Friday, November 11, 2016

ERS Ambassador

Months ago I stopped blogging unless it was to recap a race. I'm making an exception to briefly write about my ambassadorship with Endurance Race Series. I was selected for 2016 in January and was able to run the half marathon distance at all races throughout the year. I am overjoyed to have been asked to return as an ambassador for another year. What does this mean for you, my readers? More race recaps and... DISCOUNTS.

The discount I have is posted on my sidebar, but here it is too: WALKER15

What can you use the discount on? Anything:

Whether you want to register for just one race or go for the big one - the season pass, my discount will give you 15% off any listed price.

Let me give you a brief recap of what Endurance Race Series offers:
  • Ten races throughout the year. I have run all except one, the newest addition, Silverthorne (which I'm sure will be gorgeous). 
  • Urban trails and mountain trails. Everything from very beginner friendly to a course that will have you hunched over and humbled.
  • You can register for each race independently.
  • You can register for a front range pass, which will get you into all the urban/local races.
  • Mountain pass, which registers you for some of the most breathtaking courses Colorado can offer.
  • The season pass (in both 10K and half marathon distances) signs you up for ALL TEN. Season pass holders get a ton of EXTRA goodies.
  • Right now, the BEST deal is the pick 6. Just like it sounds, you pick either 6 half marathons or 6 10K's. Any 6. (But it has to be 6). The package is marked down 25% of single race entry prices, and then my discount stacks ON TOP OF THAT. So yeah, you can run 6 10K races $141.69 or 6 half marathons for $256.71 (all fees included). WHAT. That's quite the deal! (Disclaimer: After all races are selected you proceed to a checkout screen where you select your shirt size and you'll need to enter my code for each of the 6 races, but that's worth it to save another 15%, right?)
As far as swag goes, the ERS cannot be beat.
  • Gender specific tech tees.
  • HUGE medals. And speaking of medals, medals for ALL distances - even the 5K!
  • Post-race after party, open until the last finisher crosses. Burgers, snacks and beer (well, at most of the races).
  • Chip timed.
  • Walker friendly (usually with early start options).
I'd love to get the word about - feel free to use my discount code all year long, and share the race schedule. 

Hope to see you there - and feel free to comment or get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns. Happy trails!

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