Thursday, June 5, 2014

Week in Review (May 27 - June 2)

I'm writing this a few days late, I barely remember yesterday so it might be short.

Tuesday - Ariel got an award at school. The ceremony was in the morning before school started, so after that was done, I went for a run (on an unscheduled run day) with L. So hot. So hard. She is such a strong runner and I struggle to keep up with her "easy" pace. Short bike ride with A after work AND a new to me arms video.
Her award was for creative writing

Wednesday - Headed to BodyPump for the first time in weeks. This felt REALLY hard. Also, it was A's last day of school. She wore the same outfit that she did on the first day.

Thursday - Have I mentioned that I give up on tempo runs? More than anything, I feel I have lost a lot of endurance, so my goal is to just get some miles in (hopefully between 6 and 8) at a generally faster pace. We will see. Ran 7.1 before work (10:47, 10:39, 10:53, 10:40, 10:46, 10:47, 1.1 @ 10:29). Not even CLOSE to a tempo pace, which should be closer to 10:00. Oh wells.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Turquoise Lake "half marathon." Nephews birthday party of pizza and ice cream cake. Yum.

Sunday - Um. Sitting on the couch? I for real have no recollection of what happened on this day. At night A had her Girl Scout end of year BBQ.

Monday - An uninspired and not so great "speed" workout. 1.1 @ 10:45, 800 @ 9:38, 1 @ 9:57, 800 @ 9:22, 1 @ 9:48, 1.15 @ 11:03. This felt very tough and my success was not quitting, even though my paces weren't that close to where they should be.

Weekly Miles Run - 33.98 (Outside - 6, Racing - 15.63, Treadmill - 12.35)
Weekly Cross Training - A bike ride with A, some "walking"
Minutes of Strength Training - 95 (really slacking on this)

Weekly Loss - 1.4 pounds

  • As usual, the weekends ruin me. I just get so hungry when I am not busy. I need to work on that.
  • To help NOT eat as much junk, I looked up nutritional information of all the things I like to eat when we go out. Um. Yeah. I'll have to remember those numbers.
  • Also, I was mostly on a beer hiatus, only one beer all weekend, that might have helped. 
Everything Else 
  • Nothing, really. 
  • No crazy online dating stories except one guy. He had sent me a general hi message, sorta cute, so I responded. Then he asked if I wanted to go out and I went to read through his profile. Me - "I read through your profile, I'm not 420 friendly. Thanks though." Him - "Wow. Profiled me completely. I'm pretty smart, charming, a loving father (even ask my exwife), funny cause life is what you make of it. I broke my neck in Iraq, I have PTSD, depression. But I smile everyday. Bogo orange julious would've been nice." Me "Um? Your profile specifically says "420 friendly" - how is that me profiling? It's called reading." And for the last TWO DAYS I'm still getting messages. Him "Sorry. I'm just not some loser pot head. I'm a hard working daddy" and "Its just sometimes I get depressed or lonely. It's not something I need." WHAT. I said I wasn't interested, what's with all the extra communication. (All the typos are verbatim, these are exact quotes, lol).
  • Related: Again, I don't think I'm cut out for this. Why are guys so weird an insane? They are either needy and crazy or instantly start out with suggestive and lewd comments. Blech.
  • Work is still really busy.
  • Related - I "hit" a car in the parking lot at work on Monday. My car is fine, but it looked like I damaged the other car a bit. I left a note with my name, insurance card and phone number. DID YOU KNOW NO ONE HAS CALLED ME? What would YOU do? My car has been hit a BILLION times and no one, not even ONE time, has ever left a note. I feel like I would at least call and say "I'm planning on taking it in later" or "thanks for the note" or "I'll let you know" or SOMETHING. I'm dying waiting for this call. I have seen the car every day since and it honestly looks like it might just buff out, so maybe they aren't going to get it fixed at all? It's just weird and STRESSFUL, waiting for the other shoe to drop.


  1. I feel like, at this point, I would try to "rub" it out on your own one morning and call it a day. Maybe it will just disappear!

  2. i think you should have fun with this online dating- if someone writes you a creepy message, be creepy back... try to see all that you can get away with before they pull the plug on you. obviously if you do this you HAVE to blog about the results :)


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...