Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week in Review (December 1 - December 7)

Tuesday (12,417 steps) - Back at it. I looked at the wrong video before I went to bed so I was very distraught to see that I had a HIIT video on my schedule. Warm up (this is the REALLY LONG warm up that I find pretty unnecessary), HIIT (for a HIIT video it actually wasn't that bad) and cool down. Super unmotivated the rest of the day.
Wednesday (18,925 steps) - Thankfully a better set of videos (I really DO prefer the strength videos over cardio/HIIT - I just can't seem to stick with a good training plan if I do those exclusively). Warm up, upper body and cool down. I went for a run to City Park during lunch. With temps back in the mid 40's, that means it was tee shirt weather!

It was a bit of a struggle.When we went roller skating last my feet literally slid out from under me and I landed right on my tailbone, which was still sore. I was also sore from the HIIT video I did on Tuesday. Blah. I'm so weak. The best part of the day was that my microwave finally got installed!!! (Although I'll admit that I prefer the taste of my vegetables that are cooked on the stove top).
Thursday (23,683 steps) - Cardio (the first half is blah, I kinda  like the second half) and cool down. Lunch run to City Park - loving this warmer weather!
After dinner we made more Thin Mint mini cheesecakes for our Saturday holiday party. I'm getting a hang of this baking business.
Friday (19,720 steps) - HIIT and lower body strength. This one isn't bad. Well, except for the HIIT. I hate hate HATE broad jumps and star jumps. YUCK. After I picked up A at school we went over to the high school for the "Empty Bowls" program. Kids from around the school district make clay bowls, which people then purchase for $5. Parents and teachers donate crock pots of soup and chili (and there were also food donations from King Soopers - bread and deserts). All proceeds raised are donated to the local food bank. It was actually pretty fun and I enjoyed sampling various soups.
Saturday (23,065 steps) - Up early to go to Runners Roost for the special Runner's Edge "Toys for Tots" run. Instead of paying the nominal drop in fee, we were to bring a toy to donate. Since A and I were both running, I brought three. We chatted with Lisa and Jandy before the run started. They were planning on running 20 (and we were not). The weather was a bit chilly and some of the roads were still icy, but it was a great run with Heather. We ran 5 miles, which is A's longest training run ever! (She has done a 5 mile race, and two 10k's, but otherwise, this was a pretty big deal for her!)

I did not capture the size of the GIANT Santa - it was two stories tall!

We stayed at the store for a bit, socializing, and then we went home for lunch. After lunch I took A to meet her grandma at the Arvada Center to see "White Christmas." In my kid-free time, I drove up to Boulder and went to the Newton store to get the "ugly" socks (that are NOT ugly). I picked up A and then we drove down to a friend's house for yet another holiday party.
Sunday (16,417 steps) - I woke up fairly early (not by choice) and once again, put off my run. I finally headed out around 9 and did a random run to try to find Big Dry Creek trail. Which I did! I can access from two different places (one way from the dirt road by the lake, and the other on the Farmers' High Line canal. This is good information for when I want to do a "long run."
For this day, 5ish was plenty. A made me breakfast, and then we went to our friend's house for a "Pink Papaya" party. I like using the products, I just don't like the price tag attached. Womp. We hit up Chili's for dinner since I still have a gift card I'm trying to finish.
Monday (16,236 steps) - Actually did not get out of bed. I did not sleep well. Again. So I skipped my daily video. Lunch run to City Park again - this time in a tank top and shorts!
And the snow is melted! Practically summer...
It was in the 50's, but overcast, so it was actually perfect weather. We had our weekly dinner of Tokyo Joe's. I decided to do a new Fitness Blender video (that was blissfully short and did not involve HIIT).

  • 130,463 steps
  • 23.1 miles run
  • 63 minutes of cardio/HIIT
  • 68 minutes of strength/stretching
Everything Else
  • Nothing much... it's been a crazy month with tons of activities. Even though I am not racing as much it seems we are cramming more and more into the weekends. I think I am DONE with holiday parties for the year (with the exception of my work party), which means I am DONE with baking mass quantities of things (for now). 
  • Nothing else... 


  1. We've had a really mild winter, too. I kind of want some cold!

  2. Those mint mini cheese cakes look and sound divine. I am loving this warmer weather, it could stay like this all winter and I would be okay with it.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...