home from class - dinner, more laundry and in bed even EARLIER.
Monday (15,718 steps) - CRAZY windy this morning. The wind woke me up at 3:41 (yes, I looked). Since I was awake, I used the bathroom and had yet another bloody nose. Couldn't really fall back asleep, but I had a barre class at 6 anyway. Picked A up at Scouts, went to the grocery store, made dinner, did laundry. In bed early, we were both exhausted.

  • 124,294 steps
  • 15.2 miles run
  • 6 barre classes (January challenge!), lots of walking
  • Current weight ??? - I actually was going to weigh in, but my scale is out of batteries. Maybe I'll change them, maybe I won't.

Monday, January 9, 2017

RMRR Trophy Series - Twin Lakes 10k (Race Recap)

Sunday, January 8
Weather - Chilly, cloudy

A week out from Across the Years and I again decided it was a great idea to run a 10K with Rocky Mountain Road Runners. A was finally back from Texas and Maureen was planning on walking the 5K. A decided she would rather walk with Maureen than run.

With the handicap start, I would be starting 2:50 after the gun. I had the same plan as last year when I ran - start slow, and hopefully not have a terrible time. I was coming off a high mileage weekend and had run a fairly hilly (and icy/snowy) 7 miles the day before with Runners Edge, so my expectations were not very high.

There was only only person starting at my same time:
This cracks me up. We are dressed for two very different forecasts.
I was taking it very easy and caught up to Ang (also walking) pretty early on. I started passing the "faster" walkers around .75 miles in and caught up to A and Maureen around .85 or .9 miles in (they were walking pretty quick!) and A got a few pictures of me from Maureen's phone.

I was perfectly comfortable in my thin long sleeve top and skirt, the only part of me that was cold were my toes! They didn't warm up until probably 2 miles in. I was feeling pretty good on the outbound part of the course, but I remembered from last year that it was a gradual downhill on the way out. I took a very brief walk break after turning around at the only aid station - long enough only to take a drink of nice, cold, ice water.
I continued with the plan to "push through" the tired legs, and it appeared to be working. I did start to have some pain in my right ankle (STILL!) even though I had taped it before the run, but I didn't notice my gait being off and figured I would run through it if I could. I was finally starting to get passed by runners, although I'm pretty happy it didn't happen until the second half of my race!
Remembering how much I struggled once I hit mile 5, I held back a bit and took it super easy on the small underpass hills. Rob passed me around mile 5.5 and his enthusiasm helped me get through my desire to walk. FINALLY, I could see the loop around to the finish. I passed Ang shortly before the bridge and then did my best to hang until I was through the shoot.

Didn't see A and Maureen at the finish, I assumed that was because they were taking Colfax for a walk. Got some pictures with teammates, stuck around for awards (none for me this time!) and then went to Torchy's with A and Maureen. A very fun morning, and INCREDIBLY pleased that I made it through the entire run without a walk break (outside of the aid station).

Of COURSE all the shadows are on MY face
Maureen, A and Ang - mid-race
Garmin time - 1:08:12
Garmin distance - 6.31 miles
Garmin pace - 10:48 (?!?!)
Mile 1 - 11:01
Mile 2 - 10:46
Mile 3 - 10:34
Mile 4 - 10:46
Mile 5 - 10:56
Mile 6 - 10:54
Mile 6.31 - 10:25


  • These races are so fun and so inexpensive! I always have a good time at them - very happy I tried them out last year!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Week in Review (December 27 - January 2)

