Thursday, December 24, 2015

Week in Review (December 15 - December 21)

Tuesday (15,659 steps) - Woke up to the news that A had a snow day. Immediately checked the weather hotline at my job and... regular schedule. Darn. Cardio & yoga stretching video and texting a few people to get a sitter for A so I could risk my life and go to work.
While the roads were horrendous, at least most people stayed home (wish I could have) so I was only a few minutes late to work. They did let us leave early as a result of incredibly poor road conditions. Ya think??
Wednesday (15,669 steps) - Did NOT get up and do a video. I was exhausted after dealing with the snow and traffic and snoozed until it was time to get up and go. Left the house allowing 30 minutes to drop A off at school before my dentist appointment. The roads were crap and it took 40 minutes for me to get there. My appointment only took a half hour, and then I was on the road for another hour or so to get to work. I am NEVER going to survive this winter. So awful!!! Left work a few minutes early to pick up A to go to run club. It was a Star Wars theme (which was fun).
We didn't get there in time to do the group run, but there was also a "vertical climb" challenge. It was as awful as it sounds. 5 minutes at 15% incline. The first time around A challenged me. She was able to jog the entire time. I went out too fast and almost died, having to walk the last minute or so. After having some "Nothing Bundt Cake" red velvet, 2 pieces of pizza, a tiny grape nuun-tini and a beer, I decided it was obviously a good idea to try again because it was the only way Heather would do  it. Pretty much covered the same distance, but at least this time I jogged the whole time. After we got home we make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
Thursday (15,803 steps) - There was a HIIT video on schedule. I had zero desire to do HIIT, so I surfed around until I found an upper body video. Ah. Much better. After work I picked up A and we headed down to Belmar for the cookie exchange at the Lakewood Runners Roost. I had almost planned on running, but it was like 10 degrees and we were late anyway. We ate a billion cookies and then went to Rocko's (a delicious Mexican restaurant) for enchiladas and a beer.

What's a group picture without me shoving food in my mouth?
Friday (15,743steps) - I could NOT drag myself out of bed. I did a very short run outside - and I'm glad I did, because I got to see a really gorgeous sunrise.
Seriously, there are no filters used in this picture
After work we headed over to Jessa's house to celebrate Jackson's birthday. Pizza, German chocolate cake, bowling and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer karaoke. So fun!! Only issue was not getting home until midnight. I'm too old for this!

Saturday (20,067 steps) - Christmas Carol 5k.
We went to Qdoba for lunch, and while I took a short nap A made Christmas cards. Then we headed to the airport for her trip to Texas. This is always my least favorite day of the year.
Sunday (27,794 steps) - It was a cold and gloomy morning, but I still went out and ran 10ish miles (after a TON of procrastination).

After I showered I went over to the Arvada Beer Company to sample chili in there cook off. There weren't too many options and after getting creeped out by an older man, I quickly headed home. I met up with my friend Amy for dinner and drinks at Chili's.
Monday (17,560 steps) - ZERO DESIRE TO GET UP AGAIN. I did a short run on the treadmill during lunch. And it was not the most fun. Legs were sadly pretty sore from my "long run." Womp. I hate not being trained. When I got home my friend Les (and his girls) were preparing our bedrooms for ceiling fan installations. I made a quick trip to get pho and then read in the basement until they were done working for the night (which ended up not being until after 8 pm).

  • 128,295 steps
  • 22 miles run
  • No cross training
  • 63 minutes of strength/stretching
Everything Else
  • Nothing new, but I guess I'll pose the question... WHERE DID THIS YEAR GO? Can't believe it's almost 2016!


  1. I would die in that snow and can't believe you actually have to drive in that!!! sounds like y'all have been busy and enjoying the holiday season. hope A is having a good trip!

  2. My kids school had its first snow day in 25 years on Monday... takes a lot to call one in Montana, but we don't usually get the rain that freezes on the roads and then snow on top. My kids did get a day once last year I guess too because the buses wouldn't start as it was too cold. I can't imagine trying to drive somewhere heavily populated when the roads are shitty though either, I wait to get on the interstate sometimes till I see no headlights coming so I don't feel bad about driving like a grandma on the bad roads to work. (I leave early and well its Montana so there just aren't that many people)


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...