Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week in Review (Mar 11 - Mar 17)

Tuesday - Got up early to run my mile to try to wake up. SUPER tired. After work, I tried another new butt and thigh tabata video. This was pretty tough, and LONG. First Fitness Blender video I've done with both Kelly and Daniel and they are adorable. Also did lean, toned arms. A did her last "training run" before her big trail race!
Wednesday - I actually went to run club!! I tried the new New Balance Fresh Foam. Kind of an ugly shoe, but pretty comfortable. Had a nice and easy run with Heather, who is finally back from her latest injury.

Thursday - Legs a bit sore after the brutal video I did on Tuesday, but knocked out 3.5 miles on the treadmill, and then tried a new upper body tabata video. Holy billions of reps!!! There wasn't any individual moves that were hard, just the sheer number of them.

Friday - 1 mile in the basement inferno before work.
Saturday - A billion solo miles at the High Line Canal Fat Ass. You can read about it HERE.

After a super quick shower, A and I drove to Denver to meet up with Jessa and friends for her birthday lunch. I had a TON of food as I was starving after my run that morning. We spent about 4 hours downtown and headed home because it was getting dark and cold.
A found a "Beauty and the Beast" ballroom in the Brown Palace, where Jessa had a room for the night
Sunday - Up fairly early for A's first trail race! The Mountain Goat Kid's Trail Series' first race of the season was at Bear Creek State Park, home of the Bear Chase race I've done the last three years. We got there about 45 minutes early, with enough time for pictures, bib decorating and a bathroom stop (for me). My legs were DEAD after my run yesterday, but I ran most of it BEHIND A and took a ton of pictures. The trail was muddier than expected and about half of the way through the 2 mile run, A lost her shoe in the mud, which was a bit upsetting to her. She rocked the end of it (in an effort to beat ME) and said she wants to run the next race in the series.

The afternoon was spent eating cookies, watching tv, and roasting some vegetables. While A was doing her homework, I did the toned, lean arms video and walked a mile on the treadmill. Anyone else watch the Walking Dead? This episode was one of the craziest and most intense EVER. I'm still a little traumatized by it.
Monday - 5k on the treadmill. Legs too tired for anything else.

Weekly Miles Run - 50.2 (8.61 treadmill, 41.59 outside)
Weekly Cross Training - 1 mile walk
Minutes of Strength  - 154 (Not bad since I missed BodyPump this week)

Weekly Gain - 1.2 pounds
  • Maybe my heart just isn't in the #NotEatingAllTheThings Round 2? Last time, this all seemed so easy, and I had losses every week until I hit my goal. I'm at my same post-holiday weight, and while the number doesn't bother me, the jiggle does a bit.
  • Related: I am not eating my best most days, and I can FEEL it. Like yesterday (Monday), one of the attorneys brought in a giant plate of German Chocolate and caramel brownies. I ate like 5 of them over the course of the day. WHY? One would have been fine. But they were there, so I ate them. Stupid.
  • I am REALLY enjoying roasting vegetables. I made a TON of them on Sunday and they should last me all week. they reheat really well!
Everything Else 
  • I didn't do a financial update last month, but I'm plugging away at the budget.
  • I have about 10% of my emergency fund in the bank (not where I would like to be, but I have honestly spent the last 3 years with NOTHING put away, so this is a start).
  • I FINALLY rolled over my IRA from my job that I got laid off from in 2010. Yeah, I know... took me 3.5 years. It was even easier than I imagined. I only was getting statements once a year, so I didn't realize the amount of money I had there.
  • Including today, there are only NINE more days until we move and my boss's "partial retirement" is official. I have located a covered garage fairly close, and while it is about $15 more a month, the raise I got helps with that. I am not looking forward to the additional commute. Will be interesting to see how a one mile move further into the city will take.


  1. That picture of you and A all matchy matchy is adorable. Good for her to run a trail race!

  2. It's great that A is getting into running. I'm gonna sound so old but it's nice to see someone her age interested in more than video games and TV. Well done on getting your emergency fund started. I've been slowly working on mine...even a little adds up :)

  3. Agree with Kim, sweet pictures of you and your little girl.

  4. Congrats to A on her first trail race and to you for running 37 miles, that gave me a double take. I love that your daughter runs, I hope mine likes to run too, so far she does! As always I love your clothes and want them.

  5. A is so gosh darn cute. Love the pic of her in front of the car. Good job on being a great Mom.

  6. A is seriously the cutest. I just love her. I swear, the only reason I have been able to cutoff my sweets was for lent. It's the one time I truly stick to my goals. I was where you are (i literally was eating anything I wanted). I really do feel better without it, but damn, your pics have my mouth watering!!! pizza and sweets!!! i NEED it.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...