Tuesday (17,922 steps) - Got up early (feeling like death, btw) so that I could go to work early. With A gone, I can go in earlier, and therefore not have to use as much PTO as I would normally have to. Got to work around 8, went to Laura's barre class at noon - last one of 2016! Initially I had planned on going to Runners Edge speed work at Sloan's Lake, but as the afternoon wore on, I just wasn't feeling it. Stayed late at work and went home instead. Walked for about 45 minutes on the treadmill watching Criminal Minds and also watched two episodes of Conviction.
Wednesday (17,988 steps) - Actually woke up feeling rested. Went to work early again, then went to run club after work. It was a balmy 42 degrees so I didn't have to wear a jacket/vest. I had planned on a "short" run - like a small loop - but then I looked at my run club miles for the year and realized I needed at least 2 to hit 100 miles for the year. I ended up doing 3.1 with Colfax while backtracking trying to find Maureen. Didn't hang out too long because I still had last minute packing to do. Watched an episode of Conviction and sat in the Elevated Legs while eating dinner. Last minute packing/adjustments took until 11:00.
Thursday (13,366 steps) - Across the Years
Friday (110,914 steps) - Across the Years
Saturday (113,727 steps) - Across the Years
Sunday (16,492 steps) - Across the Years.
By the time I got out of the airport it was about 3 pm. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Got home at 4:30ish. Shower, made food, and then binge-watched The OA with the cats.
Didn't go to bed until like 10. Too late!
Monday (16,019 steps) - Managed to stay in bed until like 9. Can't believe I didn't sleep longer.
I think someone missed me!
Did some laundry, cleaned the downstairs bathroom and finished watching The OA. Watched a few episodes of Snapped before heading to barre. Back home and had dinner while watching Snapped. Then walked on the treadmill to get my steps in for the day while watching "From Fat to Finish Line." Watched an episode of Conviction and then went to bed, around 10 again.

  • 306,428 steps
  • 109 miles run
  • 2 barre classes, lots of treadmill walking
  • Current weight ?????? - Maybe I'll never weigh in again!

Across the Years (Race Recap)

Glendale, AZ
Friday, December 30 - Sunday, January 1
Ultra marathon #21
Weather - Pleasant day 1, then #alltherain


In a moment of insanity (and ok, thriftiness) I booked my outbound flight on Frontier. With all the drama over Christmas about people having missed and incredibly delayed flights, I was really stressed out. I was also a bit panicky about the baggage rules. I studied the "personal item" information pretty carefully and decided that I could totally pack everything I needed into that so I wouldn't have to pay for a carry-on. See?


Went to work in the morning. Headed out to the airport around lunch time. The lines at security were not very long and I was at the gate in plenty of time. I was incredibly amazed that the plane was there on time, we boarded on-time and we departed on time. However, it's been a LONG time since I flew Frontier. The seats are completely different. No more TV's on the back. No cushioning and the tiniest "tray tables" ever. I'm a tiny person and I hated this. It was so uncomfortable. However, I only paid $18.10 for the flight, and at least it was short, so there's that. Arrived a few minutes early and took the shuttle to pick up my rental car. Like last year I had to keep checking for a reasonable rate. Knowing I'm only driving about 50 miles total, I hate paying a ton for it, but know I need the heater for nighttime. Not as inexpensive as last year, but booked a piece of crap car (Chevy Spark) for the whole weekend for $83. Again, like last year, I stopped at In-n-Out for dinner, then headed to the local Wal-Mart for dessert (cheesecake) and beer. Arrived at the race and got my tent assignment. It seemed warmer than last year, which was nice. However, unlike last year I didn't have a sleeping bag/pillow. I did have a space blanket, but that didn't seem enough for me to actually fall asleep. So... Groundhog Day, try to sleep in the tiniest/most uncomfortable vehicle ever. Sigh.


Got about 12 minutes of sleep. (Well, maybe an hour here and there, but nothing to brag about). The race was scheduled to start at 9:00. I went to the food tent and got some french toast, part of a quesadilla and coffee. As I was getting dressed, I noticed I already had a small blood blister on one of my toes. Yippee! Went to the medical tent to see if there was anything I could/should do with it, and it was recommended that I leave it alone. Ok then. Picked up my bib, and it's time to go...

