Friday, March 7, 2014

The Running Streak and Exercise Addiction

Today was day 119 of what I originally set out to be a 120 day run streak experiment. I have already made the decision to not stop tomorrow.

Basically, I have an addictive personality. In my teens and early twenties smoking and drinking fueled that. As I made the transition to a healthier lifestyle, my obsession turned to running and exercising. I have always maintained what I feel is a good balance.

I am aware that I am heading down a dangerous road, so I am placing some limitations on my "run streak." I am not running an hour a day or anything now, and haven't been over the course of the last 119 days. I plan on continuing with the "rules" to run at least one mile a day. And I plan on at LEAST two of those days be JUST the one mile. Even as a slow runner, a mile takes just 10-11 minutes. If I start to feel any weirdo aches or pains, this will of course be reconsidered.

As for part two, I realize that I'm probably addicted to exercising and also plan on placing a limit on the amount of time I am putting into this. I need to write out a training plan (I really love structure) and follow it.

For ME, this lifestyle is helping to take my mind off my unhappiness. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but it is making me feel better for now, so I'm going to roll with it.


  1. I completely know what you mean about the addictive personality... hello 50 states haha. I wish I could use it to my advantage though to be consistent. Based on your post I'm guessing some people have given you grief about so many days running? I think as long as you aren't "killing" every run, you should be fine. In the famous words of one of my good friends (said in a loud, 'ghetto' voice) "You do you!" its funny in person... apparently not so much typed out

  2. I completely know what you mean about the addictive personality... hello 50 states haha. I wish I could use it to my advantage though to be consistent. Based on your post I'm guessing some people have given you grief about so many days running? I think as long as you aren't "killing" every run, you should be fine. In the famous words of one of my good friends (said in a loud, 'ghetto' voice) "You do you!" its funny in person... apparently not so much typed out

  3. If you feel good and aren't injured, then why not!

  4. Ok, I'm against it! Just because I think that if you cultivates addictions, your tendencies worsen. I don't really think there is anything wrong with running everyday, given the limits you placed on it, I just think that by telling yourself that this addiction is ok, you place yourself at risk: either for other addictive behaviors, or for carrying this one too far.
    That's my preachy two cents ;-)

  5. Hey, running every day is way better than smoking and drinking! So keep running!!

  6. My Coach is on a 20 year 2-mile run streak - he will be 65 this year!

  7. if it's making you happy, DON'T stop. Any of it. Good to put limits maybe, but don't stop.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...