Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week in Review (Mar 4 - Mar 10)

Tuesday - Got up a bit early to do some Cardio Interval Training. I am SHOCKED at how hard these basic moves feel. At some point, I keep thinking these exercises won't feel AS hard. And yet. It helps that Kelly has trouble with these too, and it's HER video. LOL. While A was reading, I got my 1+ miles out of the way on the basement inferno. After she went to bed I did Upper Body 5x5x5 Pulse Workout and Express 5 Minute Abs Workout Nonstop Abs & Obliques while watching American Horror Story. This season is BIZARRE.
Wednesday - Got up early (after NOT sleeping well) and ran a fairly uncomfortable 3 miles in the basement inferno. Legs just felt sorta tired and the effort seemed HIGH for the slow pace. After work I went to BodyPump with L. Instructor did a bunch of random "old" tracks and I don't feel like I got a very good workout in. I didn't even sweat, which for me is INSANE. Walked on the treadmill in the basement inferno while A did her 20 minutes of reading.

Thursday - SEVEN miles on the treadmill at the gym. SEVEN. And 15 minutes of that was a hill program. I really can't wait to put in some miles outside. With a severe drought in racing, I'm getting pretty sick of the treadmill.

Friday - 1 slowish hot mile in the basement inferno. Fitness Blender "Fast Abs." I am fairly diligent about getting in my weights, but I have been slacking on core. This was crazy hard. I am the weakest.
Saturday - L traveled to the west part of the state to run an inaugural half. Initially, I was going to skip since I was planning on heading to Moab at the end of the month. Well... registration for Moab got too high and I lost my travel partner so I looked into running with L but the race was already almost $100! Long story short, I ended up running my own half marathon... A was still sleeping when I got up and I decided to run in the basement inferno until she got up. Turns out, I got 8 miles in. After a quick run to Dunkin, we went to the gym where I ran the remaining 5.1. I kept the pace EASY and felt great the whole time.

We went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch and spent HOURS looking for a heated blanket. FYI, the only place in metro Denver you can still get one is Kohl's. I had been planning on going to bed EARLY, but then Jessa asked if we wanted to go bowling. We went, and stayed out until MIDNIGHT. The kids had a blast, and I had a great time catching up with Jessa.

Sunday - Partially because we were up so late, and partially because of daylight savings, we didn't roll out of bed until about 10 am. We had made tentative lunch plans with Jessa, but since the temps were finally pushing 70, we wanted to head back over to Lair O' the Bear to get a hike in. The trails were still insanely muddy and icy. We had a great time, and went a bit farther than the last time.
We met Jessa and her son for lunch at Qdoba, and with it being so warm, we took the kids to the park for a few hours. Headed home to put burgers on the Foreman (which were delicious). After dinner, a 3 mile run in the basement inferno and a new upper body video - LONG, and really, not that great of a workout.
Monday - Both my runs on the weekend were slow, so I planned on running a bit faster. AND I DID. I had an amazing 7+ mile long progressive run on the treadmill! Followed at home by this yoga infused stretching video.

Weekly Miles Run - 35.65 (all treadmill)
Weekly Cross Training- 1.1 mile walk and 3 mile hike
Minutes of Strength Training - 182

Weekly Gain - 2.2 pounds
  • Not really a surprise. I was doing fine on watching portion sizes and not eating a ton of sugar during the week. Then Friday hit, and I was the most starving person ever and didn't make the best food choices. Plus, I had a TON of beer.
  • I didn't make anything new this week. A and I did make chocolate chip banana bread, and we devoured that entire loaf in just a few days. And by "we," I really mean, "me."
Everything Else 



  1. As usual, awesome pictures. I love the idea of just doing your own half marathon. (Plus the registration cost is way more reasonable!)

  2. Think how much you saved running your own half - and did it fast, too!

  3. Half Marathon is the race I like the most. Keep running!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...