We started out running clockwise. Having run the race before, I had no plans of "racing." I took a walk break at least once every loop, hoping to save my legs. Within a few hours, I was already feeling pretty terrible. Back in the beginning of November, I rolled my right ankle and it was screaming at me. I also felt that I was developing blisters on my right pinkie toe and possibly my right heel. So basically, my whole right side was... wrong. I recognized many of the same people from last year, which was fun.

The only food I think I did NOT have.
Storm is rolling in...

What's not really fun? Running around in circles... I know, I know, what was I thinking? Anyway, I was feeling pretty terrible very early on, which doesn't bode well for a very long day. I was super disgruntled to not hit my 50 miles in 12 hours. I was not happy when it started to rain. I was also INCREDIBLY upset when I went to change into my warmer clothes for night and discover that my tent was flooded!! The rain flap wasn't attached on one side and pretty much everything got soaked. DAMN IT!! I had to gather up all my stuff and bring it to the car. I sat in the car for a bit (I think I was at mile 46) to get dry and to try to nap. DID NOT WORK.


Didn't even pretend to try to get any real sleep. Any time I went to the car I would set my alarm for about a half hour. If I was still awake after 10-15 minutes I went back out. It was so muddy from the earlier rain, and my feet were really screaming at me now. I did not do much running. I know in an event like this that even walking and continuing to keep moving makes a huge difference. I really had a pretty terrible night. Unlike last year, however, I didn't have any issues actually being cold when I was out. In fact, one of the only things I brought with me that I never used were my gloves!
By the time the sun came up I was so blah. I decided to start my day off with one of my beers and some pumpkin pie. I walked a LOT. The most interesting part of the day was watching the course get squeegeed!
Yep, this guy is using a squeegee to get standing water/mud off the course!
That helped a lot, and the course did dry out quite a bit. By late afternoon I was at about 83 miles. However, I was moving SO DAMN SLOW. I couldn't even believe how long it was taking me at this point.
There was more rain in the forecast, so I went to the car to change clothes again and hoped for a quick nap before heading out for my second night. The biggest catastrophe of the day was when I headed back out. I got to the timing mat on the opposite side of the course and didn't beep. I looked down and realized I didn't have my chip on. OH NO. A few other runners convinced me it was fine and if I just talked to the timing people they would give me credit for the lap. Got back to the start and they said that was fine. I went back to the car to get my chip and COULD NOT FIND IT. I looked for about 15 minutes - throwing things around - remember, everything I have is now in the car because of the flooded tent. In hysterics, I go to the timing tent and tell them I lost the chip. They get me another one to use and warn me I'll have to pay $75 for the other one if I can't find it. I head back out and I'm looking everywhere... there is only a small section of the course where it COULD be, because I had done only half a loop before realizing it was gone. NOTHING. It was getting dark, so I figured now that I have calmed down a bit that I will go look one more time in the car. I mean really, where could it have gone??? Then I see it. I had put it around the emergency brake, for safe-keeping. Son of a... I turn that timing chip back in and off I go. Geez.
Hooray for pizza!!!! Another few hours and my feet are just pissed. I decide to go for my spare pair in hopes that I feel a little better. Just before 8 pm and I'm finally at mile 90. And then the longest night ever. Because of all the mud and my aching feet, I was barely moving at a 20 minute mile pace. Around 9 and the rain started again. Man, I can't catch a break!! Ugh. Lots of complaining and resting and just suffering to get it done. Right around midnight I headed out for my "last" loop. My "A" goal had been to beat last year, with 116+ miles. I was perfectly ok with stopping at just over 100 miles.

As soon as I finished I sat in the warming tent and chatted with some runners, and apparently, I was also just in time to spectate the "underwear beer mile." LOL. And most of these people had been out running for at LEAST 15 hours at this point. Crazy. Around 1:30 I went to the car to "sleep."


