Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Carol 5k (Race Recap)

Saturday, December 19
Denver, CO
Weather - chilly, but sunny

We originally registered for the Christmas Carol 5k as our "holiday" race with Heather. She had to go out of town so it was just me and A.

With a 9:00 start, we didn't have to leave the house until about 7:30. We found a parking spot near the high school and walked over to get our bibs. It was incredibly icy on the course and on the sidewalks. Yippee... running/walking while always imagining falling. Sounds fun!!

After picking up our bibs we went back to the car so we could warm back up - it was chillier than we expected! We headed back out to the race with about 15 minutes until the start. We ran into Maureen and Colfax in the bathroom line and we agreed to run together.

Like most races at City Park it was a bit congested at the start, which was FINE since the entire course was a sheet of ice. Maureen and Colfax chose to hold back even more than we did so it was A and I on our own. Neither of us fell, although we both had to stop and tie our shoes.
A just before the aid station at mile 2
As I had hoped, it wasn't nearly as cold as we thought it would be once we got running and I actually took off my gloves because my hands were sweating. We crossed the line of our 5k only moments before the 10k winner. Apparently HE didn't fear for his life, lol.
Thanks to Laurie's boyfriend for this picture heading into the finish
We met up with Maureen and Colfax, and since the weather had warmed up we stood around and chatted for a bit before heading home.

With Maureen and Colfax
With a random INB fan (who told me - I know you! I follow you on Twitter!) at the finish
With fellow INB ambassador Laurie
Garmin time - 35:45
Garmin distance - 3.14 miles
Garmin pace - 11:23
Mile 1 - 11:19
Mile 2 - 11:51
Mile 3 - 11:21
Mile 3.14 - 8:49

  • This was a well-organized race. I didn't take a shirt, and I think I got $5 off my registration for that. 
  • Registering about 6 weeks prior to the event was reasonable - $25
  • There was an unexpected medal at the finish (of course I don't have a picture)
  • Noosa at the finish line is always great, especially when they insist you take more than one!
  • Parking is not too bad, especially if you allow extra time for it.
  • Not specifically related to this event, but running the entire distance with A I can really notice a BIG difference in her running over the last 6 months or so. While she occasionally wants to take walk breaks, there is no more "begrudging" and she seems to be enjoying it more. (And to be fair, why wouldn't she, when she tries, she is faster than I am now).
  • I don't know that I would run this particular race again, but with a 5k and 10k option, it's a good event for mid December.

1 comment:

  1. love! and love that y'all are both decked out in your inknburn- i didn't get to wear mine bc it's 75 in alabama this week!


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