Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week in Review (June 10 - June 16)

Tuesday - Run club was hosting a special "Leadville" night and I convinced my dad to bring A to my work so she could go with me. We ran a bit, missing most of the rain. There was pizza, beer, and a panel of past LT100 winners - including Anton Krupicka (swoon). Sadly, we had to leave before it was over, but it was a fun night.
With Laurie, another INB ambassador and her fiancee. She is running going for her TENTH LT100 finish this year.

Wednesday - I got up early and did a 3 mile run around my neighborhood. Which, apparently, is pretty hilly. It already felt VERY hot and humid, even being out at 5:30 in the morning. At night, I went to BodyPump, which was HARD after two weeks of NO strength training. (Let this be a lesson...)
Thursday - Got up VERY early and did a 7 mile run on Clear Creek trail before work. I probably should NOT run alone that early, but it was one of my last chances to get a weekday run in before work, so I did anyway. It was humid and a bit rainy at times. Not the worst ever.
With all the rain we have been having it was a bit muddy
After work I went to REI for yet another attempt at a new watch. I took it out for a quick run in the neighborhood and I think I love it.

Friday - Nada. Pizza.
Saturday - Up early to run on the Apex trail before it got too hot. I was running by just after 6 and it was quiet and peaceful for the first hour or so of my run, as I didn't see anyone else out. By the time I was finishing up, there was a decent number of cyclists, runners and hikers. It felt sweltering hot by the time I got done. Turns out, it was only in the mid 60's. Did a bit of summer clothes shopping for A and then took the kids roller skating.
It's a tad hilly at Apex
Sunday - Up early AGAIN, this time, for volunteering at the Boulder Ironman 70.3. My sister's training group FastForward was manning the first bike aid station. We had to be there by 6:30, and it was about a 45 minute drive from my house. Quick stop at Dunkin for coffee before the drive, which was uneventful. The theme of the aid station was the FUNK Station - and A was thrilled to be able to wear a wig:

This was my first attempt at volunteering on the bike portion. It is INTENSE. The pros don't slow down at all, and if they miss a grab they scream at you. The mid-back of the pack cyclists are super polite and at least slow down for the water and GU/bananas. Pretty stressful.
Team FUNK (from FastForward FB page)
We helped with the clean up and then drove into town for a quick lunch before heading to spectate the run course. We had just missed my sister on the run portion, so we drove around to the finish area to wait for her to finish. She finished in 5:53 (a time she was "meh" about, but under her goal of 6 hours) and then hung out in the finisher area waiting for her friend. I was able to get a free beer (yay!!). We headed to her house so she could shower, and then we went out for dinner and drinks. LONG day.
Monday - CHAOS is back at the gym... I think it had been about a year since they got rid of it, and I was excited to go back. EXCEPT, I seem to be coming down with a cold, so all day long I was debating if I wanted to go or not. I ended up going, and it was INTENSE and fun. Basically, CHAOS is a combination of HIIT, circuit training and weights. An overall great total body workout.

Weekly Miles Run - 21.45 (No treadmill, no races)
Minutes of Cross Training - 60
Minutes of Strength - 60

Weekly Loss - Back where I was 2 weeks ago (121.4)

  • I might as well just put my weight in there. For reference, as long as I have been "tracking," my peak weight was 129.8 last April and my low weight was 111.0 (as recently as October).
  • Again, I'm clearly not TRYING all that hard, but I think my ideal weight is around 115, so we will see if I get there or not.
  • Mostly on track this week. Pizza overdose on Friday night and burger/beers on Sunday were really the only splurges of the week.
  • I'm still tracking during the week, but again, everything falls apart by the weekend. Oh wells.
Everything Else 
  • Still trying the "online dating" thing, although, I guess it's not really dating if no one is interesting and you don't actually go on a date. So, there's that.
  • Work is busy of course. My raise FINALLY went into effect on my last paycheck.
  • I still have heard NOTHING from the person whose car I hit over two weeks ago. No call, no text, nothing from my insurance company. I looked this morning and it has not been fixed (or washed for that matter). I wonder how long I am going to have to wait/wonder if they are going to come after me for money... Stressful.


  1. Hooray for a raise!!

    You're very brave. I don't think I would run those trails alone that early. I am a big baby.

  2. Beautiful photos of your Thursday run!

    I will be interested to see how you like that Garmin, so I hope you eventually do a review of it. I continue to have bad Garmin juju, so I'm trying the TomTom Runner now. Review coming on my blog if it lasts more than a week or two.

  3. I'm going to go ahead and throw this out there...go to church. Find a singles group. It's very effective ;-)
    But then again, I actually met my husband online, not at church! We met on Friendster in the dark ages.

  4. my (now old, sigh) roommate bikes and she's always talking about how "intense" bikers are and they can be annoying to hang out with... naturally i chuckled about your comments. I've been saying this for years, but one of these days i really need to volunteer- such a great way to give back!

  5. Yay for a raise! Hope you are continuing to enjoy your new watch.

  6. doubling up on comments: love that yall volunteer so much and both weekends!! i just think tri people are intense. realllll intense. looking forward to reading the garmin post....


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...