It POURED all night. I was really happy I stopped when I did, because before I even got situated the rain had started. I dozed on and off until maybe 7:30. I decided to go out and do a lap or two since I had time. I was running pretty good the first loop, stopping to take a picture of how badly the course had flooded during the night.
I got halfway through my second loop and it started pouring again. OH COME ON, HAVEN'T WE HAD ENOUGH? So I ended with a total of about 103 miles. Not anywhere close to my goal, but damn it, I fought really hard through this one. I collected my buckle and then headed to the car to pack up all my stuff.
I guess it doesn't look too bad in the picture. But for real, everything I had was on this seat or the floor
At 10 I went over to the awards ceremony. Unlike last year, they only announced top three for each race. As an aside, had I hit my "A" goal, I would have been on the podium. Ah, maybe next year. I already have runnesia.
Goodbye, shoes! 400+ miles and two 100+ miles races later, these guys were TOAST
Miles 1-10 - 12:43, 12:51, 12:10, 12:18, 12:01, 12:01, 11:45, 12:18, 11:59, 12:46
Miles 11-20 - 15:14, 13:50, 12:39, 12:57, 13:17, 13:35, 15:06, 13:05, 13:11, 17:11
Miles 21-30 - 14:18, 15:32, 15:02, 14:41, 14:31, 15:30, 18:04, 14:54, 14:37, 14:49
Miles 31-40 - 14:29, 14:42, 17:28, 15:02, 14:57, 14:49, 16:34, 17:30, 15:35, 14:49
Miles 41-50 - 15:34, 19:12, 17:59, 15:48, 14:39, 59:28, 19:24, 17:22, 19:11, 18:16
Miles 51-60 - 17:51, 18:28, 1:34:01, 18:29, 17:08, 18:07, 19:03, 25:03, 18:53, 18:04
Miles 61-70 - 23:11, 18:57, 20:16, 2:01:42, 22:59, 20:28, 20:03, 20:00, 1:38:10, 17:39
Miles 71-80 - 15:53, 17:43, 20:49, 1:00:57, 21:33, 20:14, 20:04, 19:38, 20:03, 1:25:41
Miles 81-90 - 18:57, 18:36, 19:38, 20:12, 23:01, 49:24, 23:01, 32:14, 27:34, 30:25
Miles 91-100 - 23:00, 43:54, 21:10, 22:51, 28:30, 20:41, 31:31, 24:20, 28:19, 37:03
Miles 100-103ish - 23:32, 25:36, 25:31, 20:16
I did not stop/pause my watch at all while I was running, until I was finished. The incredibly long split times are when I was in the car trying to rest. I do not have any data from  the last two loops I did in the morning, I had forgotten to put my watch back on.

Stopped at In-n-Out on my way to the airport, dropped off the car, and went to the gate. Plane was on time and landed in Denver on time as well. All in all, the travel aspect was uneventful.


  • As I mentioned above, I ran with my Garmin Fenix 3 and it recorded my entire run. I did not have it on ultra mode this time. Once I realized it could be charged on the run, I would wait until the battery got to about 50% (because I'm paranoid), charge it. It worked perfectly.
  • I still have to say that this is one of the most organized events I have ever run. I love that there is an aid station that I can hit every single mile. The food is phenomenal, I never went hungry! I also like that I don't have to actually carry anything on me. 
  • The race did an excellent job again of ensuring the course was well lit at night. And again, having someone out there to squeegee some of the mud/standing water off the course was amazingly awesome. 
  • I actually got another awesome race picture! I haven't bought it yet, but I will. 
  • Bummed to not have hit my goal, but I worked really hard at this race and I know a lot of people modified their goals because of the weather/course conditions.
  • The only problem this year was with the live tracking. Last year it was spot-on, no issues. This year, there were major delays in the timing on the TVs at the start/finish, and they never did get it resolved this year. Not a huge deal, but I really wanted to know where I was at mileage-wise and with that not available, I had to complete another loop to find out.

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...